return (-1);
- status = luaL_dofile (script->lua_state, script->script_path);
+ status = luaL_loadfile (script->lua_state, script->script_path);
+ if (status != 0)
+ {
+ ERROR ("lua plugin: luaL_loadfile failed with status %i", status);
+ lua_script_free (script);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ status = lua_pcall (script->lua_state,
+ /* nargs = */ 0,
+ /* nresults = */ LUA_MULTRET,
+ /* errfunc = */ 0);
if (status != 0)
const char *errmsg;
- switch (status)
- {
- case LUA_ERRSYNTAX: errmsg = "Syntax error"; break;
- case LUA_ERRFILE: errmsg = "File I/O error"; break;
- case LUA_ERRMEM: errmsg = "Memory allocation error"; break;
- default: errmsg = "Unexpected error";
- }
+ errmsg = lua_tostring (script->lua_state, /* stack pos = */ -1);
- ERROR ("lua plugin: Loading script \"%s\" failed: %s",
- script->script_path, errmsg);
+ if (errmsg == NULL)
+ ERROR ("lua plugin: lua_pcall failed with status %i. "
+ "In addition, no error message could be retrieved from the stack.",
+ status);
+ else
+ ERROR ("lua plugin: Executing script \"%s\" failed:\n%s",
+ script->script_path, errmsg);
lua_script_free (script);
return (-1);