%{?el6:%global _has_recent_libganglia 1}
%{?el6:%global _has_working_libiptc 1}
%{?el6:%global _has_ip_vs_h 1}
+%{?el6:%global _has_lvm2app_h 1}
%{?el6:%global _has_libmodbus 1}
+ %{?el6:%global _has_iproute 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_libyajl 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_recent_libpcap 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_recent_sockios_h 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_working_libiptc 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_ip_vs_h 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_recent_librrd 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_varnish4 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_broken_libmemcached 1}
+ %{?el7:%global _has_iproute 1}
# plugins enabled by default
%define with_aggregation 0%{!?_without_aggregation:1}
%define with_redis 0%{!?_without_redis:0}
# plugin routeros disabled, requires librouteros
%define with_routeros 0%{!?_without_routeros:0}
- # plugin rrdcached disabled, requires rrdtool >= 1.4
- %define with_rrdcached 0%{!?_without_rrdcached:0}
+# plugin sigrok disabled, requires libsigrok
+%define with_sigrok 0%{!?_without_sigrok:0}
# plugin tape disabled, requires libkstat
%define with_tape 0%{!?_without_tape:0}
# plugin tokyotyrant disabled, requires tcrdb.h
Summary: netlink plugin for collectd
Group: System Environment/Daemons
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
- BuildRequires: libmnl-devel
-BuildRequires: iproute-devel
++BuildRequires: libmnl-devel, iproute-devel
%description netlink
- This plugin collects very detailed Linux network interface and routing
- statistics.
+ The netlink plugin collects detailed network interface and routing statistics.
%if %{with_nginx}
+%if %{with_mic}
+%files mic
+ %if %{with_modbus}
+ %files modbus
+ %{_libdir}/%{name}/modbus.so
+ %endif
%if %{with_mysql}
%files mysql