Title: RRDtool
-Date: 2005-04-04
+Date: 2008-06-11
Owner: Tobias Oetiker <tobi@oetiker.ch>
Group: Software
David L. Barker <dave with ncomtech.com> xport function bug fixes
Evan Miller <emiller with imvu.com> Multiplicative HW Enhancements
Frank Strauss <strauss with escape.de> TCL bindings
-Florian octo Forster <rrdtool nospam.verplant.org> rrd_restore libxml2 rewrite
+Florian octo Forster <rrdtool nospam.verplant.org> rrd_restore libxml2 rewrite deprecated function export
Henrik Storner <henrik with hswn.dk> functions for min/max values of data in graph
Hermann Hueni <hueni with glue.ch> (SunOS porting)
Jakob Ilves <jilves with se.oracle.com> HPUX 11
+++ /dev/null
-NEW RRD DATAFORMAT with Accessor Functions
-Tobias Oetiker <tobi@oetiker.ch>
-Jake Brutlag <jakeb@microsoft.com>
-- updating rrd_update to use accessor fks
-Encapsulating access to the RRD files through
-special accessor functions which provide
-access to the datastructures within the
-pseudo code by Jake
-For example, here is a current code block from rrd_update.c:
- for (i=0;i<rrd.stat_head->ds_cnt;i++) {
- if(isnan(pdp_new[i]))
- rrd.pdp_prep[i].scratch[PDP_unkn_sec_cnt].u_cnt += interval;
- else
- rrd.pdp_prep[i].scratch[PDP_val].u_val+= pdp_new[i];
- }
-This could read:
- for (i=0 ; i < getDSCount(&rrd) ;i++) {
- if(isnan(pdp_new[i])) {
- temp = getPDPParam(&rrd, i, PDP_unkn_sec_cnt);
- temp.u_cnt += interval;
- setPDPParam(&rrd, i, PDP_unkn_sec_cnt, temp);
- } else {
- temp = getPDPParam(&rrd, i, PDP_val);
- temp.u_val += pdp_new[i];
- setPDPParam(&rrd, i, PDP_val, temp);
- }
- }
Random Feature Ideas for RRDtool
-Updated: 2008-05-26
+Updated: 2008-06-26
+add accessor functions for rrd manipulation
reverse order of stacked graph entries prior to plotting ... this is to make
plotting order more naturally fit with the ordering of the legend ...
dnl the official version number is
dnl a.b.c
dnl for testing a numberical version number comes handy
dnl the released version are
dnl a.bccc
dnl the devel versions will be something like
dnl a.b999yymmddhh
dnl for the linker to understand which version the library is compatible with
cd ..
-scp CHANGES rrdtool*.tar.gz oposs@james:public_html/rrdtool/pub/beta
-ssh oposs@james "cd public_html/rrdtool/pub/beta/;rm rrdtool.tar.gz;ln -s rrdtool-$VERSION.tar.gz rrdtool.tar.gz"
+scp CHANGES rrdtool*.tar.gz oposs@james:public_html/rrdtool/pub
+ssh oposs@james "cd public_html/rrdtool/pub/;rm rrdtool.tar.gz;ln -s rrdtool-$VERSION.tar.gz rrdtool.tar.gz"
cd ..
rm -rf rrdtool-$$
svn copy -m "tagging version $VERSION" svn://svn.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/trunk/program svn://svn.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/tags/$VERSION