--- /dev/null
+package Onis::Html;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Fcntl qw/:flock/;
+use Exporter;
+use Onis::Config qw/get_config/;
+use Onis::Language qw/translate/;
+use Onis::Data::Core qw#get_channel get_total_lines#;
+@Onis::Html::EXPORT_OK = qw/open_file close_file get_filehandle html_escape/;
+@Onis::Html::ISA = ('Exporter');
+our $fh;
+our $time_start = time ();
+our $WANT_COLOR = 0;
+our $PUBLIC_PAGE = 1;
+if (get_config ('color_codes'))
+ my $temp = get_config ('color_codes');
+ if (($temp eq 'print') or ($temp eq 'true')
+ or ($temp eq 'yes')
+ or ($temp eq 'on'))
+ {
+ $WANT_COLOR = 1;
+ }
+if (get_config ('public_page'))
+ my $temp = get_config ('public_page');
+ if ($temp =~ m/false|off|no/i)
+ {
+ }
+# `orange' is not a plain html name.
+# The color we want is #FFA500
+our @mirc_colors = qw/white black navy green red maroon purple orange
+ yellow lime teal aqua blue fuchsia gray silver/;
+my $VERSION = '$Id: Html.pm,v 1.20 2004/09/16 10:30:20 octo Exp $';
+print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": $VERSION" if ($::DEBUG);
+return (1);
+sub get_filehandle
+ return ($fh);
+sub open_file
+ my $file = shift;
+ if (defined ($fh))
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Not opening file ``$file'': Another file is already open!";
+ return (undef);
+ }
+ unless (open ($fh, "> $file"))
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unable to open file ``$file'': $!";
+ return (undef);
+ }
+ unless (flock ($fh, LOCK_EX))
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unable to exclusive lock file ``$file'': $!";
+ close ($fh);
+ return (undef);
+ }
+ print_head ();
+ return ($fh);
+# Generates the HTML header including the CSS information.
+# Doesn't take any arguments
+sub print_head
+ my $generated_time = scalar (localtime ($time_start));
+ my $trans;
+ my $stylesheet = 'style.css';
+ if (get_config ('stylesheet'))
+ {
+ $stylesheet = get_config ('stylesheet');
+ }
+ my $encoding = 'iso-8859-1';
+ if (get_config ('encoding'))
+ {
+ $encoding = get_config ('encoding');
+ }
+ my $user = 'onis';
+ if (get_config ('user'))
+ {
+ $user = get_config ('user');
+ }
+ elsif (defined ($ENV{'USER'}))
+ {
+ $user = $ENV{'USER'};
+ }
+ my $channel = get_channel ();
+ my @images = get_config ('horizontal_images');
+ if (!@images)
+ {
+ @images = qw#images/hor0n.png images/hor1n.png images/hor2n.png images/hor3n.png#;
+ }
+ $trans = translate ('%s statistics created by %s');
+ my $title = sprintf ($trans, $channel, $user);
+ print $fh <<EOF;
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$encoding"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
+ <title>$title</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="public, must-revalidiate" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$stylesheet" />
+<div class="msie_hack">
+ $trans = translate ('%s stats by %s');
+ $title = sprintf ($trans, $channel, $user);
+ $trans = translate ('Statistics generated on %s');
+ my $time_msg = sprintf ($trans, $generated_time);
+ $trans = translate ('Hours');
+ print $fh <<EOF;
+<table class="legend">
+ <tr>
+ <td><img src="$images[0]" alt="Red" /><br />$trans 0-5</td>
+ <td><img src="$images[1]" alt="Green" /><br />$trans 6-11</td>
+ <td><img src="$images[2]" alt="Blue" /><br />$trans 12-17</td>
+ <td><img src="$images[3]" alt="Red" /><br />$trans 18-24</td>
+ </tr>
+# this routine adds a box to the end of the html-
+# page with onis' homepage URL, the author's name
+# and email-address. Feel free to uncomment the
+# creation of this box if it's appereance nags
+# you..
+sub close_file
+ my $runtime = time () - $time_start;
+ my $now = scalar (localtime ());
+ my $total_lines = get_total_lines () || 0;
+ my $lines_per_sec = 'infinite';
+ my $hp = translate ("onis' homepage");
+ my $gen = translate ('This page was generated <span>on %s</span> <span>with %s</span>');
+ my $stats = translate ('%u lines processed in %u seconds (%s lines per second)');
+ my $by = translate ('onis is written %s <span>by %s</span>');
+ my $link = translate ('Get the latest version from %s');
+ my $lps = translate ('infinite');
+ if ($runtime)
+ {
+ $lps = sprintf ("%.1f", ($total_lines / $runtime));
+ }
+ print $fh <<EOF;
+</div> <!-- class="msie_hack" -->
+<!-- This script is under GPL (GNU public license). You may copy and modify it. -->
+<table class="copy">
+ <tr>
+ print $fh ' <td class="left">';
+ printf $fh ($gen, $now, "onis $::VERSION ("onis not irc stats")");
+ print $fh "<br />\n ";
+ printf $fh ($stats, $total_lines, $runtime, $lps);
+ print $fh qq#\n </td>\n <td class="right">\n #;
