AC_PLUGIN([memcachec], [$with_libmemcached], [memcachec statistics])
AC_PLUGIN([memcached], [yes], [memcached statistics])
AC_PLUGIN([memory], [$plugin_memory], [Memory usage])
-AC_PLUGIN([mongo], [$with_libmongoc], [MongoDB statistics])
+AC_PLUGIN([mongodb], [$with_libmongoc], [MongoDB statistics])
AC_PLUGIN([modbus], [$with_libmodbus], [Modbus plugin])
AC_PLUGIN([multimeter], [$plugin_multimeter], [Read multimeter values])
AC_PLUGIN([mysql], [$with_libmysql], [MySQL statistics])
memcached . . . . . . $enable_memcached
memory . . . . . . . $enable_memory
modbus . . . . . . . $enable_modbus
- mongo . . . . . . . $enable_mongo
+ mongodb . . . . . . $enable_mongodb
multimeter . . . . . $enable_multimeter
mysql . . . . . . . . $enable_mysql
netapp . . . . . . . $enable_netapp
+++ /dev/null
- * collectd - src/mongo.c
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Ryan Cox
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors:
- * Ryan Cox <>
- **/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <mongo/mongo.h>
-#include "collectd.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "plugin.h"
-#define MC_PLUGIN_NAME "mongo"
-#define MC_MONGO_DEF_HOST ""
-#define MC_MONGO_DEF_PORT 27017
-#define MC_MONGO_DEF_DB "admin"
-#define MC_MIN_PORT 1
-#define MC_MAX_PORT 65535
-#define SUCCESS 0
-#define FAILURE -1
-static char *mc_user = NULL;
-static char *mc_password = NULL;
-static char *mc_db = NULL;
-static char *mc_host = NULL;
-static int mc_port = MC_MONGO_DEF_PORT;
-static mongo_connection conn[1];
-static const char *config_keys[] = {
- "User",
- "Password",
- "Database",
- "Host",
- "Port"
-static int config_keys_num = STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE(config_keys);
-static void submit(const char *type, const char *instance, value_t *values, size_t values_len) {
- INFO("Submiting [%d] for type [%s]",values_len,type);
- value_list_t v = VALUE_LIST_INIT;
- v.values = values;
- v.values_len = values_len;
- if( instance != NULL ) {
- sstrncpy(v.type_instance,instance,sizeof(v.type_instance));
- }
- sstrncpy(, hostname_g, sizeof(;
- sstrncpy(v.plugin, MC_PLUGIN_NAME, sizeof(v.plugin));
- char port[12];
- sprintf(port, "%d",mc_port);
- sstrncpy(v.plugin_instance, port, sizeof(v.plugin_instance));
- sstrncpy(v.type, type, sizeof(v.type));
- plugin_dispatch_values(&v);
-static void submit_counter(const char *type, const char *instance, int64_t counter ) {
- value_t v[1];
- v[0].counter = counter;
- submit(type, instance, v, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (v));
-static void submit_gauge(const char *type, const char *instance, gauge_t gauge ) {
- value_t v[1];
- v[0].gauge = gauge;
- submit(type, instance, v, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (v));
-static void handle_opcounters(bson* obj) {
- INFO("handle op counters");
- bson_iterator it;
- if(bson_find(&it, obj, "opcounters")) {
- bson subobj;
- bson_iterator_subobject(&it, &subobj);
- bson_iterator it2;
- bson_iterator_init(&it2,;
- int64_t insert = 0;
- int64_t query = 0;
- int64_t delete = 0;
- int64_t getmore = 0;
- int64_t command = 0;
- while(bson_iterator_next(&it2)){
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"insert") == 0) {
- insert = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"query") == 0) {
- query = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"delete") == 0) {
- delete = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"getmore") == 0) {
- getmore = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"command") == 0) {
- command = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
- }
- }
- bson_destroy(&subobj);
- submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "indert", insert );
- submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "query", query );
- submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "delete", delete );
- submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "getmore", getmore );
- submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "command", command );
- submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "insert", insert );
- }
-static void handle_mem(bson* obj) {
- INFO("handle mem");
- bson_iterator it;
- if(bson_find(&it, obj, "mem")) {
- bson subobj;
- bson_iterator_subobject(&it, &subobj);
- bson_iterator it2;
