Pierre-Yves Ritschard <pyr at spootnik.org>
- Write-Riemann plugin.
- Write-Graphite plugin: Notification support.
+ - Write-Kafka plugin.
+ - Log-Logstash plugin.
+ - Normalization in the CPU plugin.
+ - Relative values in the Load plugin.
Piotr Hosowicz <the55 at wp.pl>
- SMF manifest for collectd.
requests. The transmitted data is either in a form understood by the
Exec plugin or formatted in JSON.
+ - write_kafka
+ Sends data to Apache Kafka, a distributed queue.
- write_mongodb
Sends data to MongoDB, a NoSQL database.
Used by the AMQP plugin for AMQP connections, for example to RabbitMQ.
+ * librdkafka (optional; also called “rdkafka”)
+ Used by the Kafka plugin for producing.
+ <https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka>
* librouteros (optional)
Used by the `routeros' plugin to connect to a device running `RouterOS'.