+ printf $fh ($by, '2000-2004', '<a href="http://verplant.org/">Florian octo Forster</a></span> <span><octo@<span class="spam">nospam.</span>verplant.org>');
+ print $fh qq#<img id="smalllogo" src="http://images.verplant.org/onis-small.png" /># if ($PUBLIC_PAGE);
+ print $fh "<br />\n ";
+ printf $fh ($link, sprintf (qq#<a href="http://verplant.org/onis/">%s</a>#, $hp));
+ print $fh <<EOF;
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+sub html_escape
+ my @retval = ();
+ foreach (@_)
+ {
+ my $esc = escape_uris ($_);
+ push (@retval, $esc);
+ }
+ if (wantarray ())
+ {
+ return @retval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return join ("\n", @retval);
+ }
+sub escape_uris
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $retval = '';
+ return ('') if (!defined ($text));
+ #if ($text =~ m#(?:(?:ftp|https?)://|www\.)[\w\.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}(?::\d+)?(?:/[\w\d\.\%/-~]+)?(?=\W|$)#i)
+ if ($text =~ m#(?:(?:ftp|https?)://|www\.)[\w\.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}(?::\d+)?(?:/[\w\d\.\%\/\-\~]*(?:\?[\+\w\&\%\=]+)?)?(?=\W|$)#i)
+ {
+ my $orig_match = $&;
+ my $prematch = $`;
+ my $postmatch = $';
+ my $match = $orig_match;
+ if ($match =~ /^www/i) { $match = 'http://' . $match; }
+ if ($match !~ m#://.+/#) { $match .= '/'; }
+ if ((length ($orig_match) > 50) and ($orig_match =~ m#^http://#))
+ {
+ $orig_match =~ s#^http://##;
+ }
+ if (length ($orig_match) > 50)
+ {
+ my $len = length ($orig_match) - 47;
+ substr ($orig_match, 47, $len, '...');
+ }
+ $retval = escape_normal ($prematch);
+ $retval .= qq(<a href="$match">$orig_match</a>);
+ $retval .= escape_uris ($postmatch);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $retval = escape_normal ($text);
+ }
+ return ($retval);
+sub escape_normal
+ my $text = shift;
+ return ('') if (!defined ($text));
+ $text =~ s/\&/\&/g;
+ $text =~ s/"/\"/g;
+ $text =~ s/</\</g;
+ $text =~ s/>/\>/g;
+ # german umlauts
+ $text =~ s/ä/\ä/g;
+ $text =~ s/ö/\ö/g;
+ $text =~ s/ü/\ü/g;
+ $text =~ s/Ä/\Ä/g;
+ $text =~ s/Ü/\Ö/g;
+ $text =~ s/Ö/\Ü/g;
+ $text =~ s/ß/\ß/g;
+ if ($WANT_COLOR)
+ {
+ $text = find_colors ($text);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $text =~ s/[\cB\c_\cV\cO]|\cC(?:\d+(?:,\d+)?)?//g;
+ }
+ return ($text);
+sub find_colors
+ my $string = shift;
+ my $open_spans = 0;
+ my $code_ref;
+ my %flags =
+ (
+ span_open => 0,
+ fg_color => -1,
+ bg_color => -1,
+ bold => 0,
+ underline => 0,
+ 'reverse' => 0
+ );
+ while ($string =~ m/([\cB\c_\cV\cO])|(\cC)(?:(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?)?/g)
+ {
+ my $controlchar = $1 ? $1 : $2;
+ my $fg = defined ($3) ? $3 : -1;
+ my $bg = defined ($4) ? $4 : -1;
+ my $prematch = $`;
+ my $postmatch = $';
+ my $newspan = "";
+ # Close open spans first
+ if ($flags{'span_open'})
+ {
+ $newspan .= "</span>";
+ $flags{'span_open'} = 0;
+ }
+ # To catch `\cC' without anything following..
+ if (($controlchar eq "\cC") and ($fg == -1) and ($bg == -1))
+ {
+ $flags{'fg_color'} = -1;
+ $flags{'bg_color'} = -1;
+ }
+ elsif ($controlchar eq "\cC")
+ {
+ if ($fg != -1)
+ {
+ $flags{'fg_color'} = $fg % scalar (@mirc_colors);
+ }
+ if ($bg != -1)
+ {
+ $flags{'bg_color'} = $bg % scalar (@mirc_colors);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($controlchar eq "\cB")
+ {
+ $flags{'bold'} = 1 - $flags{'bold'};
+ }
+ elsif ($controlchar eq "\c_")
+ {
+ $flags{'underline'} = 1 - $flags{'underline'};
+ }
+ elsif ($controlchar eq "\cV")
+ {
+ $flags{'reverse'} = 1 - $flags{'reverse'};
+ }
+ # reset
+ elsif ($controlchar eq "\cO")
+ {
+ $flags{'fg_color'} = -1;
+ $flags{'bg_color'} = -1;
+ $flags{'bold'} = 0;
+ $flags{'underline'} = 0;
+ $flags{'reverse'} = 0;
+ }
+ # build the new span-tag
+ if (($flags{'fg_color'} != -1) || ($flags{'bg_color'} != -1)
+ || $flags{'bold'} || $flags{'underline'})
+ {
+ my $fg = $flags{'fg_color'};
+ my $bg = $flags{'bg_color'};
+ my @style = ();
+ if ($flags{'reverse'} and ($bg != -1))
+ {
+ $fg = $flags{'bg_color'};
+ $bg = $flags{'fg_color'};
+ }
+ if ($fg != -1)
+ {
+ push (@style, 'color: ' . $mirc_colors[$fg] . ';');
+ }
+ if ($bg != -1)
+ {
+ push (@style, 'background-color: ' . $mirc_colors[$bg] . ';');
+ }
+ if ($flags{'bold'})
+ {
+ push (@style, 'font-weight: bold;');
+ }
+ if ($flags{'underline'})
+ {
+ push (@style, 'text-decoration: underline;');
+ }
+ $newspan .= '<span style="' . join (' ', @style) . '">';
+ $flags{'span_open'} = 1;
+ }
+ $string = $prematch . $newspan . $postmatch;
+ }
+ if ($flags{'span_open'})
+ {
+ $string .= "</span>";
+ $flags{'span_open'} = 0;
+ }
+ return ($string);