- bson_iterator_init(&it2,;
- int64_t resident = 0;
- int64_t virtual = 0;
- int64_t mapped = 0;
- while(bson_iterator_next(&it2)) {
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"resident") == 0) {
- resident = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"virtual") == 0) {
- virtual = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"mapped") == 0) {
- mapped = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
- }
- }
- value_t values[3];
- values[0].gauge = resident;
- values[1].gauge = virtual;
- values[2].gauge = mapped;
- submit_gauge("memory", "resident", resident );
- submit_gauge("memory", "virtual", virtual );
- submit_gauge("memory", "mapped", mapped );
- bson_destroy(&subobj);
- }
-static void handle_connections(bson* obj) {
- INFO("handle connections");
- bson_iterator it;
- if(bson_find(&it, obj, "connections")) {
- bson subobj;
- bson_iterator_subobject(&it, &subobj);
- bson_iterator it2;
- bson_iterator_init(&it2,;
- while(bson_iterator_next(&it2)) {
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"current") == 0) {
- submit_gauge("connections", "connections", bson_iterator_int(&it2));
- break;
- }
- }
- bson_destroy(&subobj);
- }
-static void handle_lock(bson* obj) {
- INFO("handle lock");
- bson_iterator it;
- if(bson_find(&it, obj, "globalLock")) {
- bson subobj;
- bson_iterator_subobject(&it, &subobj);
- bson_iterator it2;
- bson_iterator_init(&it2,;
- while(bson_iterator_next(&it2)) {
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"ratio") == 0) {
- submit_gauge("percent", "lock_ratio", bson_iterator_double(&it2));
- }
- }
- bson_destroy(&subobj);
- }
-static void handle_index_counters(bson* obj) {
- INFO("handle index counters");
- bson_iterator icit;
- if(bson_find(&icit, obj, "indexCounters")) {
- bson oic;
- bson_iterator_subobject(&icit, &oic);
- bson_iterator bit;
- if(bson_find(&icit, &oic, "btree")) {
- bson obt;
- bson_iterator_subobject(&icit, &obt);
- bson_iterator bit;
- bson_iterator_init(&bit,;
- int accesses;
- int misses;
- while(bson_iterator_next(&bit)) {
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&bit),"accesses") == 0) {
- accesses = bson_iterator_int(&bit);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&bit),"misses") == 0) {
- misses = bson_iterator_int(&bit);
- }
- }
- double ratio = 0;
- if( misses > 0 ) {
- double ratio = accesses/misses;
- }
- submit_gauge("cache_ratio", "cache_misses", ratio );
- bson_destroy(&obt);
- }
- bson_destroy(&oic);
- }
-static void handle_stats_counts(bson* obj) {
- INFO("handle stats counts");
- bson_iterator it;
- bson_iterator_init(&it, obj->data);
- int64_t collections = 0;
- int64_t objects = 0;
- int64_t numExtents = 0;
- int64_t indexes = 0;
- while(bson_iterator_next(&it)) {
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"collections") == 0) {
- collections = bson_iterator_long(&it);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"objects") == 0) {
- objects = bson_iterator_long(&it);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"numExtents") == 0) {
- numExtents = bson_iterator_long(&it);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"indexes") == 0) {
- indexes = bson_iterator_long(&it);
- }
- }
- submit_gauge("counter","object_count",objects);
- submit_gauge("counter", "collections",collections);
- submit_gauge("counter", "num_extents",numExtents);
- submit_gauge("counter", "indexes",indexes);
-static void handle_stats_sizes(bson* obj) {
- bson_iterator it;
- bson_iterator_init(&it, obj->data);
- int64_t storageSize = 0;
- int64_t dataSize = 0;
- int64_t indexSize = 0;
- while(bson_iterator_next(&it)) {
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"storageSize") == 0) {
- storageSize = bson_iterator_long(&it);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"dataSize") == 0) {
- dataSize = bson_iterator_long(&it);
- }
- if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"indexSize") == 0) {
- indexSize = bson_iterator_long(&it);
- }
- }
- value_t values[3];
- submit_gauge("file_size", "storage",storageSize );
- submit_gauge("file_size", "index",indexSize );
- submit_gauge("file_size", "data",dataSize );
-static int do_stats(void) {
- bson obj;
- /* TODO:
- change this to raw runCommand
- db.runCommand( { dbstats : 1 } );
- succeeds but is getting back all zeros !?!
