Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 22:59:55 +0000 (22:59 +0000)]
Bug fix: files were not listed correctly, so 'make update-po' was not working.
Also, updated POs.
SVN-Revision: 1913
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 22:31:46 +0000 (22:31 +0000)]
Ooops, forgot to upload the actual Statistics implementation.
SVN-Revision: 1912
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 22:26:23 +0000 (22:26 +0000)]
Implemented a statistics system. I believe this feature was originally requested by Ryan and the aim is to provide more replay value.
Currently, it just keeps track of score. In future, it could keep track of other things like: min number of jumps, max number of enemies killed, min number of shots, min time needed, etc.
When a better value is reached after playing the level again, it is replaced in the old statistics.
Worldmap is the one in charge for saving statistics.
TODO: draw current score and other stats of the current level in world map. I am thinking in drawing it in the Jump'n Bump way, that is using fade on text.
I had to use LispWriter when saving a slot.
SVN-Revision: 1911
Marek Moeckel [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 20:50:02 +0000 (20:50 +0000)]
added extro-bonus.txt to HEAD
added Torfi's last name to level descriptions
SVN-Revision: 1910
Marek Moeckel [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 19:07:31 +0000 (19:07 +0000)]
added lava to level26
SVN-Revision: 1909
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:40:28 +0000 (10:40 +0000)]
When typying 'lifeup' pause is triggered (cause of the last 'p'). Made a work around to fix that.
SVN-Revision: 1908
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:39:32 +0000 (10:39 +0000)]
Mr. Ice Block can now break power up boxes as well as crafts.
SVN-Revision: 1907
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:27:05 +0000 (10:27 +0000)]
Made code using fireworks sound effect.
Also improved Particles: it now has acceleration and knows the difference of X and Y.
SVN-Revision: 1906
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:25:15 +0000 (10:25 +0000)]
Added a fireworks sound effect.
It ain't that good, but it's better to have something for someone to replace than nothing.
SVN-Revision: 1905
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 13 Sep 2004 22:48:50 +0000 (22:48 +0000)]
Added fire works at the end sequence.
To do: add sound and tweak it a bit.
SVN-Revision: 1904
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 13 Sep 2004 22:48:14 +0000 (22:48 +0000)]
Added simple particle system object. I called it Particles cause there is already a ParticleSystem class. Weather would be a better name for that class.
This particle system is just a rip off of one that I did for a game of mine.
I guess that with more customization it would be pretty good.
SVN-Revision: 1903
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 13 Sep 2004 22:45:44 +0000 (22:45 +0000)]
Bug fix: on incencible mode, stars were being drawn even when player was in dying sequence (ie. when fall).
SVN-Revision: 1902
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 13 Sep 2004 18:51:55 +0000 (18:51 +0000)]
Not used anymore. They were moved to lib/gui. Looks like Tobias forgot to remove these.
SVN-Revision: 1901
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 13 Sep 2004 18:50:46 +0000 (18:50 +0000)]
Spawn points should now be working!
SVN-Revision: 1900
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 13 Sep 2004 12:08:40 +0000 (12:08 +0000)]
Moved cheating code, so that it ain't run every cycle, but only when a new key is pressed.
last_keys.clear() shouldn't be needed and would shrink code a lot, but might be better to leave it.
SVN-Revision: 1899
Ricardo Cruz [Sun, 12 Sep 2004 16:11:49 +0000 (16:11 +0000)]
I guess this way is faster.
SVN-Revision: 1898
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 11 Sep 2004 14:48:07 +0000 (14:48 +0000)]
I guess the checking is unnecessary.
SVN-Revision: 1897
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 11 Sep 2004 14:22:01 +0000 (14:22 +0000)]
Implemented a cheating system, mainly for debugging.
It might be a bit ugly and could be faster. Feel free to replace it.
Cheat words are: grow, fire, ice, lifeup, lifedown, invincible.
SVN-Revision: 1896
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 11 Sep 2004 13:32:04 +0000 (13:32 +0000)]
Arms should be drawn above enemies when grabbing.
SVN-Revision: 1895
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 11 Sep 2004 13:31:37 +0000 (13:31 +0000)]
Player should be drawn above enemies.
SVN-Revision: 1894
Ricardo Cruz [Fri, 10 Sep 2004 08:55:49 +0000 (08:55 +0000)]
Give different layers to different body parts.
