(i.E<nbsp>e. data-set) passed to collectd. A large list of predefined
data-sets is available in the B<types.db> file.
-The I<OptionList> is an optional list of I<Options>, where each option if a
+The I<OptionList> is an optional list of I<Options>, where each option is a
key-value-pair. A list of currently understood options can be found below, all
other options will be ignored.
I<Valuelist> is a colon-separated list of the time and the values, each either
-an integer if the data-source is a counter, of a double if the data-source if
+an integer if the data-source is a counter, or a double if the data-source is
of type "gauge". You can submit an undefined gauge-value by using B<U>. When
submitting B<U> to a counter the behavior is undefined. The time is given as
epoch (i.E<nbsp>e. standard UNIX time).