node->halign = h_align;
node->valign = v_align;
#if 0
- /* debugging: show text anchor */
- gfx_new_line(canvas, x - 3, y + 0, x, y, 0.2, 0x00FF0000);
- gfx_new_line(canvas, x - 0, y + 3, x, y, 0.2, 0x00FF0000);
+ /* debugging: show text anchor
+ green is along x-axis, red is downward y-axis */
+ if (1) {
+ double a = 2 * M_PI * -node->angle / 360.0;
+ double cos_a = cos(a);
+ double sin_a = sin(a);
+ double len = 3;
+ gfx_new_line(canvas,
+ x, y,
+ x + len * cos_a, y - len * sin_a,
+ 0.2, 0x00FF0000);
+ gfx_new_line(canvas,
+ x, y,
+ x + len * sin_a, y + len * cos_a,
+ 0.2, 0xFF000000);
+ }
return node;
return gfx_render_svg (canvas, width, height, background, fp);
case IF_EPS:
return gfx_render_eps (canvas, width, height, background, fp);
+ case IF_PDF:
+ return gfx_render_pdf (canvas, width, height, background, fp);
return -1;
return gfx_get_text_width_libart (canvas, start, font, size, tabwidth, text);
case IF_SVG: /* fall through */
case IF_EPS:
+ case IF_PDF:
return afm_get_text_width(start, font, size, tabwidth, text);
return size * strlen(text);
-static void svg_write_number(FILE *fp, double d)
+static void svg_format_number(char *buf, int bufsize, double d)
/* omit decimals if integer to reduce filesize */
- char buf[60], *p;
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.2f", d);
+ char *p;
+ snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%.2f", d);
p = buf; /* doesn't trust snprintf return value */
while (*p)
*p = '\0'; /* zap trailing dot */
- fputs(buf, fp);
+static void svg_write_number(FILE *fp, double d)
+ char buf[60];
+ svg_format_number(buf, sizeof(buf), d);
+ fputs(buf, fp);
static int svg_color_is_black(int c)
/* gfx_color_t is RRGGBBAA */
d->dash_offset = d->dash_len - d->dash_offset;
+static int svg_dash_equal(svg_dash *a, svg_dash *b)
+ if (a->dash_enable != b->dash_enable)
+ return 0;
+ if (a->adjusted_on != b->adjusted_on)
+ return 0;
+ if (a->adjusted_off != b->adjusted_off)
+ return 0;
+ /* rest of properties will be the same when on+off are */
+ return 1;
static void svg_common_path_attributes(FILE *fp, gfx_node_t *node)
svg_dash dash_info;
return 0;
+/* ------- PDF -------
+ PDF references page:
+typedef struct pdf_buffer
+ int id, is_obj, is_dict, is_stream, pdf_file_pos;
+ char *data;
+ int alloc_size, current_size;
+ struct pdf_buffer *previous_buffer, *next_buffer;
+ struct pdf_state *state;
+} pdf_buffer;
+typedef struct pdf_font
+ const char *ps_font;
+ pdf_buffer obj;
+ struct pdf_font *next;
+} pdf_font;
+typedef struct pdf_state
+ FILE *fp;
+ gfx_canvas_t *canvas;
+ art_u32 page_width, page_height;
+ pdf_font *font_list;
+ pdf_buffer *first_buffer, *last_buffer;
+ int pdf_file_pos;
+ int has_failed;
+ /*--*/
+ gfx_color_t stroke_color, fill_color;
+ int font_id;
+ double font_size;
+ double line_width;
+ svg_dash dash;
+ int linecap, linejoin;
+ int last_obj_id;
+ /*--*/
+ pdf_buffer pdf_header;
+ pdf_buffer catalog_obj, pages_obj, page1_obj;
+ pdf_buffer fontsdict_obj;
+ pdf_buffer graph_stream;
+} pdf_state;
+static void pdf_init_buffer(pdf_state *state, pdf_buffer *buf)
+ int initial_size = 32;
+ buf->state = state;
+ buf->id = -42;
+ buf->alloc_size = 0;
+ buf->current_size = 0;
+ buf->data = (char*)malloc(initial_size);
+ buf->is_obj = 0;
+ buf->previous_buffer = NULL;
+ buf->next_buffer = NULL;
+ if (buf->data == NULL) {
+ rrd_set_error("malloc for pdf_buffer data");
+ state->has_failed = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ buf->alloc_size = initial_size;
+ if (state->last_buffer)
+ state->last_buffer->next_buffer = buf;