Bugfix: head not shown when ducking.
SVN-Revision: 1893
Ricardo Cruz [Fri, 10 Sep 2004 08:54:29 +0000 (08:54 +0000)]
Bugfix: when throwing ice block to the left Tux is hurt.
SVN-Revision: 1892
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 21:02:23 +0000 (21:02 +0000)]
Fixed spiky's y-offset, as well as a few of others bad values.
Looks like I mistakely change them when committing flamefish, since I was doing some testing on that version.
SVN-Revision: 1891
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 20:44:32 +0000 (20:44 +0000)]
Bugfix: ice blocks were hurting player when dropped.
SVN-Revision: 1890
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 18:57:05 +0000 (18:57 +0000)]
This should fix the position of ice blocks when hold.
SVN-Revision: 1889
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 18:42:18 +0000 (18:42 +0000)]
Tweaked scores.
SVN-Revision: 1888
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:45:26 +0000 (10:45 +0000)]
Fixed z-order on smalltux grabbing ice block.
SVN-Revision: 1887
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:41:16 +0000 (10:41 +0000)]
Fixed a few mistakes from the sprites files.
SVN-Revision: 1886
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:40:42 +0000 (10:40 +0000)]
Do not free mirror surfaces.
SVN-Revision: 1885
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:40:05 +0000 (10:40 +0000)]
Made a few mistakes with actions names.
SVN-Revision: 1884
Matthias Braun [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:13:52 +0000 (10:13 +0000)]
change bkgd_speed back to old values, if you use levelformat 1 then the speed has to be specified the speed in percent of the player speed, in version2 you have to specify the speed as a multiplier for player speed
SVN-Revision: 1883
Matthias Braun [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:11:56 +0000 (10:11 +0000)]
fix old levels background speed not getting adjusted to new format
SVN-Revision: 1882
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 10:00:00 +0000 (10:00 +0000)]
Implemented mirroring in Sprite, so that now it's possible to adjust left offsets.
SVN-Revision: 1881
Marek Moeckel [Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:43:07 +0000 (09:43 +0000)]
Added a test level that shows several glitches.
See mailing list for more info
SVN-Revision: 1880
Matthias Braun [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 20:21:47 +0000 (20:21 +0000)]
do nto enable debug by default, otherwise we'll forget to disable that before making a release
SVN-Revision: 1879
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 17:40:02 +0000 (17:40 +0000)]
Netsrot patch duplicated an include.
SVN-Revision: 1878
Matthias Braun [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 17:32:32 +0000 (17:32 +0000)]
applied netsrot's patch
SVN-Revision: 1877
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 14:12:48 +0000 (14:12 +0000)]
This should definitively fix frames out of range.
SVN-Revision: 1876
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 13:59:09 +0000 (13:59 +0000)]
This checking is useless. It is done before drawing on update().
SVN-Revision: 1875
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 13:50:36 +0000 (13:50 +0000)]
This should fix animations. (bugs in the line of bomb explosions)
Though, there are still warnings of out of range animations. Would be nice if someone could have a look at this.
SVN-Revision: 1874
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 13:48:41 +0000 (13:48 +0000)]
Removed stupid checking.
SVN-Revision: 1873
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 13:33:30 +0000 (13:33 +0000)]
Fixed small Tux standing images used.
SVN-Revision: 1872
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 11:23:29 +0000 (11:23 +0000)]
Made use of small tux.
Support for null body parts.
SVN-Revision: 1871
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 11:22:32 +0000 (11:22 +0000)]
Added entries for small tux.
SVN-Revision: 1870
Benjamin P. Jung [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 10:44:49 +0000 (10:44 +0000)]
Created a Super Tux Icon file in ICO format (as used by windows platforms).
The ico file contains a 16*16px and a 32*32px version of the original Super Tux icon.
The icon was used using 'icotool' from the 'icoutil' package by Oskar Liljeblad. (See http://www.student.lu.se/~nbi98oli/icoutils.html)
SVN-Revision: 1869
Benjamin P. Jung [Wed, 8 Sep 2004 10:00:53 +0000 (10:00 +0000)]
Added split-up body parts of the small Super Tux character. They have a size of 48*48px each as it was the easiest way 'ter do them.
Some parts might still be missing (e.g. arms-skid+grab and arms-jump+grab).
