--- /dev/null
+%define name collectd
+%define version 4.10.1
+%define release 1
+Name: %{name}
+Summary: Statistics collection daemon for filling RRD files.
+Version: %{version}
+Release: %{release}
+#Source: http://collectd.org/files/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+Group: System Environment/Daemons
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-buildroot
+License: GPL
+BuildPrereq: rrdtool-devel,net-snmp-devel
+Requires: rrdtool,net-snmp
+Packager: Aurelien Reynaud <collectd@wattapower.net>
+Vendor: collectd development team <collectd@verplant.org>
+collectd is a small daemon which collects system information periodically and
+provides mechanisms to monitor and store the values in a variety of ways. It
+is written in C for performance. Since the daemon doesn't need to startup
+every time it wants to update the values it's very fast and easy on the
+system. Also, the statistics are very fine grained since the files are updated
+every 10 seconds.
+# The RM variable in the RPM environment conflicts with that of the build environment,
+# at least when building on AIX 6.1. This is definitely a bug in one of the tools but
+# for now we work around it by unsetting the variable below.
+[ -n "$RM" ] && unset RM
+./configure LDFLAGS="-Wl,-brtl" --prefix=/opt/freeware --mandir=/opt/freeware/man --disable-dns --with-libnetsnmp=/opt/freeware/bin/net-snmp-config
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_localstatedir}/run
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d
+cp contrib/aix/init.d-collectd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/collectd
+[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
+%config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,system) %{_sysconfdir}/collectd.conf
+%attr(0755,root,system) /etc/rc.d/init.d/collectd
+%attr(0755,root,system) %{_sbindir}/collectd
+%attr(0755,root,system) %{_bindir}/collectd-nagios
+%attr(0755,root,system) %{_sbindir}/collectdmon
+%attr(0644,root,system) %{_mandir}/man1/*
+%attr(0644,root,system) %{_mandir}/man5/*
+# client
+%attr(0644,root,system) %{_includedir}/%{name}/client.h
+%attr(0644,root,system) %{_includedir}/%{name}/lcc_features.h
+%attr(0644,root,system) %{_libdir}/libcollectdclient.*
+%attr(0644,root,system) %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libcollectdclient.pc
+%attr(0444,root,system) %{_libdir}/%{name}/*.so
+%attr(0444,root,system) %{_libdir}/%{name}/*.a
+%attr(0444,root,system) %{_libdir}/%{name}/*.la
+%attr(0644,root,system) %{_datadir}/%{name}/types.db
+%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
+%dir %{_localstatedir}/run
--- /dev/null
+# description: collectd startup script
+# March 2010, Aurelien Reynaud <collectd@wattapower.net>
+# Some plugins need libs in non-standard paths
+case `uname` in
+ SunOS)
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/ssl/lib"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+# Set umask
+umask 022
+# Check for missing binaries (stale symlinks should not happen)
+if [ ! -x $COLLECTD_BIN ]; then
+ echo "$COLLECTD_BIN not installed"
+ [ "$1" = "stop" ] && exit 0
+ exit 5
+# Check for existence of needed config file and read it
+if [ ! -r $COLLECTD_CONFIG ]; then
+ echo "$COLLECTD_CONFIG not existing"
+ [ "$1" = "stop" ] && exit 0
+ exit 6
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ if [ -r $PIDFILE ]; then
+ echo "collectd daemon is already running with PID `cat $PIDFILE`."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Starting collectd..."
+ ## Start daemon
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ echo "Shutting down collectd daemon... "
+ ## Stop daemon.
+ if [ -r $PIDFILE ]; then
+ pid=`cat $PIDFILE`
+ kill -15 $pid
+ while ps -p $pid >/dev/null; do
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ rm -f $PIDFILE
+ fi
+ ;;
+ status)
+ if [ -r $PIDFILE ]; then
+ echo "collectd daemon is running with PID `cat $PIDFILE`."
+ else
+ echo "collectd daemon is not running."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ ## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was
+ ## running or not, start it again.
+ $0 stop
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;