* Florian octo Forster <octo at collectd.org>
- * Current list of what is monitored and what is not monitored (yet)
- * {{{
- * Field name Description Monitored
- * ---------- ----------- ---------
- * uptime Child uptime N
- * client_conn Client connections accepted Y
- * client_drop Connection dropped, no sess Y
- * client_req Client requests received Y
- * cache_hit Cache hits Y
- * cache_hitpass Cache hits for pass Y
- * cache_miss Cache misses Y
- * backend_conn Backend conn. success Y
- * backend_unhealthy Backend conn. not attempted Y
- * backend_busy Backend conn. too many Y
- * backend_fail Backend conn. failures Y
- * backend_reuse Backend conn. reuses Y
- * backend_toolate Backend conn. was closed Y
- * backend_recycle Backend conn. recycles Y
- * backend_unused Backend conn. unused Y
- * fetch_head Fetch head Y
- * fetch_length Fetch with Length Y
- * fetch_chunked Fetch chunked Y
- * fetch_eof Fetch EOF Y
- * fetch_bad Fetch had bad headers Y
- * fetch_close Fetch wanted close Y
- * fetch_oldhttp Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed Y
- * fetch_zero Fetch zero len Y
- * fetch_failed Fetch failed Y
- * n_sess_mem N struct sess_mem N
- * n_sess N struct sess N
- * n_object N struct object N
- * n_vampireobject N unresurrected objects N
- * n_objectcore N struct objectcore N
- * n_objecthead N struct objecthead N
- * n_smf N struct smf N
- * n_smf_frag N small free smf N
- * n_smf_large N large free smf N
- * n_vbe_conn N struct vbe_conn N
- * n_wrk N worker threads Y
- * n_wrk_create N worker threads created Y
- * n_wrk_failed N worker threads not created Y
- * n_wrk_max N worker threads limited Y
- * n_wrk_queue N queued work requests Y
- * n_wrk_overflow N overflowed work requests Y
- * n_wrk_drop N dropped work requests Y
- * n_backend N backends N
- * n_expired N expired objects N
- * n_lru_nuked N LRU nuked objects N
- * n_lru_saved N LRU saved objects N
- * n_lru_moved N LRU moved objects N
- * n_deathrow N objects on deathrow N
- * losthdr HTTP header overflows N
- * n_objsendfile Objects sent with sendfile N
- * n_objwrite Objects sent with write N
- * n_objoverflow Objects overflowing workspace N
- * s_sess Total Sessions Y
- * s_req Total Requests Y
- * s_pipe Total pipe Y
- * s_pass Total pass Y
- * s_fetch Total fetch Y
- * s_hdrbytes Total header bytes Y
- * s_bodybytes Total body bytes Y
- * sess_closed Session Closed N
- * sess_pipeline Session Pipeline N
- * sess_readahead Session Read Ahead N
- * sess_linger Session Linger N
- * sess_herd Session herd N
- * shm_records SHM records Y
- * shm_writes SHM writes Y
- * shm_flushes SHM flushes due to overflow Y
- * shm_cont SHM MTX contention Y
- * shm_cycles SHM cycles through buffer Y
- * sm_nreq allocator requests Y
- * sm_nobj outstanding allocations Y
- * sm_balloc bytes allocated Y
- * sm_bfree bytes free Y
- * sma_nreq SMA allocator requests Y
- * sma_nobj SMA outstanding allocations Y
- * sma_nbytes SMA outstanding bytes Y
- * sma_balloc SMA bytes allocated Y
- * sma_bfree SMA bytes free Y
- * sms_nreq SMS allocator requests Y
- * sms_nobj SMS outstanding allocations Y
- * sms_nbytes SMS outstanding bytes Y
- * sms_balloc SMS bytes allocated Y
- * sms_bfree SMS bytes freed Y
- * backend_req Backend requests made N
- * n_vcl N vcl total N
- * n_vcl_avail N vcl available N
- * n_vcl_discard N vcl discarded N
- * n_purge N total active purges N
- * n_purge_add N new purges added N
- * n_purge_retire N old purges deleted N
- * n_purge_obj_test N objects tested N
- * n_purge_re_test N regexps tested against N
- * n_purge_dups N duplicate purges removed N
- * hcb_nolock HCB Lookups without lock Y
- * hcb_lock HCB Lookups with lock Y
- * hcb_insert HCB Inserts Y
- * esi_parse Objects ESI parsed (unlock) Y
- * esi_errors ESI parse errors (unlock) Y
- * }}}
- */
#include "collectd.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "plugin.h"
_Bool collect_connections;
_Bool collect_esi;
_Bool collect_backend;
+ _Bool collect_dirdns;
_Bool collect_fetch;
_Bool collect_hcb;
+ _Bool collect_objects;
+ _Bool collect_purge;
+ _Bool collect_ban;
+ _Bool collect_session;
_Bool collect_shm;
_Bool collect_sms;
_Bool collect_sm;
_Bool collect_sma;
+ _Bool collect_struct;
_Bool collect_totals;
+ _Bool collect_uptime;
+ _Bool collect_vcl;
_Bool collect_workers;
typedef struct user_config_s user_config_t; /* }}} */
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "connections", "connections", "received", stats->client_req);
+ if (conf->collect_dirdns)
+ {
+ /* DNS director lookups */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "dirdns", "cache_operation", "lookups", stats->dir_dns_lookups);
+ /* DNS director failed lookups */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "dirdns", "cache_result", "failed", stats->dir_dns_failed);
+ /* DNS director cached lookups hit */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "dirdns", "cache_result", "hits", stats->dir_dns_hit);
+ /* DNS director full dnscache */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "dirdns", "cache_result", "cache_full", stats->dir_dns_cache_full);
+ }
if (conf->collect_esi)
/* ESI parse errors (unlock) */
- varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "error", stats->esi_errors);
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "error", stats->esi_errors);