SVN-Revision: 1868
Ricardo Cruz [Sun, 5 Sep 2004 09:27:24 +0000 (09:27 +0000)]
Fixed application of a color mask.
If anyone wants to code a less expensive function, feel free to do so.
SVN-Revision: 1867
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 21:16:40 +0000 (21:16 +0000)]
Added the ducking entries for Benjamin's duck Tux body parts.
SVN-Revision: 1866
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 21:16:05 +0000 (21:16 +0000)]
Added grabbing while ducking.
SVN-Revision: 1865
Benjamin P. Jung [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 16:22:58 +0000 (16:22 +0000)]
Changed the Super Tux icons. They no longer show the small tux character with way too big eyes but instead the original small Super Tux character from within the game.
I also increased the size of the PNG image icon from 44*44 to 48*48px (standard icon size for big GNOME/KDE panels afaik)
SVN-Revision: 1864
Benjamin P. Jung [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 16:03:54 +0000 (16:03 +0000)]
Updated the image as it contained some pixels that were 'not ment to be'.
SVN-Revision: 1863
Benjamin P. Jung [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 15:59:10 +0000 (15:59 +0000)]
- Added images for ducking big Super Tux.
SVN-Revision: 1862
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 14:58:54 +0000 (14:58 +0000)]
Fixed Tux Y-offset, according to Benjamin's position.
SVN-Revision: 1861
Benjamin P. Jung [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 14:40:02 +0000 (14:40 +0000)]
- Added colorized versions of the 'new' extended font which features Latin Extended-A characters.
SVN-Revision: 1860
Benjamin P. Jung [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 14:28:13 +0000 (14:28 +0000)]
- Added Latin Extended-A characters to all the white letters (U+0100 to U+017F).
- Small white letters (white-small.png) now support Latin1 + Latin Ext.-A. The old 'ATARI-like' letters are no longer used for the small font but instead a modified version of the big font is being used.
- Guillemets (right & left) are a bit smaller now (someone did complain that they were wrong otherwise)
SVN-Revision: 1859
Benjamin P. Jung [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 14:00:56 +0000 (14:00 +0000)]
- Fixed a typo (this -> these)
- Content now fits nicely into a 80 characters wide window.
SVN-Revision: 1858
Benjamin P. Jung [Sat, 4 Sep 2004 13:53:44 +0000 (13:53 +0000)]
Added german translations to the Supertux Desktop Entry file
Lines 'Name[de]=(...)' & 'Comment[de]=(...)' have been inserted.
SVN-Revision: 1857
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 1 Sep 2004 11:40:27 +0000 (11:40 +0000)]
Added alpha transparency rather than a black background by Daniel Alston!
SVN-Revision: 1856
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 30 Aug 2004 19:11:14 +0000 (19:11 +0000)]
Added flame fish.
SVN-Revision: 1855
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 30 Aug 2004 19:10:47 +0000 (19:10 +0000)]
Added images to strf file.
SVN-Revision: 1854
Ricardo Cruz [Mon, 30 Aug 2004 19:09:37 +0000 (19:09 +0000)]
Added red fish images.
Artists: replace this by a boned one.
SVN-Revision: 1853
Ricardo Cruz [Sun, 29 Aug 2004 17:29:32 +0000 (17:29 +0000)]
Ice fire destroys flame.
SVN-Revision: 1852
Ricardo Cruz [Fri, 27 Aug 2004 20:34:56 +0000 (20:34 +0000)]
Apply filter mask.
TODO: make it working over the other rather than a colorization.
SVN-Revision: 1850
Ricardo Cruz [Fri, 27 Aug 2004 20:34:01 +0000 (20:34 +0000)]
Added a mask to be applied to a sprite.
TODO: put that inside a filter.
SVN-Revision: 1849
Ricardo Cruz [Fri, 27 Aug 2004 11:20:27 +0000 (11:20 +0000)]
Added z order support and draw_part().
SVN-Revision: 1848
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 26 Aug 2004 23:05:52 +0000 (23:05 +0000)]
This file a list of the different special tiles.
SVN-Revision: 1847
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 26 Aug 2004 23:05:03 +0000 (23:05 +0000)]
Updated code to support new stuff from 0.1.2.
SVN-Revision: 1846
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 26 Aug 2004 23:04:12 +0000 (23:04 +0000)]
Updated bonus world from 0.1.2.
Changed syntax.