- modify bson_print to print type 18
- repro problem w/o db name - show dbs doesn't work again
- why does db.admin.dbstats() work fine in shell?
- implement retries ? noticed that if db is unavailable, collectd dies
- */
- if( !mongo_simple_int_command(conn, mc_db, "dbstats", 1, &obj) ) {
- ERROR("Mongo: failed to call stats Host [%s] Port [%d] User [%s]",
- mc_host, mc_port, mc_user);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- bson_print(&obj);
- handle_stats_sizes(&obj);
- handle_stats_counts(&obj);
- bson_destroy(&obj);
- return SUCCESS;
-static int do_server_status(void) {
- bson obj;
- if( !mongo_simple_int_command(conn, mc_db, "serverStatus", 1, &obj) ) {
- ERROR("Mongo: failed to call serverStatus Host [%s] Port [%d] User [%s]",
- mc_host, mc_port, mc_user);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- bson_print(&obj);
- handle_opcounters(&obj);
- handle_mem(&obj);
- handle_connections(&obj);
- handle_index_counters(&obj);
- handle_lock(&obj);
- bson_destroy(&obj);
- return SUCCESS;
-static int mc_read(void) {
- DEBUG("Mongo: mongo driver read");
- if(do_server_status() != SUCCESS) {
- ERROR("Mongo: do server status failed");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if(do_stats() != SUCCESS) {
- ERROR("Mongo: do stats status failed");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- return SUCCESS;
-static void config_set(char** dest, const char* src ) {
- if( *dest ) {
- sfree(*dest);
- }
- *dest= malloc(strlen(src)+1);
- sstrncpy(*dest,src,strlen(src)+1);
-static int mc_config(const char *key, const char *value) {
- DEBUG("Mongo: config key [%s] value [%s]", key, value);
- if(strcasecmp("Host", key) == 0) {
- config_set(&mc_host,value);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- if(strcasecmp("Port", key) == 0) {
- long l = strtol(value,NULL,10);
- if((errno == ERANGE && (l == LONG_MAX || l == LONG_MIN))
- || (errno != 0 && l == 0)) {
- ERROR("Mongo: failed to parse Port value [%s]", value);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if( l < MC_MIN_PORT || l > MC_MAX_PORT ) {
- ERROR("Mongo: failed Port value [%s] outside range [1..65535]", value);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- mc_port = l;
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- if(strcasecmp("User", key) == 0) {
- config_set(&mc_user,value);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- if(strcasecmp("Password", key) == 0) {
- config_set(&mc_password,value);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- if(strcasecmp("Database", key) == 0) {
- config_set(&mc_db,value);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- return SUCCESS;
-static int mc_init(void) {
- DEBUG("mongo driver initializing");
- if( !mc_host) {
- DEBUG("Mongo: Host not specified. Using default [%s]",MC_MONGO_DEF_HOST);
- config_set(&mc_host, MC_MONGO_DEF_HOST);
- }
- if( !mc_db) {
- DEBUG("Mongo: Database not specified. Using default [%s]",MC_MONGO_DEF_DB);
- config_set(&mc_db, MC_MONGO_DEF_DB);
- }
- mongo_connection_options opts;
- sstrncpy(, mc_host, sizeof(;
- opts.port = mc_port;
- if(mongo_connect( conn , &opts )){
- ERROR("Mongo: driver failed to connect. Host [%s] Port [%d] User [%s]",
- mc_host, mc_port, mc_user);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- return SUCCESS;
-static int mc_shutdown(void) {
- DEBUG("Mongo: driver shutting down");
- if( conn ) {
- mongo_disconnect(conn);
- mongo_destroy(conn);
- }
- if( mc_user ) {
- sfree(mc_user);
- }
- if( mc_password ) {
- sfree(mc_password);
- }
- if( mc_db ) {
- sfree(mc_db);
- }
- if( mc_host ) {
- sfree(mc_host);
- }
-void module_register(void) {
- plugin_register_config(MC_PLUGIN_NAME, mc_config,config_keys,config_keys_num);
- plugin_register_read(MC_PLUGIN_NAME, mc_read);
- plugin_register_init(MC_PLUGIN_NAME, mc_init);
- plugin_register_shutdown(MC_PLUGIN_NAME, mc_shutdown);
- DEBUG("Mongo: driver registered");
--- /dev/null
+ * collectd - src/mongo.c
