Console::registerCommand(consoleCommands[i], this);
+ statistics_backdrop = new Surface("images/engine/menu/score-backdrop.png");
Console::unregisterCommand(consoleCommands[i], this);
+ delete statistics_backdrop;
current_ = NULL;
/* End of level? */
if(end_sequence && endsequence_timer.check()) {
- // add time spent to statistics
- int tottime = 0, remtime = 0;
- for(std::vector<Sector*>::iterator i = level->sectors.begin(); i != level->sectors.end(); ++i)
- {
- Sector* sec = *i;
- for(std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator j = sec->gameobjects.begin();
- j != sec->gameobjects.end(); ++j)
- {
- GameObject* obj = *j;
- LevelTime* lt = dynamic_cast<LevelTime*> (obj);
- if(lt)
- {
- tottime += int(lt->get_level_time());
- remtime += int(lt->get_remaining_time());
- }
- }
- }
- global_stats.set_points(TIME_NEEDED_STAT, (tottime == 0 ? -1 : (tottime-remtime)));
} else if (!end_sequence && tux->is_dead()) {
if (player_status->coins < 0) {
+ // add time spent to statistics
+ int tottime = 0, remtime = 0;
+ for(std::vector<Sector*>::iterator i = level->sectors.begin(); i != level->sectors.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ Sector* sec = *i;
+ for(std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator j = sec->gameobjects.begin();
+ j != sec->gameobjects.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ GameObject* obj = *j;
+ LevelTime* lt = dynamic_cast<LevelTime*> (obj);
+ if(lt)
+ {
+ tottime += int(lt->get_level_time());
+ remtime += int(lt->get_remaining_time());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ global_stats.set_points(TIME_NEEDED_STAT, (tottime == 0 ? -1 : (tottime-remtime)));
if(sequencename == "fireworks") {
currentsector->add_object(new Fireworks());
context.draw_text(white_text, fpstext, Vector(SCREEN_WIDTH - white_text->get_text_width(fpstext) - gold_text->get_text_width(" 99999") - BORDER_X, BORDER_Y + 20), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_FOREGROUND1);
context.draw_text(gold_text, str, Vector(SCREEN_WIDTH - BORDER_X, BORDER_Y + 20), RIGHT_ALLIGN, LAYER_FOREGROUND1);
+ // draw level stats while end_sequence is running
+ if (end_sequence) {
+ global_stats.draw_endseq_panel(context, best_level_statistics, statistics_backdrop);
+ }
+Statistics::draw_endseq_panel(DrawingContext& context, Statistics* best_stats, Surface* backdrop)
+ // abort if statistics are not yet initialized
+ if(stats[COINS_COLLECTED_STAT][SPLAYER] == -1) return;
+ // abort if we have no backdrop
+ if (!backdrop) return;
+ int box_w = 130+130+130;
+ int box_h = 30+20+20+20;
+ int box_x = (int)((SCREEN_WIDTH - box_w) / 2);
+ int box_y = (int)(SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - box_h;
+ int bd_w = (int)backdrop->get_width();
+ int bd_h = (int)backdrop->get_height();
+ int bd_x = (int)((SCREEN_WIDTH - bd_w) / 2);
+ int bd_y = box_y + (box_h / 2) - (bd_h / 2);
+ int col1_x = box_x;
+ int col2_x = col1_x+130;
+ int col3_x = col2_x+130;
+ int row1_y = box_y;
+ int row2_y = row1_y+30;
+ int row3_y = row2_y+20;
+ int row4_y = row3_y+20;
+ context.draw_surface(backdrop, Vector(bd_x, bd_y), LAYER_GUI);
+ char buf[129];
+ context.draw_text(white_text, "You", Vector(col2_x, row1_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ context.draw_text(white_text, "Best", Vector(col3_x, row1_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ context.draw_text(white_text, "Coins", Vector(col1_x, row2_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ snprintf(buf, 128, "%d/%d", stats[COINS_COLLECTED_STAT][SPLAYER], stats[COINS_COLLECTED_STAT][STOTAL]);
+ context.draw_text(gold_text, buf, Vector(col2_x, row2_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ if (best_stats && (best_stats->stats[COINS_COLLECTED_STAT][SPLAYER] > stats[COINS_COLLECTED_STAT][SPLAYER])) {
+ snprintf(buf, 128, "%d/%d", best_stats->stats[COINS_COLLECTED_STAT][SPLAYER], best_stats->stats[COINS_COLLECTED_STAT][STOTAL]);
+ }
+ context.draw_text(gold_text, buf, Vector(col3_x, row2_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ context.draw_text(white_text, "Time", Vector(col1_x, row3_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ snprintf(buf, 128, "%d:%02d", stats[TIME_NEEDED_STAT][SPLAYER] / 60, stats[TIME_NEEDED_STAT][SPLAYER] % 60);
+ context.draw_text(gold_text, buf, Vector(col2_x, row3_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ if (best_stats && (best_stats->stats[TIME_NEEDED_STAT][SPLAYER] < stats[TIME_NEEDED_STAT][SPLAYER])) {
+ snprintf(buf, 128, "%d:%02d", best_stats->stats[TIME_NEEDED_STAT][SPLAYER] / 60, best_stats->stats[TIME_NEEDED_STAT][SPLAYER] % 60);
+ }
+ context.draw_text(gold_text, buf, Vector(col3_x, row3_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ context.draw_text(white_text, "Badguys", Vector(col1_x, row4_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ snprintf(buf, 128, "%d/%d", stats[BADGUYS_KILLED_STAT][SPLAYER], stats[BADGUYS_KILLED_STAT][STOTAL]);
+ context.draw_text(gold_text, buf, Vector(col2_x, row4_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
+ if (best_stats && (best_stats->stats[BADGUYS_KILLED_STAT][SPLAYER] > stats[BADGUYS_KILLED_STAT][SPLAYER])) {
+ snprintf(buf, 128, "%d/%d", best_stats->stats[BADGUYS_KILLED_STAT][SPLAYER], best_stats->stats[BADGUYS_KILLED_STAT][STOTAL]);
+ }
+ context.draw_text(gold_text, buf, Vector(col3_x, row4_y), LEFT_ALLIGN, LAYER_GUI);
Statistics::add_points(int stat, int points)