+++ /dev/null
-# SuperTux
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Ingo Ruhnke <grumbel@gmx.de>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http:#www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-development_cxx_flags =["-O2", "-g3",
- "-ansi",
- "-pedantic",
- "-Wall",
- "-Wextra",
- "-Wnon-virtual-dtor",
- "-Weffc++",
- # "-Wconversion",
- "-Werror",
- # "-Wshadow",
- "-Wcast-qual",
- "-Winit-self", # only works with >= -O1
- "-Wno-unused-parameter"]
-class Project:
- def __init__(self):
- self.build_squirrel()
- self.build_tinygettext()
- self.build_binreloc()
- self.build_findlocale()
- self.build_miniswig()
- self.build_supertux()
- self.build_tests()
- def build_tinygettext(self):
- env = Environment(CPPPATH=[".", "src"])
- env.ParseConfig("sdl-config --libs --cflags")
- self.libtinygettext = env.StaticLibrary("tinygettext", Glob("external/tinygettext/tinygettext/*.cpp"))
- def build_binreloc(self):
- env = Environment(CPPPATH=["external/binreloc/", "."])
- self.libbinreloc = env.StaticLibrary("binreloc", "external/binreloc/binreloc.c")
- def build_findlocale(self):
- env = Environment(CPPPATH=["external/findlocale/", "."])
- self.libfindlocale = env.StaticLibrary("findlocale", "external/findlocale/findlocale.c")
- def build_squirrel(self):
- env = Environment(CPPPATH=["external/squirrel/include/"])
- self.libsquirrel = env.StaticLibrary("squirrel",
- Glob("external/squirrel/squirrel/*.cpp") +
- Glob("external/squirrel/sqstdlib/*.cpp") +
- Glob("external/squirrel/sqstdlib/*.c"))
- def build_miniswig(self):
- cxx_flags = development_cxx_flags[:]
- cxx_flags.remove("-Werror")
- env = Environment(CXXFLAGS=cxx_flags, CPPPATH=[".", "tools/miniswig/"])
- miniswig_bin = env.Program('miniswig',
- ['tools/miniswig/parser.yy',
- 'tools/miniswig/lexer.ll',
- 'tools/miniswig/create_docu.cpp',
- 'tools/miniswig/xmlwriter.cpp',
- 'tools/miniswig/create_wrapper.cpp',
- 'tools/miniswig/main.cpp',
- 'tools/miniswig/tree.cpp'])
- env.Append(MINISWIG=miniswig_bin)
- env.Depends(env.Command('src/scripting/miniswig.tmp',
- 'src/scripting/wrapper.interface.hpp',
- ["$CXX -E -Isrc/ -x c -CC $SOURCE -o $TARGET -DSCRIPTING_API"]),
- [])
- env.Depends(env.Command(['src/scripting/wrapper.cpp', 'src/scripting/wrapper.hpp'],
- 'src/scripting/miniswig.tmp',
- ["$MINISWIG " +
- "--input $SOURCE " +
- "--output-cpp ${TARGETS[0]} " +
- "--output-hpp ${TARGETS[1]} " +
- "--module supertux " +
- "--select-namespace scripting"]),
- miniswig_bin)
- # g++ -x "c++" -E -CC -DSCRIPTING_API src/scripting/wrapper.interface.hpp -o miniswig.tmp -Isrc
- # tools/miniswig/miniswig --input miniswig.tmp \
- # --output-cpp src/scripting/wrapper.cpp \
- # --output-hpp src/scripting/wrapper.hpp \
- # --module supertux \
- # --select-namespace scripting
- def build_supertux(self):
- self.env = Environment(CPPPATH=["external/squirrel/include/",
- "external/findlocale/",
- "external/binreloc/",
- "external/obstack/",
- "external/tinygettext/",
- "src/",
- "/usr/include/AL/", # yuck
- "."],
- CXXFLAGS=development_cxx_flags)
- # Add libraries
- self.env.ParseConfig("sdl-config --libs --cflags")
- self.env.ParseConfig("pkg-config --libs --cflags openal")
- self.env.ParseConfig("pkg-config --libs --cflags vorbis vorbisfile ogg")
- self.env.Append(LIBS=[self.libsquirrel, self.libbinreloc, self.libtinygettext, self.libfindlocale])
- self.env.Append(LIBS=["SDL_image", "curl", "GL", "GLEW", "physfs"])
- # Create config.h
- self.iconv_const = 0
- config_h = open('config.h', 'w')
- config_h.write('#define PACKAGE_NAME "supertux2"\n')
- config_h.write('#define PACKAGE_VERSION "Milestone 2"\n')
- config_h.write('#define ENABLE_BINRELOC 1\n')
- config_h.write('#define INSTALL_SUBDIR_BIN "games/"\n')
- config_h.write('#define INSTALL_SUBDIR_SHARE "share/games/supertux2/"\n')
- config_h.write('#define HAVE_LIBCURL 1\n')
- config_h.write('#define HAVE_OPENGL 1\n')
- config_h.write('#define ICONV_CONST %s\n' % self.iconv_const)
- config_h.close()
- version_h = open('version.h', 'w')
- version_h.close()
- # base source
- supertux_sources = Glob("src/*.cpp") + Glob("src/*/*.cpp") + Glob("src/supertux/menu/*.cpp")
- # optional video drivers
- supertux_sources += Glob("src/video/gl/*.cpp")
- supertux_sources += Glob("src/video/sdl/*.cpp")
- self.libsupertux = self.env.StaticLibrary("supertux", supertux_sources)
- self.env.Program("supertux", ["src/main.cpp", self.libsupertux])
- def build_tests(self):
- for filename in Glob("test/*_test.cpp", strings=True):
- self.env.Program(filename[:-4], [filename, self.libsupertux])
-project = Project()
-# EOF #