menu, wait a bit, leave menu, Tux will 'flip' to the ground,
instead of fall, pause mode doesn't seem to have this problem, only
-[L] titlescreen level doesn't seamlessly wrap around, might be due to the new
- scrolling code or due to the worldmap doing the drawing
[L] Backscroll is really messed up right now :)
[L] change lispreader to throw exceptions instead of simply assert() on
syntax error
- tux can be killed by back bouncing iceblocks in the exit sequence
(all enemies should be removed/turned to coins once the exit
sequence started) - fixed
-- leveleditor crashs when pressing the button with the levelsettings - fixed
\ No newline at end of file
+- leveleditor crashs when pressing the button with the levelsettings - fixed
+- titlescreen level doesn't seamlessly wrap around, might be due to the new
+ scrolling code or due to the worldmap doing the drawing - fixed
\ No newline at end of file