char *prefix;
int database;
int max_set_size;
+ int max_set_duration;
_Bool store_rates;
redisContext *conn;
+ if (node->max_set_duration > 0) {
+ /*
+ * remove element, scored less than 'current-max_set_duration'
+ * '(%d' indicates 'less than' in redis CLI.
+ */
+ rr = redisCommand(node->conn, "ZREMRANGEBYSCORE %s -1 (%d", key,
+ (time - node->max_set_duration) + 1);
+ if (rr == NULL)
+ WARNING("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE command error. key:%s message:%s", key,
+ node->conn->errstr);
+ else
+ freeReplyObject(rr);
+ }
/* TODO(octo): This is more overhead than necessary. Use the cache and
* metadata to determine if it is a new metric and call SADD only once for
* each metric. */
node->prefix = NULL;
node->database = 0;
node->max_set_size = -1;
+ node->max_set_duration = -1;
node->store_rates = 1;
pthread_mutex_init(&node->lock, /* attr = */ NULL);
status = cf_util_get_int(child, &node->database);
} else if (strcasecmp("MaxSetSize", child->key) == 0) {
status = cf_util_get_int(child, &node->max_set_size);
+ } else if (strcasecmp("MaxSetDuration", child->key) == 0) {
+ status = cf_util_get_int(child, &node->max_set_duration);
} else if (strcasecmp("StoreRates", child->key) == 0) {
status = cf_util_get_boolean(child, &node->store_rates);
} else