%{?el7:%global _has_varnish4 1}
%{?el7:%global _has_iproute 1}
%{?el7:%global _has_libmodbus 1}
+%{?el7:%global _has_xmms 1}
# plugins enabled by default
%define with_aggregation 0%{!?_without_aggregation:1}
%define with_write_graphite 0%{!?_without_write_graphite:1}
%define with_write_http 0%{!?_without_write_http:1}
%define with_write_riemann 0%{!?_without_write_riemann:1}
+%define with_xmms 0%{!?_without_xmms:0%{!?_has_xmms:1}}
# Plugins not built by default because of dependencies on libraries not
# available in RHEL or EPEL:
%define with_write_mongodb 0%{!?_without_write_mongodb:0}
# plugin write_redis disabled, requires credis
%define with_write_redis 0%{!?_without_write_redis:0}
-# plugin xmms disabled, requires xmms
-%define with_xmms 0%{!?_without_xmms:0}
# plugin zfs_arc disabled, requires FreeBSD/Solaris
%define with_zfs_arc 0%{!?_without_zfs_arc:0}
The riemann plugin submits values to Riemann, an event stream processor.
+%if %{with_xmms}
+%package xmms
+Summary: XMMS plugin for collectd
+Group: System Environment/Daemons
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+BuildRequires: xmms-devel
+%description xmms
+The xmms plugin collects information from the XMMS music player.
%package collection3
Summary: Web-based viewer for collectd
Group: System Environment/Daemons
+%if %{with_xmms}
+%files xmms
%files collection3