if (tm == NULL)
ERROR ("tail plugin: tail_match_create (%s) failed.",
- ci->values[0].value.string);
+ ci->values[0].value.string);
return (-1);
status = ctail_config_add_match (tm, plugin_instance, option);
if (status == 0)
- num_matches++;
+ num_matches++;
/* Be mild with failed matches.. */
status = 0;
} /* for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) */
+ sfree (plugin_instance);
if (num_matches == 0)
ERROR ("tail plugin: No (valid) matches found for file `%s'.",
- ci->values[0].value.string);
+ ci->values[0].value.string);
tail_match_destroy (tm);
return (-1);
cu_tail_match_t **temp;
temp = (cu_tail_match_t **) realloc (tail_match_list,
- sizeof (cu_tail_match_t *) * (tail_match_list_num + 1));
+ sizeof (cu_tail_match_t *) * (tail_match_list_num + 1));
if (temp == NULL)
ERROR ("tail plugin: realloc failed.");