- unsigned int id;
struct ImageSpec {
ImageSpec(const std::string& newfile, const Rect& newrect)
: file(newfile), rect(newrect)
std::string file;
Rect rect;
+ unsigned int id;
std::vector<ImageSpec> imagespecs;
std::vector<Surface*> images;
friend class TileManager;
+ Tile(unsigned int id, Uint32 attributes, const ImageSpec& imagespec);
void load_images(const std::string& tilesetpath);
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
+#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include "video/drawing_context.hpp"
tiles[tile->id] = tile;
} else if(iter.item() == "tilegroup") {
- TileGroup tilegroup;
- const lisp::Lisp* tilegroup_lisp = iter.lisp();
- tilegroup_lisp->get("name",;
- tilegroup_lisp->get_vector("tiles", tilegroup.tiles);
- tilegroups.insert(tilegroup);
+ TileGroup tilegroup;
+ const lisp::Lisp* tilegroup_lisp = iter.lisp();
+ tilegroup_lisp->get("name",;
+ tilegroup_lisp->get_vector("tiles", tilegroup.tiles);
+ tilegroups.insert(tilegroup);
+ } else if (iter.item() == "tiles") {
+ // List of ids (use 0 if the tile should be ignored)
+ std::vector<unsigned int> ids;
+ // List of attributes of the tile
+ std::vector<unsigned int> attributes;
+ std::string image;
+ // width and height of the image in tile units, this is used for two
+ // purposes:
+ // a) so we don't have to load the image here to know its dimensions
+ // b) so that the resulting 'tiles' entry is more robust,
+ // ie. enlarging the image won't break the tile id mapping
+ // FIXME: height is actually not used, since width might be enough for
+ // all purposes, still feels somewhat more natural this way
+ unsigned int width = 0;
+ unsigned int height = 0;
+ iter.lisp()->get_vector("ids", ids);
+ iter.lisp()->get_vector("attributes", attributes);
+ iter.lisp()->get("image", image);
+ iter.lisp()->get("width", width);
+ iter.lisp()->get("height", height);
+ if (ids.size() != attributes.size())
+ {
+ std::ostringstream err;
+ err << "Number of ids (" << ids.size() << ") and attributes (" << attributes.size()
+ << ") missmatch for image '" << image << "', but must be equal";
+ throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
+ }
+ for(std::vector<unsigned int>::size_type i = 0; i < ids.size() && i < width*height; ++i)
+ {
+ if (ids[i])
+ {
+ if(ids[i] >= tiles.size())
+ tiles.resize(ids[i]+1, 0);
+ int x = 32*(i % width);
+ int y = 32*(i / width);
+ Tile* tile = new Tile(ids[i], attributes[i], Tile::ImageSpec(image, Rect(x, y, x + 32, y + 32)));
+ tiles[ids[i]] = tile;
+ }
+ }
} else if(iter.item() == "properties") {
// deprecated
} else {