SVN-Revision: 1845
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 26 Aug 2004 22:59:22 +0000 (22:59 +0000)]
Updated bonus levels from 0.1.2.
SVN-Revision: 1844
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 26 Aug 2004 22:57:58 +0000 (22:57 +0000)]
Added warp sound.
SVN-Revision: 1843
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 26 Aug 2004 22:57:13 +0000 (22:57 +0000)]
Added missing worldmap images existent in 0.1.2.
SVN-Revision: 1842
Ryan Flegel [Wed, 25 Aug 2004 22:16:33 +0000 (22:16 +0000)]
- file has been renamed
SVN-Revision: 1832
Ryan Flegel [Wed, 25 Aug 2004 05:47:57 +0000 (05:47 +0000)]
- some indentation
- my contribution for the month :)
SVN-Revision: 1831
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 21 Aug 2004 13:09:52 +0000 (13:09 +0000)]
Renamed code variables, as well.
SVN-Revision: 1824
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:47:07 +0000 (11:47 +0000)]
Changed hotspot keyword by offset, as asked by Benjamin.
SVN-Revision: 1823
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:45:20 +0000 (11:45 +0000)]
Changed the background format.
SVN-Revision: 1822
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:44:42 +0000 (11:44 +0000)]
Changed the background feeding format for the new level format.
Instead of: (top_red 255) (top_green 60) (top_blue 10)
It'd be: (top_color 255 60 10)
SVN-Revision: 1821
Ricardo Cruz [Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:39:59 +0000 (11:39 +0000)]
Allow creation of a Color object feeding with a vector of Uints.
SVN-Revision: 1820
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:05:32 +0000 (11:05 +0000)]
Only use one type of actions for both directions.
SVN-Revision: 1819
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:04:45 +0000 (11:04 +0000)]
Renamed actions.
SVN-Revision: 1818
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:04:13 +0000 (11:04 +0000)]
Renamed images.
SVN-Revision: 1817
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:01:46 +0000 (11:01 +0000)]
Added horizontal flip effect, as well as both horizontal and vertical together.
SVN-Revision: 1816
Ricardo Cruz [Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:00:53 +0000 (11:00 +0000)]
Added message when no action is found.
SVN-Revision: 1815
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 21:36:00 +0000 (21:36 +0000)]
Forward bug fix port to HEAD.
Bug reported by Seneca.
SVN-Revision: 1813
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 18:27:32 +0000 (18:27 +0000)]
Made draw() func on Player more sane.
Bugfix: blink Tux on safe time.
SVN-Revision: 1811
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 18:26:40 +0000 (18:26 +0000)]
Round frame on checking for last frame, so that the last frame is used.
SVN-Revision: 1810
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 11:04:06 +0000 (11:04 +0000)]
A few more tiles for World 1 by Demon Night!
SVN-Revision: 1809
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:44:15 +0000 (10:44 +0000)]
Added menu bugs.
SVN-Revision: 1808
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:38:10 +0000 (10:38 +0000)]
Just got rid of the damn reference.
Can anyone fix this hack with horizontal lines, titles...?
Maybe we should just replace this code by the old one.
SVN-Revision: 1807
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:32:26 +0000 (10:32 +0000)]
SVN-Revision: 1806
Ricardo Cruz [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:31:49 +0000 (10:31 +0000)]
Idle change.
SVN-Revision: 1805
Ryan Flegel [Wed, 18 Aug 2004 00:11:22 +0000 (00:11 +0000)]
- removing generated file
SVN-Revision: 1804
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 23:23:11 +0000 (23:23 +0000)]
Changed next action behavior.
SVN-Revision: 1803
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 23:06:27 +0000 (23:06 +0000)]
Added more animations.
Didn't manage to put idle one working.
SVN-Revision: 1802
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 23:05:25 +0000 (23:05 +0000)]
Added a few more animations.
SVN-Revision: 1801
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 23:04:54 +0000 (23:04 +0000)]
Renaming images.
SVN-Revision: 1800
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 23:01:58 +0000 (23:01 +0000)]
Added next action to sprite.
SVN-Revision: 1799
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 22:01:20 +0000 (22:01 +0000)]
Renaming images.
SVN-Revision: 1798
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 22:01:20 +0000 (22:01 +0000)]
Renaming images.
SVN-Revision: 1797
Ricardo Cruz [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 21:54:22 +0000 (21:54 +0000)]
Separated body parts!
SVN-Revision: 1796