+ if (state->first_buffer == NULL)
+ state->first_buffer = buf;
+ buf->previous_buffer = state->last_buffer;
+ state->last_buffer = buf;
+static void pdf_put(pdf_buffer *buf, const char *text, int len)
+ if (len <= 0)
+ return;
+ if (buf->alloc_size < buf->current_size + len) {
+ int new_size = buf->alloc_size;
+ char *new_buf;
+ while (new_size < buf->current_size + len)
+ new_size *= 4;
+ new_buf = (char*)malloc(new_size);
+ if (new_buf == NULL) {
+ rrd_set_error("re-malloc for pdf_buffer data");
+ buf->state->has_failed = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(new_buf, buf->data, buf->current_size);
+ free(buf->data);
+ buf->data = new_buf;
+ buf->alloc_size = new_size;
+ }
+ memcpy(buf->data + buf->current_size, text, len);
+ buf->current_size += len;
+static void pdf_puts(pdf_buffer *buf, const char *text)
+ pdf_put(buf, text, strlen(text));
+static void pdf_indent(pdf_buffer *buf)
+ pdf_puts(buf, "\t");
+static void pdf_putsi(pdf_buffer *buf, const char *text)
+ pdf_indent(buf);
+ pdf_puts(buf, text);
+static void pdf_putint(pdf_buffer *buf, int i)
+ char tmp[20];
+ sprintf(tmp, "%d", i);
+ pdf_puts(buf, tmp);
+static void pdf_putnumber(pdf_buffer *buf, double d)
+ char tmp[50];
+ svg_format_number(tmp, sizeof(tmp), d);
+ pdf_puts(buf, tmp);
+static void pdf_init_object(pdf_state *state, pdf_buffer *buf)
+ pdf_init_buffer(state, buf);
+ buf->id = ++state->last_obj_id;
+ buf->is_obj = 1;
+static void pdf_init_dict(pdf_state *state, pdf_buffer *buf)
+ pdf_init_object(state, buf);
+ buf->is_dict = 1;
+static void pdf_set_color(pdf_buffer *buf, gfx_color_t color,
+ gfx_color_t *current_color, const char *op)
+ /* gfx_color_t is RRGGBBAA */
+ if (*current_color == color)
+ return;
+ pdf_putnumber(buf, ((color >> 24) & 255) / 255.0);
+ pdf_puts(buf, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(buf, ((color >> 16) & 255) / 255.0);
+ pdf_puts(buf, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(buf, ((color >> 8) & 255) / 255.0);
+ pdf_puts(buf, " ");
+ pdf_puts(buf, op);
+ pdf_puts(buf, "\n");
+ *current_color = color;
+static void pdf_set_stroke_color(pdf_buffer *buf, gfx_color_t color)
+ pdf_set_color(buf, color, &buf->state->stroke_color, "RG");
+static void pdf_set_fill_color(pdf_buffer *buf, gfx_color_t color)
+ pdf_set_color(buf, color, &buf->state->fill_color, "rg");
+static pdf_font *pdf_find_font(pdf_state *state, gfx_node_t *node)
+ const char *ps_font = afm_get_font_postscript_name(node->filename);
+ pdf_font *ef;
+ for (ef = state->font_list; ef; ef = ef->next) {
+ if (!strcmp(ps_font, ef->ps_font))
+ return ef;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void pdf_add_font(pdf_state *state, gfx_node_t *node)
+ pdf_font *ef = pdf_find_font(state, node);
+ if (ef)
+ return;
+ ef = malloc(sizeof(pdf_font));
+ if (ef == NULL) {
+ rrd_set_error("malloc for pdf_font");
+ state->has_failed = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ pdf_init_dict(state, &ef->obj);
+ ef->next = state->font_list;
+ ef->ps_font = afm_get_font_postscript_name(node->filename);
+ state->font_list = ef;
+ /* fonts dict */
+ pdf_putsi(&state->fontsdict_obj, "/F");
+ pdf_putint(&state->fontsdict_obj, ef->;
+ pdf_puts(&state->fontsdict_obj, " ");
+ pdf_putint(&state->fontsdict_obj, ef->;
+ pdf_puts(&state->fontsdict_obj, " 0 R\n");
+ /* fonts def */
+ pdf_putsi(&ef->obj, "/Type /Font\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&ef->obj, "/Subtype /Type1\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&ef->obj, "/Name /F");
+ pdf_putint(&ef->obj, ef->;
