set curview -1
catch {unset viewdata($n)}
parse_args $revtreeargs
+ readrefs
showview $n
proc makewindow {} {
- global canv canv2 canv3 linespc charspc ctext cflist textfont mainfont uifont
+ global canv canv2 canv3 linespc charspc ctext cflist
+ global textfont mainfont uifont
global findtype findtypemenu findloc findstring fstring geometry
global entries sha1entry sha1string sha1but
global maincursor textcursor curtextcursor
.bar add cascade -label "Edit" -menu .bar.edit
.bar.edit add command -label "Preferences" -command doprefs
.bar.edit configure -font $uifont
- menu .bar.view
+ menu .bar.view -font $uifont
.bar add cascade -label "View" -menu .bar.view
.bar.view add command -label "New view..." -command newview
.bar.view add command -label "Delete view" -command delview -state disabled
+ normalline
if {$curview >= 0 && $phase eq {} && ![info exists viewdata($curview)]} {
set viewdata($curview) \
catch {unset matchinglines}
catch {unset treediffs}
- readrefs
set curview $n
.bar.view entryconf 2 -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
proc showstuff {canshow} {
- global numcommits commitrow pending_select
+ global numcommits commitrow pending_select selectedline
global linesegends idrowranges idrangedrawn
if {$numcommits == 0} {
$commitrow($pending_select) < $numcommits} {
selectline $commitrow($pending_select) 1
+ if {![info exists selectedline] && ![info exists pending_select]} {
+ selectline 0 1
+ }
proc layoutrows {row endrow last} {
proc finishcommits {} {
global commitidx phase
global canv mainfont ctext maincursor textcursor
- global findinprogress
+ global findinprogress pending_select
if {$commitidx > 0} {
settextcursor $textcursor
set phase {}
+ catch {unset pending_select}
# Don't change the text pane cursor if it is currently the hand cursor,
global startmsecs
global canvy0 numcommits linespc
global rowlaidout commitidx
+ global pending_select
set row $rowlaidout
layoutrows $rowlaidout $commitidx 1
optimize_rows $row 0 $commitidx
showstuff $commitidx
+ if {[info exists pending_select]} {
+ selectline 0 1
+ }
set drawmsecs [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $startmsecs}]
#puts "overall $drawmsecs ms for $numcommits commits"