E<lt>RRD:: tags. B<rrdcgi> will interpret and act according to these tags.
In the end it will printout a web page including the necessary CGI headers.
-B<rrdcgi> parses the contents of the template in 2 steps. In each step it looks
+B<rrdcgi> parses the contents of the template in 3 steps. In each step it looks
only for a subset of tags. This allows to nest tags.
The argument parser uses the same semantics as you are used from your c shell.
This gets replaced by the current time of day. The
time is I<strftime>-formated with the string specified in the argument.
+=item RRD::TIME::STRFTIME I<START|END> I<start-spec> I<end-spec> I<strftime-format>
+This gets replaced by a strftime-formatted time using the format
+I<strftime-format> on either I<start-spec> or I<end-spec> depending on
+whether I<START> or I<END> is specified. Both I<start-spec> and I<end-spec>
+must be supplied as either could be relative to the other. This is intended
+to allow pretty titles on graphs with times that are easier for non rrdtool
+folks to figure out than "-2weeks".
=head2 Pass 3
/* for how long is the output of the cgi valid ? */
char* rrdgoodfor(long, char **);
+/* format at-time specified times using strftime */
+char* printstrftime(long, char**);
/** http protocol needs special format, and GMT time **/
char *http_time(time_t *);
i += parse(&buffer,i,"<RRD::INCLUDE",includefile);
i += parse(&buffer,i,"<RRD::TIME::LAST",printtimelast);
i += parse(&buffer,i,"<RRD::TIME::NOW",printtimenow);
+ i += parse(&buffer,i,"<RRD::TIME::STRFTIME",printstrftime);
/* pass 3 */
return stralloc("");
+/* Format start or end times using strftime. We always need both the
+ * start and end times, because, either might be relative to the other.
+ * */
+#define MAX_STRFTIME_SIZE 256
+char* printstrftime(long argc, char **args){
+ struct time_value start_tv, end_tv;
+ char *parsetime_error = NULL;
+ char formatted[MAX_STRFTIME_SIZE];
+ struct tm *the_tm;
+ time_t start_tmp, end_tmp;
+ /* Make sure that we were given the right number of args */
+ if( argc != 4) {
+ rrd_set_error( "wrong number of args %d", argc);
+ return (char *) -1;
+ }
+ /* Init start and end time */
+ parsetime("end-24h", &start_tv);
+ parsetime("now", &end_tv);
+ /* Parse the start and end times we were given */
+ if( (parsetime_error = parsetime( args[1], &start_tv))) {
+ rrd_set_error( "start time: %s", parsetime_error);
+ return (char *) -1;
+ }
+ if( (parsetime_error = parsetime( args[2], &end_tv))) {
+ rrd_set_error( "end time: %s", parsetime_error);
+ return (char *) -1;
+ }
+ if( proc_start_end( &start_tv, &end_tv, &start_tmp, &end_tmp) == -1) {
+ return (char *) -1;
+ }
+ /* Do we do the start or end */
+ if( strcasecmp( args[0], "START") == 0) {
+ the_tm = localtime( &start_tmp);
+ }
+ else if( strcasecmp( args[0], "END") == 0) {
+ the_tm = localtime( &end_tmp);
+ }
+ else {
+ rrd_set_error( "start/end not found in '%s'", args[0]);
+ return (char *) -1;
+ }
+ /* now format it */
+ if( strftime( formatted, MAX_STRFTIME_SIZE, args[3], the_tm)) {
+ return( stralloc( formatted));
+ }
+ else {
+ rrd_set_error( "strftime failed");
+ return (char *) -1;
+ }
char* includefile(long argc, char **args){
char *buffer;
if (argc >= 1) {