+ pdf_puts(&ef->obj, "\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&ef->obj, "/BaseFont /");
+ pdf_puts(&ef->obj, ef->ps_font);
+ pdf_puts(&ef->obj, "\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&ef->obj, "/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding\n");
+ /* 'Cp1252' (this is latin 1 extended with 27 characters;
+ the encoding is also known as 'winansi')
+ */
+static void pdf_create_fonts(pdf_state *state)
+ gfx_node_t *node;
+ for (node = state->canvas->firstnode; node; node = node->next) {
+ if (node->type == GFX_TEXT)
+ pdf_add_font(state, node);
+ }
+static void pdf_write_linearea(pdf_state *state, gfx_node_t *node)
+ int i;
+ pdf_buffer *s = &state->graph_stream;
+ if (node->type == GFX_LINE) {
+ svg_dash dash_info;
+ svg_get_dash(node, &dash_info);
+ if (!svg_dash_equal(&dash_info, &state->dash)) {
+ state->dash = dash_info;
+ if (dash_info.dash_enable) {
+ pdf_puts(s, "[");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, dash_info.adjusted_on);
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, dash_info.adjusted_off);
+ pdf_puts(s, "] ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, dash_info.dash_offset);
+ pdf_puts(s, " d\n");
+ } else {
+ pdf_puts(s, "[] 0 d\n");
+ }
+ }
+ pdf_set_stroke_color(s, node->color);
+ if (state->linecap != 1) {
+ pdf_puts(s, "1 j\n");
+ state->linecap = 1;
+ }
+ if (state->linejoin != 1) {
+ pdf_puts(s, "1 J\n");
+ state->linejoin = 1;
+ }
+ if (node->size != state->line_width) {
+ state->line_width = node->size;
+ pdf_putnumber(s, state->line_width);
+ pdf_puts(s, " w\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ pdf_set_fill_color(s, node->color);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < node->points; i++) {
+ ArtVpath *vec = node->path + i;
+ double x = vec->x;
+ double y = state->page_height - vec->y;
+ if (node->type == GFX_AREA) {
+ x += LINEOFFSET; /* adjust for libart handling of areas */
+ }
+ switch (vec->code) {
+ case ART_MOVETO_OPEN: /* fall-through */
+ case ART_MOVETO:
+ pdf_putnumber(s, x);
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, y);
+ pdf_puts(s, " m\n");
+ break;
+ case ART_LINETO:
+ pdf_putnumber(s, x);
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, y);
+ pdf_puts(s, " l\n");
+ break;
+ case ART_CURVETO: break; /* unsupported */
+ case ART_END: break; /* nop */
+ }
+ }
+ if (node->type == GFX_LINE) {
+ pdf_puts(s, node->closed_path ? "s\n" : "S\n");
+ } else {
+ pdf_puts(s, "f\n");
+ }
+static void pdf_write_text(pdf_state *state, gfx_node_t *node,
+ int last_was_text, int next_is_text)
+ char tmp[30];
+ pdf_buffer *s = &state->graph_stream;
+ const unsigned char *p;
+ pdf_font *font = pdf_find_font(state, node);
+ double x = node->x;
+ double y = state->page_height - node->y;
+ double dx = 0, dy = 0;
+ double cos_a = 0, sin_a = 0;
+ if (font == NULL) {
+ rrd_set_error("font disappeared");
+ state->has_failed = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch(node->valign){
+ case GFX_V_TOP: dy = -node->size; break;
+ case GFX_V_CENTER: dy = -node->size / 3.0; break;
+ case GFX_V_BOTTOM: break;
+ case GFX_V_NULL: break;
+ }
+ switch (node->halign) {
+ case GFX_H_RIGHT: dx = -afm_get_text_width(0, font->ps_font,
+ node->size, node->tabwidth, node->text);
+ break;
+ case GFX_H_CENTER: dx = -afm_get_text_width(0, font->ps_font,
+ node->size, node->tabwidth, node->text) / 2;
+ break;
+ case GFX_H_LEFT: break;
+ case GFX_H_NULL: break;
+ }
+ pdf_set_fill_color(s, node->color);
+ if (node->angle != 0) {
+ double a = 2 * M_PI * -node->angle / 360.0;
+ double new_x, new_y;
+ cos_a = cos(a);