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Ryan Cox
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Ryan Cox <>
+ **/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <mongo/mongo.h>
+#include "collectd.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "plugin.h"
+#define MC_PLUGIN_NAME "mongo"
+#define MC_MONGO_DEF_HOST ""
+#define MC_MONGO_DEF_PORT 27017
+#define MC_MONGO_DEF_DB "admin"
+#define MC_MIN_PORT 1
+#define MC_MAX_PORT 65535
+#define SUCCESS 0
+#define FAILURE -1
+static char *mc_user = NULL;
+static char *mc_password = NULL;
+static char *mc_db = NULL;
+static char *mc_host = NULL;
+static int mc_port = MC_MONGO_DEF_PORT;
+static mongo_connection conn[1];
+static const char *config_keys[] = {
+ "User",
+ "Password",
+ "Database",
+ "Host",
+ "Port"
+static int config_keys_num = STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE(config_keys);
+static void submit(const char *type, const char *instance, value_t *values, size_t values_len) {
+ INFO("Submiting [%d] for type [%s]",values_len,type);
+ value_list_t v = VALUE_LIST_INIT;
+ v.values = values;
+ v.values_len = values_len;
+ if( instance != NULL ) {
+ sstrncpy(v.type_instance,instance,sizeof(v.type_instance));
+ }
+ sstrncpy(, hostname_g, sizeof(;
+ sstrncpy(v.plugin, MC_PLUGIN_NAME, sizeof(v.plugin));
+ char port[12];
+ sprintf(port, "%d",mc_port);
+ sstrncpy(v.plugin_instance, port, sizeof(v.plugin_instance));
+ sstrncpy(v.type, type, sizeof(v.type));
+ plugin_dispatch_values(&v);
+static void submit_counter(const char *type, const char *instance, int64_t counter ) {
+ value_t v[1];
+ v[0].counter = counter;
+ submit(type, instance, v, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (v));
+static void submit_gauge(const char *type, const char *instance, gauge_t gauge ) {
+ value_t v[1];
+ v[0].gauge = gauge;
+ submit(type, instance, v, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (v));
+static void handle_opcounters(bson* obj) {
+ INFO("handle op counters");
+ bson_iterator it;
+ if(bson_find(&it, obj, "opcounters")) {
+ bson subobj;
+ bson_iterator_subobject(&it, &subobj);
+ bson_iterator it2;
+ bson_iterator_init(&it2,;
+ int64_t insert = 0;
+ int64_t query = 0;
+ int64_t delete = 0;
+ int64_t getmore = 0;
+ int64_t command = 0;
+ while(bson_iterator_next(&it2)){
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"insert") == 0) {
+ insert = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"query") == 0) {
+ query = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"delete") == 0) {
+ delete = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"getmore") == 0) {
+ getmore = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"command") == 0) {
+ command = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
+ }
+ }
+ bson_destroy(&subobj);
+ submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "indert", insert );
+ submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "query", query );
+ submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "delete", delete );
+ submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "getmore", getmore );
+ submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "command", command );
+ submit_gauge("mongo_counter", "insert", insert );
+ }
+static void handle_mem(bson* obj) {
+ INFO("handle mem");
+ bson_iterator it;
+ if(bson_find(&it, obj, "mem")) {
+ bson subobj;
+ bson_iterator_subobject(&it, &subobj);
+ bson_iterator it2;
+ bson_iterator_init(&it2,;
+ int64_t resident = 0;
+ int64_t virtual = 0;
+ int64_t mapped = 0;
+ while(bson_iterator_next(&it2)) {
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"resident") == 0) {
+ resident = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"virtual") == 0) {
+ virtual = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"mapped") == 0) {
+ mapped = bson_iterator_long(&it2);
+ }
+ }
+ value_t values[3];
+ values[0].gauge = resident;
+ values[1].gauge = virtual;
