Old libvirts (<= 0.10.z, such as the version shipped on debian wheezy)
depend on libnl-1. There is a small memory leak caused by the
initialization of the library, and we have no means to avoid it.
This causes valgrind to complain in the tests, creating a false
Anyway, libvirt switched to libnl-3, which should also fix this leak.
The simplest solution is just to disable those tests until we
can depend on libnl-3 enabled libvirt.
test_plugin_virt_LDFLAGS = $(PLUGIN_LDFLAGS)
test_plugin_virt_LDADD = daemon/libplugin_mock.la \
-check_PROGRAMS += test_plugin_virt
-TESTS += test_plugin_virt
+# TODO: enable once we support only modern libvirts which depends on libnl-3
+# the libvirt on wheezy is linked in libnl v1, and there is a small leak here,
+# triggered by the library initialization. There are no means to avoid it,
+# and libvirt switched to libnl3 anyway
+#check_PROGRAMS += test_plugin_virt
+#TESTS += test_plugin_virt