/* Objects ESI parsed (unlock) */
- varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "parsed", stats->esi_parse);
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "parsed", stats->esi_parse);
+ /* ESI parse warnings (unlock) */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "warning", stats->esi_warnings);
/* Backend conn. unused */
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "unused" , stats->backend_unused);
+ /* Backend conn. retry */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "retries" , stats->backend_retry);
+ /* Backend requests mades */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "http_requests", "requests" , stats->backend_req);
+ /* N backends */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "backend", "backends", "n_backends" , stats->n_backend);
if (conf->collect_fetch)
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "zero" , stats->fetch_zero);
/* Fetch failed */
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "failed" , stats->fetch_failed);
+ /* Fetch no body (1xx) */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "no_body_1xx", stats->fetch_1xx);
+ /* Fetch no body (204) */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "no_body_204", stats->fetch_204);
+ /* Fetch no body (304) */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "no_body_304", stats->fetch_304);
if (conf->collect_hcb)
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "insert", stats->hcb_insert);
+ if (conf->collect_objects)
+ {
+ /* N expired objects */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "expired", stats->n_expired);
+ /* N LRU nuked objects */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_nuked", stats->n_lru_nuked);
+ /* N LRU saved objects */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_saved", stats->n_lru_saved);
+ /* N LRU moved objects */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "lru_moved", stats->n_lru_moved);
+ /* N objects on deathrow */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "deathrow", stats->n_deathrow);
+ /* HTTP header overflows */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "header_overflow", stats->losthdr);
+ /* Objects sent with sendfile */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "sent_sendfile", stats->n_objsendfile);
+ /* Objects sent with write */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "sent_write", stats->n_objwrite);
+ /* Objects overflowing workspace */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "objects", "total_objects", "workspace_overflow", stats->n_objoverflow);
+ }
+ if (conf->collect_purge)
+ {
+ /* N total active purges */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "total", stats->n_purge);
+ /* N new purges added */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "added", stats->n_purge_add);
+ /* N old purges deleted */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "deleted", stats->n_purge_retire);
+ /* N objects tested */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "objects_tested", stats->n_purge_obj_test);
+ /* N regexps tested against */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "regexps_tested", stats->n_purge_re_test);
+ /* N duplicate purges removed */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "purge", "total_operations", "duplicate", stats->n_purge_dups);
+ }
+ if (conf->collect_ban)
+ {
+ /* N total active bans */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "total", stats->n_ban);
+ /* N new bans added */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "added", stats->n_ban_add);
+ /* N old bans deleted */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "deleted", stats->n_ban_retire);
+ /* N objects tested */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "objects_tested", stats->n_ban_obj_test);
+ /* N regexps tested against */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "regexps_tested", stats->n_ban_re_test);
+ /* N duplicate bans removed */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "ban", "total_operations", "duplicate", stats->n_ban_dups);
+ }
+ if (conf->collect_session)
+ {
+ /* Session Closed */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "closed", stats->sess_closed);
+ /* Session Pipeline */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "pipeline", stats->sess_pipeline);
+ /* Session Read Ahead */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "readahead", stats->sess_readahead);
+ /* Session Linger */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "linger", stats->sess_linger);
+ /* Session herd */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "session", "total_operations", "herd", stats->sess_herd);
+ }
if (conf->collect_shm)
/* SHM records */
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "sms", "total_bytes", "free", stats->sms_bfree);
+ if (conf->collect_struct)
+ {
+ /* N struct sess_mem */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "current_sessions", "sess_mem", stats->n_sess_mem);
+ /* N struct sess */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "current_sessions", "sess", stats->n_sess);
+ /* N struct object */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "object", stats->n_object);
+ /* N unresurrected objects */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "vampireobject", stats->n_vampireobject);