+ sin_a = sin(a);
+ new_x = cos_a * dx - sin_a * dy + x;
+ new_y = sin_a * dx + cos_a * dy + y;
+ x = new_x;
+ y = new_y;
+ } else {
+ x += dx;
+ y += dy;
+ }
+ if (!last_was_text)
+ pdf_puts(s, "BT\n");
+ if (state->font_id != font-> || node->size != state->font_size) {
+ state->font_id = font->;
+ state->font_size = node->size;
+ pdf_puts(s, "/F");
+ pdf_putint(s, font->;
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, node->size);
+ pdf_puts(s, " Tf\n");
+ }
+ if (node->angle == 0) {
+ pdf_puts(s, "1 0 0 1 ");
+ } else {
+ pdf_putnumber(s, cos_a);
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, sin_a);
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, -sin_a);
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, cos_a);
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ }
+ pdf_putnumber(s, x);
+ pdf_puts(s, " ");
+ pdf_putnumber(s, y);
+ pdf_puts(s, " Tm\n");
+ pdf_puts(s, "(");
+ for (p = (const unsigned char*)node->text; *p; p++) {
+ switch (*p) {
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case '\\':
+ case '\n':
+ case '\r':
+ case '\t':
+ pdf_puts(s, "\\");
+ /* fall-through */
+ default:
+ if (*p >= 126) {
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "\\%03o", *p);
+ pdf_puts(s, tmp);
+ } else {
+ pdf_put(s, (const char*)p, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pdf_puts(s, ") Tj\n");
+ if (!next_is_text)
+ pdf_puts(s, "ET\n");
+static void pdf_write_content(pdf_state *state)
+ gfx_node_t *node;
+ int last_was_text = 0, next_is_text;
+ for (node = state->canvas->firstnode; node; node = node->next) {
+ switch (node->type) {
+ case GFX_LINE:
+ case GFX_AREA:
+ pdf_write_linearea(state, node);
+ break;
+ case GFX_TEXT:
+ next_is_text = node->next && node->next->type == GFX_TEXT;
+ pdf_write_text(state, node, last_was_text, next_is_text);
+ break;
+ }
+ last_was_text = node->type == GFX_TEXT;
+ }
+static void pdf_init_document(pdf_state *state)
+ pdf_init_buffer(state, &state->pdf_header);
+ pdf_init_dict(state, &state->catalog_obj);
+ pdf_init_dict(state, &state->pages_obj);
+ pdf_init_dict(state, &state->page1_obj);
+ pdf_init_dict(state, &state->fontsdict_obj);
+ state->graph_stream.is_stream = 1;
+ pdf_create_fonts(state);
+ if (state->has_failed)
+ return;
+ /* make stream last object in file */
+ pdf_init_object(state, &state->graph_stream);
+static void pdf_setup_document(pdf_state *state)
+ /* all objects created by now, so init code can reference them */
+ /* HEADER */
+ pdf_puts(&state->pdf_header, "%PDF-1.3\n");
+ /* following 8 bit comment is recommended by Adobe for
+ indicating binary file to file transfer applications */
+ pdf_puts(&state->pdf_header, "%\xE2\xE3\xCF\xD3\n");
+ /* CATALOG */
+ pdf_putsi(&state->catalog_obj, "/Type /Catalog\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&state->catalog_obj, "/Pages ");
+ pdf_putint(&state->catalog_obj, state->;
+ pdf_puts(&state->catalog_obj, " 0 R\n");
+ /* PAGES */
+ pdf_putsi(&state->pages_obj, "/Type /Pages\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&state->pages_obj, "/Kids [");
+ pdf_putint(&state->pages_obj, state->;
+ pdf_puts(&state->pages_obj, " 0 R]\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&state->pages_obj, "/Count 1\n");
+ /* PAGE 1 */
+ pdf_putsi(&state->page1_obj, "/Type /Page\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&state->page1_obj, "/Parent ");
+ pdf_putint(&state->page1_obj, state->;
+ pdf_puts(&state->page1_obj, " 0 R\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&state->page1_obj, "/MediaBox [0 0 ");
+ pdf_putint(&state->page1_obj, state->page_width);
+ pdf_puts(&state->page1_obj, " ");
+ pdf_putint(&state->page1_obj, state->page_height);
+ pdf_puts(&state->page1_obj, "]\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&state->page1_obj, "/Contents ");
+ pdf_putint(&state->page1_obj, state->;
+ pdf_puts(&state->page1_obj, " 0 R\n");
+ pdf_putsi(&state->page1_obj, "/Resources << /Font ");
+ pdf_putint(&state->page1_obj, state->;
+ pdf_puts(&state->page1_obj, " 0 R >>\n");
+static void pdf_write_string_to_file(pdf_state *state, const char *text)
+ fputs(text, state->fp);
+ state->pdf_file_pos += strlen(text);
+static void pdf_write_buf_to_file(pdf_state *state, pdf_buffer *buf)
+ char tmp[40];
+ buf->pdf_file_pos = state->pdf_file_pos;
+ if (buf->is_obj) {
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d 0 obj\n", buf->id);
+ pdf_write_string_to_file(state, tmp);
+ }
+ if (buf->is_dict)
+ pdf_write_string_to_file(state, "<<\n");
+ if (buf->is_stream) {
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "<< /Length %d >>\n", buf->current_size);
+ pdf_write_string_to_file(state, tmp);
+ pdf_write_string_to_file(state, "stream\n");
+ }
+ fwrite(buf->data, 1, buf->current_size, state->fp);
+ state->pdf_file_pos += buf->current_size;
+ if (buf->is_stream)
+ pdf_write_string_to_file(state, "endstream\n");
+ if (buf->is_dict)
+ pdf_write_string_to_file(state, ">>\n");
+ if (buf->is_obj)
+ pdf_write_string_to_file(state, "endobj\n");
+static void pdf_write_to_file(pdf_state *state)
+ pdf_buffer *buf = state->first_buffer;
+ int xref_pos;
+ state->pdf_file_pos = 0;
+ pdf_write_buf_to_file(state, &state->pdf_header);
+ while (buf) {
+ if (buf->is_obj)
+ pdf_write_buf_to_file(state, buf);
+ buf = buf->next_buffer;
+ }
+ xref_pos = state->pdf_file_pos;
+ fprintf(state->fp, "xref\n");
+ fprintf(state->fp, "%d %d\n", 0, state->last_obj_id + 1);
+ /* TOC lines must be exactly 20 bytes including \n */
+ fprintf(state->fp, "%010d %05d f\x20\n", 0, 65535);
+ for (buf = state->first_buffer; buf; buf = buf->next_buffer) {
+ if (buf->is_obj)
+ fprintf(state->fp, "%010d %05d n\x20\n", buf->pdf_file_pos, 0);
+ }
+ fprintf(state->fp, "trailer\n");
+ fprintf(state->fp, "<<\n");
+ fprintf(state->fp, "\t/Size %d\n", state->last_obj_id + 1);
+ fprintf(state->fp, "\t/Root %d 0 R\n", state->;
+ fprintf(state->fp, ">>\n");
+ fprintf(state->fp, "startxref\n");
+ fprintf(state->fp, "%d\n", xref_pos);
+ fputs("%%EOF\n", state->fp);
+static void pdf_free_resources(pdf_state *state)
+ pdf_buffer *buf = state->first_buffer;
+ while (buf) {
+ free(buf->data);
+ buf->data = NULL;
+ buf->alloc_size = buf->current_size = 0;
+ buf = buf->next_buffer;
+ }
+ while (state->font_list) {
+ pdf_font *next = state->font_list->next;
+ free(state->font_list);
+ state->font_list = next;
+ }
+int gfx_render_pdf (gfx_canvas_t *canvas,
+ art_u32 width, art_u32 height,
+ gfx_color_t background, FILE *fp){
+ struct pdf_state state;
+ memset(&state, 0, sizeof(pdf_state));
+ state.fp = fp;
+ state.canvas = canvas;
+ state.page_width = width;
+ state.page_height = height;
+ state.font_id = -1;
+ state.font_size = -1;
+ state.font_list = NULL;
+ state.linecap = -1;
+ state.linejoin = -1;
+ pdf_init_document(&state);
+ /*
+ pdf_set_color(&state, background);
+ fprintf(fp, "0 0 M 0 %d L %d %d L %d 0 L fill\n",
+ height, width, height, width);
+ */
+ if (!state.has_failed)
+ pdf_write_content(&state);
+ if (!state.has_failed)
+ pdf_setup_document(&state);
+ if (!state.has_failed)
+ pdf_write_to_file(&state);
+ pdf_free_resources(&state);
+ return state.has_failed ? -1 : 0;