understand yet, you should be able to find out how to start the
program and use it.
- snmpget myrouter public system.sysdescr.0
+ snmpget myrouter public system.sysDescr.0
The device should answer with a description of itself, perhaps empty.
Until you got a valid answer from a device, perhaps using a different
"password", or a different device, there is no point in continuing.
- snmpget myrouter public interfaces.ifnumber.0
+ snmpget myrouter public interfaces.ifNumber.0
Hopefully you get a number as a result, the number of interfaces.
If so, you can carry on and try a different program called "snmpwalk".
- snmpwalk myrouter public interfaces.iftable.ifentry.ifdescr
+ snmpwalk myrouter public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr
If it returns with a list of interfaces, you're almost there.
Here's an example: