newRV() does not handle that correctly and causes a segfault instead. Now, we
use PL_sv_undef instead.
if (-1 == data_set2av (aTHX_ ds, pds)) {
av_clear (pds);
av_undef (pds);
- pds = Nullav;
+ pds = (AV *)&PL_sv_undef;
ret = -1;
if (-1 == value_list2hv (aTHX_ vl, ds, pvl)) {
hv_clear (pvl);
hv_undef (pvl);
- pvl = Nullhv;
+ pvl = (HV *)&PL_sv_undef;
ret = -1;
if (-1 == notification2hv (aTHX_ n, notif)) {
hv_clear (notif);
hv_undef (notif);
- notif = Nullhv;
+ notif = (HV *)&PL_sv_undef;
ret = -1;
hv_undef (config);
log_err ("Unable to convert configuration to a Perl hash value.");
- config = Nullhv;
+ config = (HV *)&PL_sv_undef;