+ values[2].gauge = mapped;
+ submit_gauge("memory", "resident", resident );
+ submit_gauge("memory", "virtual", virtual );
+ submit_gauge("memory", "mapped", mapped );
+ bson_destroy(&subobj);
+ }
+static void handle_connections(bson* obj) {
+ INFO("handle connections");
+ bson_iterator it;
+ if(bson_find(&it, obj, "connections")) {
+ bson subobj;
+ bson_iterator_subobject(&it, &subobj);
+ bson_iterator it2;
+ bson_iterator_init(&it2,;
+ while(bson_iterator_next(&it2)) {
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"current") == 0) {
+ submit_gauge("connections", "connections", bson_iterator_int(&it2));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bson_destroy(&subobj);
+ }
+static void handle_lock(bson* obj) {
+ INFO("handle lock");
+ bson_iterator it;
+ if(bson_find(&it, obj, "globalLock")) {
+ bson subobj;
+ bson_iterator_subobject(&it, &subobj);
+ bson_iterator it2;
+ bson_iterator_init(&it2,;
+ while(bson_iterator_next(&it2)) {
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2),"ratio") == 0) {
+ submit_gauge("percent", "lock_ratio", bson_iterator_double(&it2));
+ }
+ }
+ bson_destroy(&subobj);
+ }
+static void handle_index_counters(bson* obj) {
+ INFO("handle index counters");
+ bson_iterator icit;
+ if(bson_find(&icit, obj, "indexCounters")) {
+ bson oic;
+ bson_iterator_subobject(&icit, &oic);
+ bson_iterator bit;
+ if(bson_find(&icit, &oic, "btree")) {
+ bson obt;
+ bson_iterator_subobject(&icit, &obt);
+ bson_iterator bit;
+ bson_iterator_init(&bit,;
+ int accesses;
+ int misses;
+ while(bson_iterator_next(&bit)) {
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&bit),"accesses") == 0) {
+ accesses = bson_iterator_int(&bit);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&bit),"misses") == 0) {
+ misses = bson_iterator_int(&bit);
+ }
+ }
+ double ratio = 0;
+ if( misses > 0 ) {
+ double ratio = accesses/misses;
+ }
+ submit_gauge("cache_ratio", "cache_misses", ratio );
+ bson_destroy(&obt);
+ }
+ bson_destroy(&oic);
+ }
+static void handle_stats_counts(bson* obj) {
+ INFO("handle stats counts");
+ bson_iterator it;
+ bson_iterator_init(&it, obj->data);
+ int64_t collections = 0;
+ int64_t objects = 0;
+ int64_t numExtents = 0;
+ int64_t indexes = 0;
+ while(bson_iterator_next(&it)) {
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"collections") == 0) {
+ collections = bson_iterator_long(&it);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"objects") == 0) {
+ objects = bson_iterator_long(&it);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"numExtents") == 0) {
+ numExtents = bson_iterator_long(&it);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"indexes") == 0) {
+ indexes = bson_iterator_long(&it);
+ }
+ }
+ submit_gauge("counter","object_count",objects);
+ submit_gauge("counter", "collections",collections);
+ submit_gauge("counter", "num_extents",numExtents);
+ submit_gauge("counter", "indexes",indexes);
+static void handle_stats_sizes(bson* obj) {
+ bson_iterator it;
+ bson_iterator_init(&it, obj->data);
+ int64_t storageSize = 0;
+ int64_t dataSize = 0;
+ int64_t indexSize = 0;
+ while(bson_iterator_next(&it)) {
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"storageSize") == 0) {
+ storageSize = bson_iterator_long(&it);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"dataSize") == 0) {
+ dataSize = bson_iterator_long(&it);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it),"indexSize") == 0) {
+ indexSize = bson_iterator_long(&it);
+ }
+ }
+ value_t values[3];
+ submit_gauge("file_size", "storage",storageSize );
+ submit_gauge("file_size", "index",indexSize );
+ submit_gauge("file_size", "data",dataSize );
+static int do_stats(void) {
+ bson obj;
+ /* TODO:
+ change this to raw runCommand
+ db.runCommand( { dbstats : 1 } );
+ succeeds but is getting back all zeros !?!
+ modify bson_print to print type 18
+ repro problem w/o db name - show dbs doesn't work again
+ why does db.admin.dbstats() work fine in shell?
