%{?el6:%global _has_working_libiptc 1}
%{?el6:%global _has_ip_vs_h 1}
%{?el6:%global _has_libmodbus 1}
+%{?el6:%global _has_iproute 1}
%{?el7:%global _has_libyajl 1}
%{?el7:%global _has_recent_libpcap 1}
%{?el7:%global _has_recent_librrd 1}
%{?el7:%global _has_varnish4 1}
%{?el7:%global _has_broken_libmemcached 1}
+%{?el7:%global _has_iproute 1}
# plugins enabled by default
%define with_aggregation 0%{!?_without_aggregation:1}
%define with_multimeter 0%{!?_without_multimeter:1}
%define with_modbus 0%{!?_without_modbus:0%{?_has_libmodbus}}
%define with_mysql 0%{!?_without_mysql:1}
+%define with_netlink 0%{!?_without_netlink:0%{?_has_iproute}}
%define with_network 0%{!?_without_network:1}
%define with_nfs 0%{!?_without_nfs:1}
%define with_nginx 0%{!?_without_nginx:1}
%define with_lpar 0%{!?_without_lpar:0}
# plugin netapp disabled, requires libnetapp
%define with_netapp 0%{!?_without_netapp:0}
-# plugin netlink disabled, requires libnetlink.h
-%define with_netlink 0%{!?_without_netlink:0}
# plugin onewire disabled, requires libowfs
%define with_onewire 0%{!?_without_onewire:0}
# plugin oracle disabled, requires Oracle
handlers and database traffic.
+%if %{with_netlink}
+%package netlink
+Summary: netlink plugin for collectd
+Group: System Environment/Daemons
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+BuildRequires: iproute-devel
+%description netlink
+The netlink plugin collects detailed network interface and routing statistics.
%if %{with_nginx}
%package nginx
Summary: Nginx plugin for collectd
+%if %{with_netlink}
+%files netlink
%if %{with_nginx}
%files nginx
- Removed duplicate --enable-aggregation
- Added some comments & usage examples
- Replaced a couple of "Buildrequires" by "BuildRequires"
-- Enabled modbus plugin
+- Enabled modbus plugin on RHEL6
+- Enabled netlink plugin on RHEL6 and RHEL7
- Allow perl plugin to build on RHEL5
- Add support for RHEL7