can_flap = false;
falling_from_flap = true;
- //TODO: The slowing down of Tux should be handled...
- if (physic.get_velocity_x() > 0) {physic.set_velocity_x(WALK_SPEED);}
- else if (physic.get_velocity_x() < 0) {physic.set_velocity_x(WALK_SPEED * (-1));}
jumping = true;
flapping = true;
+ float iv = physic.get_velocity_x();
+ float fv = 1.2;
+ float cv = 0;
+ if (iv < 0) {fv *= (-1);}
if (flapping_timer.get_gone() <= TUX_FLAPPING_TIME)
- //TODO:, using get_gone to slow him down at an increasing rate
+ //FIXME: Changing directions while flapping doesn't work yet
+ if (iv == 0) {cv = 0;}
+ else {cv = (iv-((iv-fv)*(float)flapping_timer.get_gone()/TUX_FLAPPING_TIME));}
+ physic.set_velocity_x(cv);