This manual is intended to give complete background information and internal workings of git, which may be too much for most people\&. The [xref to anchor] section below contains much useful definition and clarification \- read that first\&.
-If you are interested in using git to manage (version control) projects, use Everyday GIT: \fIeveryday.html\fR as a guide to the minimum set of commands you need to know for day\-to\-day work\&. Most likely, that will get you started, and you can go a long way without knowing the low level details too much\&.
+If you are interested in using git to manage (version control) projects, use The Tutorial: \fItutorial.html\fR to get you started, and then Everyday GIT: \fIeveryday.html\fR as a guide to the minimum set of commands you need to know for day\-to\-day work\&. Most likely, that will get you started, and you can go a long way without knowing the low level details too much\&.
-The tutorial: \fItutorial.html\fR document covers how things internally work\&.
+The Core tutorial: \fIcore-tutorial.html\fR document covers how things internally work\&.
If you are migrating from CVS, cvs migration: \fIcvs-migration.html\fR document may be helpful after you finish the tutorial\&.