use Onis::Config qw#get_config get_checksum#;
-@Onis::Data::Persistent::EXPORT_OK = qw##;
-@Onis::Data::Persistent::ISA = ('Exporter');
our $StoreModule = 'None';
Since this is a constructor it returns an object. The object "knows" the folling methods:
-=item B<$data-E<gt>put> (I<$name>, I<$key>, I<@fields>)
+=item B<$data-E<gt>put> (I<$key>, I<@fields>)
Stores the given values in the data structure. How this is done is described
below in L<another paragraph>. Doesn't return anything. The number of entries
in I<@fields> has to match the number of entries in I<@field_names> when
creating the object using B<new>.
-=item B<$data-E<gt>get> (I<$name>, I<$key>)
+=item B<$data-E<gt>get> (I<$key>)
-Returns the data associated with the given I<$name>/I<$key> pair or an empty
-list if no data has been stored under this tupel before..
+Returns the data associated with the given I<$key> pair or an empty list if no
+data has been stored under this tupel before..
-=item B<$data-E<gt>keys> (I<$name>, [I<$field>, ...])
+=item B<$data-E<gt>keys> ([I<$field>, ...])
-Returns a list of all the keys defined for this name. If one field is given the
-list will be sorted by that field's values, if more fields are given the list
-is sorted with the first field taking precedence over the others. If no field
-is supplied the order is undefined.
+Returns a list of all the keys defined for this object. If one field is given
+the list will be sorted by that field's values, if more fields are given the
+list is sorted with the first field taking precedence over the others. If no
+field is supplied the order is undefined.
--- /dev/null
+package Onis::Data::Persistent::None;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars (qw($TREE));
+use Carp qw(confess);
+=head1 NAME
+Onis::Data::Persistent::None - Storage backend without storage.. ;)
+Simple storage backend that handles data in-memory only..
+$TREE = {};
+return (1);
+sub new
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my @fields = @_;
+ my $caller = caller ();
+ my $obj = {};
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $id = $caller . ':' . $name;
+ if (exists ($TREE->{$id}))
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Name $name has been used in context $caller before.";
+ return (undef);
+ }
+ $TREE->{$id} = {};
+ $obj->{'data'} = $TREE->{$id};
+ $obj->{'key'} = $key;
+ $obj->{'fields'} = [@fields];
+ $obj->{'num_fields'} = scalar (@fields);
+ $obj->{'field_index'} = {map { $_ => $i++ } (@fields)};
+ $obj->{'id'} = $id;
+ return (bless ($obj, $pkg));
+sub put
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my @fields = @_;
+ if ($obj->{'num_fields'} != scalar (@fields))
+ {
+ my $id = $obj->{'id'};
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Number of fields do not match ($id).";
+ return;
+ }
+ $obj->{'data'}{$key} = [@fields];
+sub get
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ if (!defined ($obj->{'data'}{$key}))
+ {
+ return (qw());
+ }
+ return (@{$obj->{'data'}{$key}});
+sub keys
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my @fields = @_;
+ my @field_indizes = ();
+ my @keys = keys %{$obj->{'data'}};
+ if (!@fields)
+ {
+ return (@keys);
+ }
+ for (@fields)
+ {
+ my $field = $_;
+ if (!defined ($obj->{'field_index'}{$field}))
+ {
+ my $id = $obj->{'id'};
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": $field is not a valid field ($id).";
+ }
+ push (@field_indizes, $obj->{'field_index'}{$field});
+ }
+ return (sort (sub
+ {
+ for (@field_indizes)
+ {
+ my $d = $obj->{'data'}{$a}[$_] cmp $obj->{'data'}{$b}[$_];
+ return ($d) if ($d);
+ }
+ }, @keys));
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Florian octo Forster, L<>
+exit (0);