--- /dev/null
+function intro()
+ //initialize
+ SUPERTUX.set_action("stand-right");
+ RADIO.set_action("quiet");
+ PENNY.set_action("stand-left");
+ NOLOK.set_visible(false);
+ logo <- FloatingImage("images/objects/logo/logo.sprite");
+ Tux.deactivate();
+ Tux.set_visible(false);
+ Effect.sixteen_to_nine(0);
+ //begin scrolling sequence
+ Effect.fade_in(2);
+ Camera.scroll_to(0, 945, 15);
+ Sound.play("music/intro.ogg");
+ wait(3);
+ Text.set_text("Somewhere at the shores\nof Antarctica...");
+ Text.fade_in(2);
+ wait(3);
+ Text.fade_out(2);
+ wait(10);
+ SUPERTUX.set_velocity(50,0);
+ Camera.scroll_to(3100, 945, 18);
+ wait(10);
+ logo.set_anchor_point(ANCHOR_TOP);
+ logo.set_pos(0, 50);
+ logo.set_visible(true);
+ wait(5);
+ logo.set_visible(false);
+ wait(6);
+ //begin conversation and Tux rap
+ SUPERTUX.set_velocity(0,0);
+ Sound.play("speech/tux_hello.ogg");
+ wait(3);
+ Sound.play("speech/penny_runt_01.ogg");
+ wait(1);
+ Sound.play("speech/tux_murp_01.ogg");
+ wait(1);
+ RADIO.set_action("loud");
+ Sound.play("speech/tux_rap.ogg");
+ wait(15);
+ shake_bush();
+ wait(2);
+ shake_bush();
+ wait(2);
+ shake_bush();
+ wait(1.3);
+ //enter Nolok
+ NOLOK.set_velocity(-220, 600);
+ NOLOK.set_visible(true);
+ Effect.fade_out(1.3);
+ wait(3);
+ //darkness
+ NOLOK.set_visible(false);
+ PENNY.set_visible(false);
+ RADIO.set_action("quiet");
+ SUPERTUX.set_pos(3550, SUPERTUX.get_pos_y());
+ //wake up, Tux...
+ Effect.fade_in(4);
+ wait(4);
+ Sound.play("speech/tux_upset.ogg");
+ wait(3);
+ tux_upset();
+ wait(1);
+ tux_upset();
+ wait(4);
+ SUPERTUX.set_action("stand-right");
+ SUPERTUX.set_velocity(300,0);
+ wait(2);
+ //end intro sequence
+ Effect.fade_out(2);
+ wait(3);
+ Level.finish(true);
+function shake_bush()
+ //Sound.play("sounds/rustle.wav");
+ local bushx = BUSH.get_pos_x();
+ local bushy = BUSH.get_pos_y();
+ for(local i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
+ BUSH.set_pos(bushx + rand() % 6 - 3, bushy);
+ wait(0.05);
+ }
+function tux_upset()
+ SUPERTUX.set_action("stand-right");
+ SUPERTUX.set_velocity(200,0);
+ wait(0.3);
+ SUPERTUX.set_velocity(0,0);
+ wait(0.4);
+ SUPERTUX.set_action("stand-left");
+ SUPERTUX.set_velocity(-200,0);
+ wait(0.3);