-#! /usr/bin/perl -Tw
-# 2005-02-24: Fixed for AD/Exchange 2003 & Unicode characters,
-# anders@bsdconsulting.no If you find this script useful, let me know. :-)
-# 2000/2001: Original version obtained from Andreas Plesner Jacobsen at
-# World Online Denmark. Worked for me with Exchange versions prior to Exchange
-# 2000.
-# Use it with mutt by putting in your .muttrc:
-# set query_command = "/home/user/bin/mutt-ldap.pl '%s'"
-# Then you can search for your users by name directly from mutt. Press ^t
-# after having typed parts of the name. Remember to edit configuration
-# variables below.
use strict;
-use Encode qw/encode decode/;
-use vars qw { $ldapserver $domain $username $password $basedn };
-# --- configuration ---
-$ldapserver = "domaincontroller.yourdomain.com";
-$domain = "YOURDOMAIN";
-$username = "myuser";
-$password = "mypassword";
-$basedn = "ou=companyxy,dc=companyxy,dc=tld";
-# --- end configuration ---
-#my $search=shift;
-my $search=encode("UTF-8", join(" ", @ARGV));
-if (!$search=~/[\.\*\w\s]+/) {
- print("Invalid search parameters\n");
- exit 1;
+use warnings;
+use lib (qw(lib));
+use LiCoM::Config (qw(get_config));
+use LiCoM::Person;
+our $Config = get_config ();
+die unless (defined ($Config->{'uri'}) and defined ($Config->{'bind_dn'})
+ and defined ($Config->{'password'}));
+$Config->{'base_dn'} = $Config->{'bind_dn'} unless (defined ($Config->{'base_dn'}));
-use Net::LDAP;
+our @Patterns = ();
+for (@ARGV)
+ my $temp = $_;
+ $temp =~ s/[^\.\*\w\s]//g;
-my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapserver) or die "$@";
+ next unless ($temp);
-$ldap->bind("$domain\\$username", password=>$password);
+ $temp =~ s/\**$/*/;
+ push (@Patterns, [[lastname => $temp], [firstname => $temp], [mail => $temp]]);
+die ('No (valid) patterns found.') unless (@Patterns);
-my $mesg = $ldap->search (base => $basedn,
- filter => "(|(cn=*$search*) (rdn=*$search*) (uid=*$search*) (mail=*$search*))",
- attrs => ['mail','cn']);
+our @Matches = LiCoM::Person->search (@Patterns, [[mail => '*']]);
-$mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
+print STDOUT scalar (@Matches), ' ', (scalar (@Matches) == 1 ? 'entry' : 'entries'), " found.\n";
-print(scalar($mesg->all_entries), " entries found\n");
+for (@Matches)
+ my $person = $_;
+ my $cn = $person->name ();
+ my @mail = $person->get ('mail');
-foreach my $entry ($mesg->all_entries) {
- if ($entry->get_value('mail')) {
- print($entry->get_value('mail'),"\t",
- decode("UTF-8", $entry->get_value('cn')),"\tFrom Exchange LDAP database\n");
- }
+ for (@mail)
+ {
+ print "$_\t$cn\tFound by LiCoM\n";
+LiCoM::Person->disconnect ();
+exit (0);