set_opt_send_qos (optarg);
- case 'Z':
+ case 'Z':
char *endptr = NULL;
double tmp;
errno = 0;
tmp = strtod (optarg, &endptr);
- if ((errno != 0) || (endptr == NULL) || (*endptr != 0))
- fprintf (stderr, "The \"-Z\" option requires a numeric argument.\n");
- else if ((tmp >= 0.0) && (tmp <= 100.0))
- opt_exit_status_threshold = tmp / 100.0;
+ if ((errno != 0) || (endptr == NULL) || (*endptr != 0) || (tmp < 0.0) || (tmp > 100.0))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Ignoring invalid -Z argument: %s\n", optarg);
+ fprintf (stderr, "The \"-Z\" option requires a numeric argument between 0 and 100.\n");
+ }
- fprintf (stderr, "The argument of the \"-Z\" option must be between 0 and 100.\n");
+ opt_exit_status_threshold = tmp / 100.0;
average = context_get_average (ctx);
deviation = context_get_stddev (ctx);
mvwprintw (ctx->window, /* y = */ 2, /* x = */ 2,
"rtt min/avg/max/sdev = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms",
} /* }}} void update_host_hook */
-/* returns the number of significant failures: sum over hosts of
- unreturned packets exceeding 50% of the number sent, rounding up. */
+/* Returns the number of hosts which failed to return more than the
+ fraction opt_exit_status_threshold of pings */
static int post_loop_hook (pingobj_t *ping) /* {{{ */
pingobj_iter_t *iter;
- /* failures to report: sum over hosts of number of failed
- returns above 50% */
int failure_count = 0;
ping_destroy (ping);
if (status)
- return (EXIT_FAILURE + status);
+ return (EXIT_FAILURE + status);
- return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
+ return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
} /* }}} int main */
/* vim: set fdm=marker : */