--- /dev/null
+Compiling RRDtool 1.1.x on Win32 with Microsoft Visual C++:
+5/1/05 Tobi
+to help windows deal with the reentrant versions of many unix
+calls link with win32comp.c
+4/10/05 Tobi
+The windows implementation of strftime does not seem to support
+the ISO 8601 week number (%V) I have therfore included the file
+strftime.[ch] which provides strftime_ ... if you compile rrdtool
+with -Dstrftime=_strftime and link strftime.o then you will
+get propper support for %V.
+7/29/04 Jake Brutlag
+As of Jan 2004, code for libraries utilized by rrdtool
+(png, libart, freetype, and zlib) is no longer distributed with
+rrdtool. This requires some changes to the compile process on
+Win32. The solution described here is to compile rrdtool to
+link against these libraries dynamically. There is an advantage
+to this approach: namely the rrdtool distribution doesn't have to
+worry about how to compile these libraries on Win32. In theory,
+since others already provide and maintain Win32 binaries for these
+libraries the users don't have to worry about how to compile them
+either. The disadvantage of this approach is that the DLLs for
+these libraries must be available on the hosts where rrdtool will run.
+Here are step by step instructions for compiling rrdtool.exe and
+the perl shared library (RRDS.dll) with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.
+(1) Download libraries rrdtool depends on from GnuWin32:
+For freetype, libpng, and zlib download the "Complete Package"; each of
+these will be a self-extracting self-installing executable.
+For libart, download both the "Binaries" and "Developer Files" packages.
+Unfortunately at this time GnuWin32 doesn't provide the "Complete Package"
+installer for libart. Perhaps by the time you are following these
+instructions GnuWin32 will have a "Complete Package" for libart.
+(2) Install the GnuWin32 libraries by running the executables for freetype,
+libpng, and zlib. These instructions and the Visual C++ project files
+distributed with rrdtool assume that you will use the default install
+location: C:\Program Files\GnuWin32. Extract the two zip files for libart,
+libart-2.3.3-bin.zip and libart-2.3.3-1-lib.zip into the GnuWin32 directory;
+the appropriate libart files will be added to the include, lib, and bin
+(3) Add C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin to the PATH (Control Panel ->
+System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables).
+(4) Start Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. Load the workspace file, rrdtool.dsw,
+from the src subdirectory of your rrdtool code directory.
+(5) Compile the Release build of the rrdtool project (since rrdtool depends
+on the rrd project, the rrd library will also be compiled). At this
+time, the compile will fail in zconf.h, a zlib header file. The problem
+is a preprocessor directive that loads unistd.h. Open zconf.h in VC++
+(this file is in C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\include) and find the following
+code block:
+#if 1 /* HAVE_UNISTD_H -- this line is updated by ./configure */
+# include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */
+# include <unistd.h> /* for SEEK_* and off_t */
+# ifdef VMS
+# include <unixio.h> /* for off_t */
+# endif
+# define z_off_t off_t
+Change it to reads as follows (this is code from zlib-1.1.4):
+# include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */
+# include <unistd.h> /* for SEEK_* and off_t */
+# ifdef VMS
+# include <unixio.h> /* for off_t */
+# endif
+# define z_off_t off_t
+Note that it is actually just a one line change. Save the file and
+recompile rrdtool. By the time you are following these instructions
+this issue with zconf.h may be resolved.
+(6) At this point, you can run the executable rrdtool.exe in the
+src\toolrelease subdirectory. Note that if you wish to run rrdtool
+on other machines, you will need the following DLLs installed (on the
+path) on those machines:
+The names of the first four DLLs might vary from what is listed here
+depending on the versions of the packages you downloaded from GnuWin32.
+The fifth DLL, msvcrt.dll, is a system DLL for most versions of Windows.
+If you are running on old version of Windows, you can install/upgrade to
+IE4.0 to get this DLL.
+(7) To compile the perl-shared library, open a Command Prompt (DOS box)
+and cd to the bindings\perl-shared subdirectory.
+(8) Run vcvars32.bat; this batch file, in your vc98\bin directory will
+set necessary environment options for command line compiling.
+(9) In bindings\perl-shared, run
+perl ntmake.pl
+nmake test
+If nmake test succeeds, you are good to go. RRDs.dll is in
+blib\arch\auto\RRDs. If you plan to install via the Active State ppm
+tool, tar and gzip the blib directory. You can use the RRDs.ppd file
+in bindings\perl-shared directory. Remember that as in the case of
+rrdtool.exe you will need the DLLs listed in (6) on the machine where
+you are going to use RRDs.dll.
+Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 (.NET 2003):
+Unfortunately, this is more difficult than with VC++ 6.0. The problem
+is that by default the C runtime dll for VC++ 7.1 is msvcr71.dll rather
+than msvcrt.dll. The GnuWin32 library binaries are all compiled
+to use msvcrt.dll and you can't mix msvcr71.dll and msvcrt.dll in the
+same process. One option is to download the source code for the libraries
+(available from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net) recompile them with
+VC++ 7.l. Then all the components will use msvcr71.dll. Once you are
+going to go this route, you can also use static multi-threaded libraries
+and use static linking between rrdtool (or RRDs.dll) and its dependencies.
+To use the GnuWin32 library binaries, you need to trick VC++ 7.1 into
+compiling rrdtool to use the older msvcrt.dll. Follow steps (1) - (3)
+as above, then:
+(4) Obtain a different version of the msvcrt.lib import library that
+is compatible with vc7 and points to msvcrt.dll:
+msvcrtlib_for_vc7.zip from http://xchat.org/win32/testing
+Backup msvcrt.lib in your vc7\lib directory
+(\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\vc7\lib)
+Then extract the msvcrt.lib from the zip file into the vc7\lib directory.
+WARNING: Use this msvcrt.lib at your own risk! This is not a Microsoft
+supplied file nor a file supported by anyone associated with rrdtool.
+(5) Start Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1. Load the solution file, rrdtool.sln,
+from the src subdirectory of your rrdtool code directory. Edit zconf.h,
+as needed, as described under (5) above. Compile the release build of
+the rrdtool project.
+Proceed with steps (6) - (9) as above, if you are using/picking up
+the wrong msvcrt.lib import library then nmake test for perl-shared
+will fail.
+Note: it is possible in the future that GnuWin32 will provide Win32
+binaries that utilize msvcr71.dll rather than msvcrt.dll.
+5/14/02 Jake Brutlag
+These notes share some insight I gained compiling 1.1.x with
+MS Visual C++ 6.0 (using project files). This information may or
+may not be accurate at the time you are reading this.
+(1) freetype and rrdtool cannot use precompiled headers (which are
+enabled by default for MSVC++ projects). MSVC++ 6.0 does not
+support precompiled headers if #include directives contain MACROS.
+(2) Compile Release build with Default optimization, not the
+Maximize Speed optimization. I encountered some strange errors
+(related to argument processing for complex commands like graph--
+perhaps the getopt stuff is too blame) with Maximize Speed.
+(3) libart relies upon config.h (ostensibly generated by the
+configure script-- but of course not on Win32 platforms). ..\..\confignt
+(which contains a static Win32 version of config.h) should be on
+the include path.
+(4) Fonts are located in the %windir%\fonts, so the default font
+is c:\winnt\fonts\cour.ttf. (6/19/02) At Kerry Calvert's suggestion
+this setting was moved to confignt\config.h.
+(5) libart requires a custom build step to generate art_config.h; this
+is done manually via the commands:
+cl -I..\..\confignt gen_art_config.c
+gen_art_config.exe > art_config.h
+Currently, to compile rrd.lib and rrdtool.exe using
+the MSVC++ project files, first start MSVC++ 6.0. Open the rrdtool
+workspace (rrdtool.dsw in the src directory). The active project/
+configuration should be rrdtool-Win32 Release. Select Rebuild All
+from the Build menu. The static link library (rrd.lib) will
+be generated in src\release directory and executable will be generated
+in the src\toolrelease directory.
+Compiling RRDtool on NT ... work in progress
+ by Tamas Kovacshazy (khazy@mit.bme.hu)
+Persisting Problems with the current NT port:
+Unfortunately, the RRD perl modules does not work with Perl
+(ActivePerl) using the current distribution.
+The RRD shared perl module can be compiled after some
+Follow these steps:
+0. Install perl if you do not have it!
+ Visit http://www.ActiveState.com/pw32/ for a complete distribution.
+1. Copy ..\gd1.2\release\gd.lib to ..\gd1.2\
+2. Copy ..\src\release\rrd.lib to ..\src
+3. perl Makefile.pl
+In this step the system complains about something I do not
+understand. The error message is the following:
+Note (probably harmless): No library found for '-lm'
+Is a library missing? But it does not stop with an error...
+4. nmake test (You must have Visual C++ on the machine!)
+After these steps it generates the test files (svgs and rrds),
+and they seem to be good.
+The real problem in the shared perl modul is the following:
+I do not know how this installation stuff works. The problem is
+that the installation stuff looks for the gd.lib and the
+rrd.lib in the ..\gd1.2 and ..\src directory. The UNIX compile
+puts the files into these directories, but the NT compile does
+It is all for today,
+Tamas Kovacshazy E-mail: khazy@mit.bme.hu
+WWW: http://www.mit.bme.hu/~khazy
+Technical University of Budapest
+Department of Measurement and Information Systems