+ implement retries ? noticed that if db is unavailable, collectd dies
+ */
+ if( !mongo_simple_int_command(conn, mc_db, "dbstats", 1, &obj) ) {
+ ERROR("Mongo: failed to call stats Host [%s] Port [%d] User [%s]",
+ mc_host, mc_port, mc_user);
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ bson_print(&obj);
+ handle_stats_sizes(&obj);
+ handle_stats_counts(&obj);
+ bson_destroy(&obj);
+ return SUCCESS;
+static int do_server_status(void) {
+ bson obj;
+ if( !mongo_simple_int_command(conn, mc_db, "serverStatus", 1, &obj) ) {
+ ERROR("Mongo: failed to call serverStatus Host [%s] Port [%d] User [%s]",
+ mc_host, mc_port, mc_user);
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ bson_print(&obj);
+ handle_opcounters(&obj);
+ handle_mem(&obj);
+ handle_connections(&obj);
+ handle_index_counters(&obj);
+ handle_lock(&obj);
+ bson_destroy(&obj);
+ return SUCCESS;
+static int mc_read(void) {
+ DEBUG("Mongo: mongo driver read");
+ if(do_server_status() != SUCCESS) {
+ ERROR("Mongo: do server status failed");
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ if(do_stats() != SUCCESS) {
+ ERROR("Mongo: do stats status failed");
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+static void config_set(char** dest, const char* src ) {
+ if( *dest ) {
+ sfree(*dest);
+ }
+ *dest= malloc(strlen(src)+1);
+ sstrncpy(*dest,src,strlen(src)+1);
+static int mc_config(const char *key, const char *value) {
+ DEBUG("Mongo: config key [%s] value [%s]", key, value);
+ if(strcasecmp("Host", key) == 0) {
+ config_set(&mc_host,value);
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if(strcasecmp("Port", key) == 0) {
+ long l = strtol(value,NULL,10);
+ if((errno == ERANGE && (l == LONG_MAX || l == LONG_MIN))
+ || (errno != 0 && l == 0)) {
+ ERROR("Mongo: failed to parse Port value [%s]", value);
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ if( l < MC_MIN_PORT || l > MC_MAX_PORT ) {
+ ERROR("Mongo: failed Port value [%s] outside range [1..65535]", value);
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ mc_port = l;
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if(strcasecmp("User", key) == 0) {
+ config_set(&mc_user,value);
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if(strcasecmp("Password", key) == 0) {
+ config_set(&mc_password,value);
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if(strcasecmp("Database", key) == 0) {
+ config_set(&mc_db,value);
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+static int mc_init(void) {
+ DEBUG("mongo driver initializing");
+ if( !mc_host) {
+ DEBUG("Mongo: Host not specified. Using default [%s]",MC_MONGO_DEF_HOST);
+ config_set(&mc_host, MC_MONGO_DEF_HOST);
+ }
+ if( !mc_db) {
+ DEBUG("Mongo: Database not specified. Using default [%s]",MC_MONGO_DEF_DB);
+ config_set(&mc_db, MC_MONGO_DEF_DB);
+ }
+ mongo_connection_options opts;
+ sstrncpy(, mc_host, sizeof(;
+ opts.port = mc_port;
+ if(mongo_connect( conn , &opts )){
+ ERROR("Mongo: driver failed to connect. Host [%s] Port [%d] User [%s]",
+ mc_host, mc_port, mc_user);
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+static int mc_shutdown(void) {
+ DEBUG("Mongo: driver shutting down");
+ if( conn ) {
+ mongo_disconnect(conn);
+ mongo_destroy(conn);
+ }
+ if( mc_user ) {
+ sfree(mc_user);
+ }
+ if( mc_password ) {
+ sfree(mc_password);
+ }
+ if( mc_db ) {
+ sfree(mc_db);
+ }
+ if( mc_host ) {
+ sfree(mc_host);
+ }
+void module_register(void) {
+ plugin_register_config(MC_PLUGIN_NAME, mc_config,config_keys,config_keys_num);
+ plugin_register_read(MC_PLUGIN_NAME, mc_read);
+ plugin_register_init(MC_PLUGIN_NAME, mc_init);
+ plugin_register_shutdown(MC_PLUGIN_NAME, mc_shutdown);
+ DEBUG("Mongo: driver registered");