+ /* N struct objectcore */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "objectcore", stats->n_objectcore);
+ /* N struct objecthead */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "objecthead", stats->n_objecthead);
+ /* N struct smf */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf", stats->n_smf);
+ /* N small free smf */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf_frag", stats->n_smf_frag);
+ /* N large free smf */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "smf_large", stats->n_smf_large);
+ /* N struct vbe_conn */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "struct", "objects", "vbe_conn", stats->n_vbe_conn);
+ }
if (conf->collect_totals)
/* Total Sessions */
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "totals", "total_bytes", "body-bytes", stats->s_bodybytes);
+ if (conf->collect_uptime)
+ {
+ /* Client uptime */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "uptime", "uptime", "client_uptime", stats->uptime);
+ }
+ if (conf->collect_vcl)
+ {
+ /* N vcl total */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "total_vcl", stats->n_vcl);
+ /* N vcl available */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "avail_vcl", stats->n_vcl_avail);
+ /* N vcl discarded */
+ varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "vcl", "vcl", "discarded_vcl", stats->n_vcl_discard);
+ }
if (conf->collect_workers)
/* worker threads */
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "queued", stats->n_wrk_queue);
/* overflowed work requests */
varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "overflowed", stats->n_wrk_overflow);
+ /* queued work requests */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "queued", stats->n_wrk_queued);
+ /* work request queue length */
+ varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "workers", "total_requests", "queue_length", stats->n_wrk_lqueue);
} /* }}} void varnish_monitor */
conf->collect_backend = 1;
conf->collect_cache = 1;
conf->collect_connections = 1;
+ conf->collect_dirdns = 0;
conf->collect_esi = 0;
conf->collect_fetch = 0;
conf->collect_hcb = 0;
+ conf->collect_objects = 0;
+ conf->collect_purge = 0;
+ conf->collect_ban = 0;
+ conf->collect_session = 0;
conf->collect_shm = 1;
conf->collect_sm = 0;
conf->collect_sma = 0;
conf->collect_sms = 0;
+ conf->collect_struct = 0;
conf->collect_totals = 0;
+ conf->collect_uptime = 0;
+ conf->collect_vcl = 0;
conf->collect_workers = 0;
return (0);
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_connections);
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectESI", child->key) == 0)
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_esi);
+ else if (strcasecmp ("CollectDirectorDNS", child->key) == 0)
+ cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_dirdns);
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectBackend", child->key) == 0)
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_backend);
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectFetch", child->key) == 0)
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_fetch);
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectHCB", child->key) == 0)
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_hcb);
+ else if (strcasecmp ("CollectObjects", child->key) == 0)
+ cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_objects);
+ else if (strcasecmp ("CollectPurge", child->key) == 0)
+ cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_purge);
+ else if (strcasecmp ("CollectBan", child->key) == 0)
+ cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_ban);
+ else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSession", child->key) == 0)
+ cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_session);
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSHM", child->key) == 0)
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_shm);
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSMS", child->key) == 0)
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSM", child->key) == 0)
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_sm);
+ else if (strcasecmp ("CollectStruct", child->key) == 0)
+ cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_struct);
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectTotals", child->key) == 0)
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_totals);
+ else if (strcasecmp ("CollectUptime", child->key) == 0)
+ cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_uptime);
+ else if (strcasecmp ("CollectVCL", child->key) == 0)
+ cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_vcl);
else if (strcasecmp ("CollectWorkers", child->key) == 0)
cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_workers);
&& !conf->collect_connections
&& !conf->collect_esi
&& !conf->collect_backend
+ && !conf->collect_dirdns
&& !conf->collect_fetch
&& !conf->collect_hcb
+ && !conf->collect_objects
+ && !conf->collect_purge
+ && !conf->collect_ban
+ && !conf->collect_session
&& !conf->collect_shm
&& !conf->collect_sms
&& !conf->collect_sma
&& !conf->collect_sm
+ && !conf->collect_struct
&& !conf->collect_totals
+ && !conf->collect_uptime
+ && !conf->collect_vcl
&& !conf->collect_workers)
WARNING ("Varnish plugin: No metric has been configured for "