+=head2 Plugin C<chrony>
+The C<chrony> plugin collects ntp data from a B<chronyd> server, such as clock
+skew and per-peer stratum.
+For talking to B<chronyd>, it mimics what the B<chronyc> control program does
+on the wire.
+Available configuration options for the C<chrony> plugin:
+=over 4
+=item B<Host> I<Hostname>
+Hostname of the host running B<chronyd>. Defaults to B<localhost>.
+=item B<Port> I<Port>
+UDP-Port to connect to. Defaults to B<323>.
+=item B<Timeout> I<Timeout>
+Connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to B<2>.
=head2 Plugin C<conntrack>
This plugin collects IP conntrack statistics.