-=head2 Plugin C<couchdb>
-The couchdb plugin uses B<libcurl> (L<http://curl.haxx.se/>) and B<libyajl>
-(L<http://www.lloydforge.org/projects/yajl/>) to collect values from CouchDB
-documents (stored JSON notation).
-The following example will collect several values from the built-in `_stats'
-runtime statistics module (L<http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Runtime_Statistics>).
- <Plugin couchdb>
- <URL "http://localhost:5984/_stats">
- Instance "httpd"
- <Key "httpd/requests/count">
- Type "http_requests"
- </Key>
- <Key "httpd_request_methods/*/count">
- Type "http_request_methods"
- </Key>
- <Key "httpd_status_codes/*/count">
- Type "http_response_codes"
- </Key>
- </URL>
- </Plugin>
-The following example will collect the status values from each database:
- <URL "http://localhost:5984/_all_dbs">
- Instance "dbs"
- <Key "*/doc_count">
- Type "gauge"
- </Key>
- <Key "*/doc_del_count">
- Type "counter"
- </Key>
- <Key "*/disk_size">
- Type "bytes"
- </Key>
- </URL>
-In the B<Plugin> block, there may be one or more B<URL> blocks, each defining
-a URL to be fetched via HTTP (libcurl) and one or more B<Key> blocks.
-The B<Key> string argument must be in a path format, of which is used to collect
-a value from a JSON map object. If a B<Key> path element is that of a I<*> wildcard,
-the values for all keys will be collectd.
-The following options are valid within B<URL> blocks:
-=over 4
-=item B<Instance> I<Instance>
-Sets the plugin instance to I<Instance>.
-=item B<User> I<Name>
-Username to use if authorization is required to read the page.
-=item B<Password> I<Password>
-Password to use if authorization is required to read the page.
-=item B<VerifyPeer> B<true>|B<false>
-Enable or disable peer SSL certificate verification. See
-L<http://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html> for details. Enabled by default.
-=item B<VerifyHost> B<true>|B<false>
-Enable or disable peer host name verification. If enabled, the plugin checks if
-the C<Common Name> or a C<Subject Alternate Name> field of the SSL certificate
-matches the host name provided by the B<URL> option. If this identity check
-fails, the connection is aborted. Obviously, only works when connecting to a
-SSL enabled server. Enabled by default.
-=item B<CACert> I<file>
-File that holds one or more SSL certificates. If you want to use HTTPS you will
-possibly need this option. What CA certificates come bundled with C<libcurl>
-and are checked by default depends on the distribution you use.
-The following options are valid within B<Key> blocks:
-=over 4
-=item B<Type> I<Type>
-Sets the type used to dispatch the values to the daemon. Detailed information
-about types and their configuration can be found in L<types.db(5)>. This
-option is mandatory.
-=item B<Instance> I<Instance>
-Type-instance to use. Defaults to the current map key or current string array element value.
=head2 Plugin C<cpufreq>
This plugin doesn't have any options. It reads
+=head2 Plugin C<curl_json>
+The B<curl_json plugin> uses B<libcurl> (L<http://curl.haxx.se/>) and
+B<libyajl> (L<http://www.lloydforge.org/projects/yajl/>) to retrieve JSON data
+via cURL. This can be used to collect values from CouchDB documents (which are
+stored JSON notation), for example.
+The following example will collect several values from the built-in `_stats'
+runtime statistics module of CouchDB
+ <Plugin curl_json>
+ <URL "http://localhost:5984/_stats">
+ Instance "httpd"
+ <Key "httpd/requests/count">
+ Type "http_requests"
+ </Key>
+ <Key "httpd_request_methods/*/count">
+ Type "http_request_methods"
+ </Key>
+ <Key "httpd_status_codes/*/count">
+ Type "http_response_codes"
+ </Key>
+ </URL>
+ </Plugin>
+Another CouchDB example:
+The following example will collect the status values from each database:
+ <URL "http://localhost:5984/_all_dbs">
+ Instance "dbs"
+ <Key "*/doc_count">
+ Type "gauge"
+ </Key>
+ <Key "*/doc_del_count">
+ Type "counter"
+ </Key>
+ <Key "*/disk_size">
+ Type "bytes"
+ </Key>
+ </URL>
+In the B<Plugin> block, there may be one or more B<URL> blocks, each defining
+a URL to be fetched via HTTP (using libcurl) and one or more B<Key> blocks.
+The B<Key> string argument must be in a path format, of which is used to collect
+a value from a JSON map object. If a B<Key> path element is that of a I<*> wildcard,
+the values for all keys will be collectd.
+The following options are valid within B<URL> blocks:
+=over 4
+=item B<Instance> I<Instance>
+Sets the plugin instance to I<Instance>.
+=item B<User> I<Name>
+Username to use if authorization is required to read the page.
+=item B<Password> I<Password>
+Password to use if authorization is required to read the page.
+=item B<VerifyPeer> B<true>|B<false>
+Enable or disable peer SSL certificate verification. See
+L<http://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html> for details. Enabled by default.
+=item B<VerifyHost> B<true>|B<false>
+Enable or disable peer host name verification. If enabled, the plugin checks if
+the C<Common Name> or a C<Subject Alternate Name> field of the SSL certificate
+matches the host name provided by the B<URL> option. If this identity check
+fails, the connection is aborted. Obviously, only works when connecting to a
+SSL enabled server. Enabled by default.
+=item B<CACert> I<file>
+File that holds one or more SSL certificates. If you want to use HTTPS you will
+possibly need this option. What CA certificates come bundled with C<libcurl>
+and are checked by default depends on the distribution you use.
+The following options are valid within B<Key> blocks:
+=over 4
+=item B<Type> I<Type>
+Sets the type used to dispatch the values to the daemon. Detailed information
+about types and their configuration can be found in L<types.db(5)>. This
+option is mandatory.
+=item B<Instance> I<Instance>
+Type-instance to use. Defaults to the current map key or current string array element value.
=head2 Plugin C<dbi>
This plugin uses the B<dbi> library (L<http://libdbi.sourceforge.net/>) to