use Onis::Language qw/translate/;
use Onis::Data::Core qw#get_channel get_total_lines#;
+=head1 NAME
+Onis::Html - Low level page generation stuff..
@Onis::Html::EXPORT_OK = qw/open_file close_file get_filehandle html_escape/;
@Onis::Html::ISA = ('Exporter');
our $fh;
our $time_start = time ();
-our $WANT_COLOR = 0;
-our $PUBLIC_PAGE = 1;
+=over 4
+=item B<color_codes>: I<false>;
+Wether or not to print the color codes (introduced by mIRC, used by idiots and
+ignored by the rest) in the generated HTML-file. Of course this defaults to not
+print the codes..
+our $WantColor = 0;
if (get_config ('color_codes'))
my $temp = get_config ('color_codes');
or ($temp eq 'yes')
or ($temp eq 'on'))
- $WANT_COLOR = 1;
+ $WantColor = 1;
+=item B<public_page>: I<true>;
+Wether or not this is a public page. Public pages may be linked on the onis
+homepage at some point in the fututre..
+our $PublicPage = 1;
if (get_config ('public_page'))
my $temp = get_config ('public_page');
if ($temp =~ m/false|off|no/i)
+ $PublicPage = 0;
+=item B<stylesheet>: I<style.css>;
+Sets the stylesheet to use. This is included in the HTML-file as-is, so you
+have to take care of absolute/relative paths yourself..
+our $Stylesheet = 'style.css';
+if (get_config ('stylesheet'))
+ $Stylesheet = get_config ('stylesheet');
+=item B<encoding>: I<iso-8859-1>;
+Sets the encoding to include in the HTML-file. If you don't know what this is,
+don't change it..
+our $Encoding = 'iso-8859-1';
+if (get_config ('encoding'))
+ $Encoding = get_config ('encoding');
+=item B<user>: I<onis>;
+Sets the user that created the page. Defaults to the environment variable
+B<USER> or "onis", if it is not set.
+our $User = 'onis';
+if (get_config ('user'))
+ $User = get_config ('user');
+elsif (defined ($ENV{'USER'}))
+ $User = $ENV{'USER'};
# `orange' is not a plain html name.
# The color we want is #FFA500
our @mirc_colors = qw/white black navy green red maroon purple orange
yellow lime teal aqua blue fuchsia gray silver/;
-my $VERSION = '$Id:,v 1.20 2004/09/16 10:30:20 octo Exp $';
+my $VERSION = '$Id$';
print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": $VERSION" if ($::DEBUG);
return (1);
+=over 4
+=item B<get_filehandle> ()
+Returns the filehandle of the output file or undef, if B<open_file> has not
+been called yet.
sub get_filehandle
return ($fh);
+=item B<open_file> (I<$filename>)
+Opens the file I<$filename> if no file is open at this point. The file is
+exclusively locked and the filehandle stored in the module. The HTML-header is
+printed to the file and the filehandle is returned. You can get another
+reference by calling B<get_filehandle>.
sub open_file
my $file = shift;
my $generated_time = scalar (localtime ($time_start));
my $trans;
- my $stylesheet = 'style.css';
- if (get_config ('stylesheet'))
- {
- $stylesheet = get_config ('stylesheet');
- }
- my $encoding = 'iso-8859-1';
- if (get_config ('encoding'))
- {
- $encoding = get_config ('encoding');
- }
- my $user = 'onis';
- if (get_config ('user'))
- {
- $user = get_config ('user');
- }
- elsif (defined ($ENV{'USER'}))
- {
- $user = $ENV{'USER'};
- }
my $channel = get_channel ();
my @images = get_config ('horizontal_images');
$trans = translate ('%s statistics created by %s');
- my $title = sprintf ($trans, $channel, $user);
+ my $title = sprintf ($trans, $channel, $User);
print $fh <<EOF;
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$encoding"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$Encoding"?>
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="public, must-revalidiate" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$stylesheet" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$Stylesheet" />
$trans = translate ('%s stats by %s');
- $title = sprintf ($trans, $channel, $user);
+ $title = sprintf ($trans, $channel, $User);
$trans = translate ('Statistics generated on %s');
my $time_msg = sprintf ($trans, $generated_time);
-# this routine adds a box to the end of the html-
-# page with onis' homepage URL, the author's name
-# and email-address. Feel free to uncomment the
-# creation of this box if it's appereance nags
-# you..
+=item B<close_file> ()
+Closes the previously opened file. Before it does that though it writed the
+HTML-footer which contains some information about onis and closes all HTML-tags
+opened by B<open_file>.
sub close_file
my $runtime = time () - $time_start;
printf $fh ($stats, $lines_this_time, $runtime, $lps, $total_lines);
print $fh qq#\n </td>\n <td class="right">\n #;
printf $fh ($by, '2000-2005', '<a href="">Florian octo Forster</a></span> <span><octo@<span class="spam">nospam.</span>>');
- print $fh qq#<img id="smalllogo" src="" /># if ($PUBLIC_PAGE);
+ print $fh qq#<img id="smalllogo" src="" /># if ($PublicPage);
print $fh "<br />\n ";
printf $fh ($link, sprintf (qq#<a href="">%s</a>#, $hp));
sub html_escape
my @retval = ();
$text =~ s/Ö/\Ü/g;
$text =~ s/ß/\ß/g;
- if ($WANT_COLOR)
+ if ($WantColor)
$text = find_colors ($text);
return ($string);
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Florian octo Forster E<lt>octo at verplant.orgE<gt>