%define with_ascent 0%{!?_without_ascent:1}
%define with_battery 0%{!?_without_battery:1}
%define with_bind 0%{!?_without_bind:1}
+%define with_ceph 0%{!?_without_ceph:0%{?_has_libyajl}}
%define with_cgroups 0%{!?_without_cgroups:1}
%define with_conntrack 0%{!?_without_conntrack:1}
%define with_contextswitch 0%{!?_without_contextswitch:1}
via HTTP and submits the values to collectd.
+%if %{with_ceph}
+%package ceph
+Summary: Ceph plugin for collectd
+Group: System Environment/Daemons
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+BuildRequires: yajl-devel
+%description ceph
+Ceph plugin for collectd
%if %{with_curl}
%package curl
Summary: Curl plugin for collectd
%define _with_csv --disable-csv
+%if %{with_ceph}
+%define _with_ceph --enable-ceph
+%define _with_ceph --disable-ceph
%if %{with_curl}
%define _with_curl --enable-curl
%{?_with_barometer} \
%{?_with_battery} \
%{?_with_bind} \
+ %{?_with_ceph} \
%{?_with_cgroups} \
%{?_with_conntrack} \
%{?_with_contextswitch} \
+%if %{with_ceph}
+%files ceph
%if %{with_curl}
%files curl
# * TODO 5.5.0-1
# - New upstream version
-# - New plugins enabled by default: drbd, log_logstash, write_tsdb, smart, openldap, redis, write_redis, zookeeper, write_log
+# - New plugins enabled by default: ceph, drbd, log_logstash, write_tsdb, smart, openldap, redis, write_redis, zookeeper, write_log
# - New plugins disabled by default: barometer, write_kafka
# - Enable zfs_arc, now supported on Linux
# - Install disk plugin in a dedicated package, as it depends on libudev