=item configuration functions
-This type of functions is called during configuration if an appropriate
+These are called during configuration if an appropriate
B<Module> block has been encountered. It is called once for each B<Module>
block which matches the name of the callback as provided with the
B<register_config> method - see below.
=item init functions
-This type of functions is called once after loading the module and before any
+These are called once after loading the module and before any
calls to the read and write functions. It should be used to initialize the
internal state of the plugin (e.E<nbsp>g. open sockets, ...). This is the
earliest point where you may use threads.
=item read functions
-This type of function is used to collect the actual data. It is called once
+These are used to collect the actual data. It is called once
per interval (see the B<Interval> configuration option of collectd). Usually
it will call B<plugin_dispatch_values> to dispatch the values to collectd
which will pass them on to all registered B<write functions>. If this function
=item write functions
-This type of function is used to write the dispatched values. It is called
+These are used to write the dispatched values. It is called
once for every value that was dispatched by any plugin.
=item flush functions
-This type of function is used to flush internal caches of plugins. It is
+These are used to flush internal caches of plugins. It is
usually triggered by the user only. Any plugin which caches data before
writing it to disk should provide this kind of callback function.
=item log functions
-This type of function is used to pass messages of plugins or the daemon itself
+These are used to pass messages of plugins or the daemon itself
to the user.
=item notification function
-This type of function is used to act upon notifications. In general, a
+These are used to act upon notifications. In general, a
notification is a status message that may be associated with a data instance.
Usually, a notification is generated by the daemon if a configured threshold
has been exceeded (see the section "THRESHOLD CONFIGURATION" in