[?] When jumping into a brick and there is a powerup, it should change
direction or not, depending where the collision was. It currently sucks.
- - Discuss this, is that really what we want?
+ - Discuss this, is that really what we want?
[H] Change resolution to 800x600
- Levels need to be updated to resolution
[H] Camera movement shouldn't be so fast at the beggining, it takes the focus
from the game (backscrolling)
[H] Tux should fall while walking in tiles that have a space between.
- - Possible solution: reduce Tux's width
-[H] Enemies should turn upside down after being hit by an kicked
- iceblock, fireball or bomb
+ - Possible solution: reduce Tux's width
+[H] Enemies should turn upside down after being hit by an kicked iceblock,
+ fireball or bomb
[M] Save score on per-level basis to make high-score
[M] Save time on per-level basis to make low-time-score
look like there are 2 blocks above each other when bumping against them as
small tux...
[L] time runs while being in in-game menu, at least a bit (jump, go to
- menu, wait a bit, leave menu, Tux will 'flip' to the ground,
- instead of fall, pause mode doesn't seem to have this problem, only
- menu)
+ menu, wait a bit, leave menu, Tux will 'flip' to the ground,
+ instead of fall, pause mode doesn't seem to have this problem, only
+ menu)
[L] catch exceptions thrown by lispreader
[L] fadein/out for intro/extro would be nice
[L] we only have a global counter for multiple coin blocks. This should be handled