-=head2 Plugin C<filter_pcre>
-This plugin allows you to filter and rewrite value lists based on
-Perl-compatible regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as
-possible to those of the Perl 5 language. See L<pcre(3)> for details.
- <Plugin filter_pcre>
- <RegEx>
- Host "^mail\d+$"
- Plugin "^tcpconns$"
- TypeInstance "^SYN_"
- Action NoWrite
- </RegEx>
- <RegEx>
- Plugin "^sensors$"
- PluginInstance "^Some Weird Sensor Chip Name Prefix"
- SubstitutePluginInstance "foo"
- </RegEx>
- </Plugin>
-The configuration consists of one or more C<RegEx> blocks, each of which
-specifies a regular expression identifying a set of value lists and how to
-handle successful matches. A value list keeps the values of a single data-set
-and is identified by the tuple (host, plugin, plugin instance, type, type
-instance). The plugin and type instances are optional components. If they are
-missing they are treated as empty strings. Within those blocks, the following
-options are recognized:
-=over 4
-=item B<Host> I<regex>
-=item B<Plugin> I<regex>
-=item B<PluginInstance> I<regex>
-=item B<Type> I<regex>
-=item B<TypeInstance> I<regex>
-Specifies the regular expression for each component of the identifier. If any
-of these options is missing it is interpreted as a pattern which matches any
-string. All five components of a value list have to match the appropriate
-regular expression to trigger the specified action.
-=item B<Action> I<NoWrite>|I<NoThresholdCheck>|I<Ignore>
-Specify how to handle successful matches:
-=over 4
-=item B<NoWrite>
-Do not send the value list to any output (a.k.a. write) plugins.
-=item B<NoThresholdCheck>
-Skip threshold checking for this value list.
-=item B<Ignore>
-Completely ignore this value list.
-Two or more actions may be combined by specifying multiple B<Action> options.
-=item B<SubstituteHost> I<replacement>
-=item B<SubstitutePlugin> I<replacement>
-=item B<SubstitutePluginInstance> I<replacement>
-=item B<SubstituteType> I<replacement>
-=item B<SubstituteTypeInstance> I<replacement>
-Upon a successful match, the matching substring will be replaced by the
-specified I<replacement> text. These options require that an appropriate regex
-has been specified before, e.E<nbsp>g. B<SubstituteHost> requires that the
-B<Host> option has been specified before.
-B<Note>: It is not recommended to modify the type unless you really know what
-you are doing. The type is used to identify the data-set definition of the
-dispatched values.
=head2 Plugin C<hddtemp>
To get values from B<hddtemp> collectd connects to B<localhost> (,