+ Graphs
+ ------
c4 lets you configure "graphs" in its config file. Each graph has a selector
which determines which files will be used to draw the graph. The selector
uses the host/plugin[-instance]/type[-instance] layout known from collectd.
by adding it to the appropriate instance or by creating a new instance. I.e.
each file may be used in multiple graphs.
+ If a file does not match any graph, a "dynamic graph" matching only that file
+ will be created. This allows the front-end to display all files even when
+ there is no explicit graph definition for them.
+ Data providers
+ --------------
+ The idea is to encapsulate all the functions specific to one write plugin of
+ collectd using an interface for querying data. This allows to program the
+ rest of the front-end in a way that doesn't rely on one specific storage
+ back-end.
+ Currently, the only data provider scans a directory for RRD files and uses
+ the librrd to fetch data. The whole concept is still a bit of a work in
+ progress and currently the code-base is still cluttered with "*_get_rrdargs"
+ functions. The RRDtool generated graphs will likely be replaced by a graphing
+ solution integrated in the C code (creating rendered graphics) and / or a
+ JavaScript-based solution which renders graphs in the browser.
+ collection 4 is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
+ version 2.1. The exact license terms are available in the file "COPYING" in
+ the top source directory.