SDLRenderer::SDLRenderer() :
- renderer()
+ renderer(),
+ desktop_size()
Renderer::instance_ = this;
+ SDL_DisplayMode mode;
+ SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &mode);
+ desktop_size = Size(mode.w, mode.h);
log_info << "creating SDLRenderer" << std::endl;
int width = g_config->window_size.width;
int height = g_config->window_size.height;
SDLRenderer::resize(int w , int h)
+ g_config->window_size = Size(w, h);
+ apply_config();
+ if (false)
+ {
+ log_info << "Applying Config:"
+ << "\n Desktop: " << desktop_size.width << "x" << desktop_size.height
+ << "\n Window: " << g_config->window_size
+ << "\n FullRes: " << g_config->fullscreen_size
+ << "\n Aspect: " << g_config->aspect_size
+ << "\n Magnif: " << g_config->magnification
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ float target_aspect = static_cast<float>(desktop_size.width) / static_cast<float>(desktop_size.height);
+ if (g_config->aspect_size != Size(0, 0))
+ {
+ target_aspect = float(g_config->aspect_size.width) / float(g_config->aspect_size.height);
+ }
+ float desktop_aspect = 4.0f / 3.0f; // random default fallback guess
+ if (desktop_size.width != -1 && desktop_size.height != -1)
+ {
+ desktop_aspect = float(desktop_size.width) / float(desktop_size.height);
+ }
+ Size screen_size;
+ // Get the screen width
+ if (g_config->use_fullscreen)
+ {
+ screen_size = g_config->fullscreen_size;
+ desktop_aspect = float(screen_size.width) / float(screen_size.height);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ screen_size = g_config->window_size;
+ }
+ //apply_video_mode(screen_size, g_config->use_fullscreen);
+ if (target_aspect > 1.0f)
+ {
+ SCREEN_WIDTH = static_cast<int>(screen_size.width * (target_aspect / desktop_aspect));
+ SCREEN_HEIGHT = static_cast<int>(screen_size.height);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SCREEN_WIDTH = static_cast<int>(screen_size.width);
+ SCREEN_HEIGHT = static_cast<int>(screen_size.height * (target_aspect / desktop_aspect));
+ }
+ Size max_size(1280, 800);
+ Size min_size(640, 480);
+ if (g_config->magnification == 0.0f) // Magic value that means 'minfill'
+ {
+ // This scales SCREEN_WIDTH/SCREEN_HEIGHT so that they never excede
+ // max_size.width/max_size.height resp. min_size.width/min_size.height
+ if (SCREEN_WIDTH > max_size.width || SCREEN_HEIGHT > max_size.height)
+ {
+ float scale1 = float(max_size.width)/SCREEN_WIDTH;
+ float scale2 = float(max_size.height)/SCREEN_HEIGHT;
+ float scale = (scale1 < scale2) ? scale1 : scale2;
+ SCREEN_WIDTH = static_cast<int>(SCREEN_WIDTH * scale);
+ SCREEN_HEIGHT = static_cast<int>(SCREEN_HEIGHT * scale);
+ }
+ else if (SCREEN_WIDTH < min_size.width || SCREEN_HEIGHT < min_size.height)
+ {
+ float scale1 = float(min_size.width)/SCREEN_WIDTH;
+ float scale2 = float(min_size.height)/SCREEN_HEIGHT;
+ float scale = (scale1 < scale2) ? scale1 : scale2;
+ SCREEN_WIDTH = static_cast<int>(SCREEN_WIDTH * scale);
+ SCREEN_HEIGHT = static_cast<int>(SCREEN_HEIGHT * scale);
+ }
+ SDL_Rect viewport;
+ viewport.x = 0;
+ viewport.y = 0;
+ viewport.w = screen_size.width;
+ viewport.h = screen_size.height;
+ SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &viewport);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SCREEN_WIDTH = static_cast<int>(SCREEN_WIDTH / g_config->magnification);
+ SCREEN_HEIGHT = static_cast<int>(SCREEN_HEIGHT / g_config->magnification);
+ // This works by adding black borders around the screen to limit
+ // SCREEN_WIDTH/SCREEN_HEIGHT to max_size.width/max_size.height
+ Size new_size = screen_size;
+ if (SCREEN_WIDTH > max_size.width)
+ {
+ new_size.width = static_cast<int>((float) new_size.width * float(max_size.width)/SCREEN_WIDTH);
+ SCREEN_WIDTH = static_cast<int>(max_size.width);
+ }
+ if (SCREEN_HEIGHT > max_size.height)
+ {
+ new_size.height = static_cast<int>((float) new_size.height * float(max_size.height)/SCREEN_HEIGHT);
+ SCREEN_HEIGHT = static_cast<int>(max_size.height);
+ }
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE);
+ SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
+ SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);
+ SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
+ SDL_Rect viewport;
+ viewport.x = std::max(0, (screen_size.width - new_size.width) / 2);
+ viewport.y = std::max(0, (screen_size.height - new_size.height) / 2);
+ viewport.w = std::min(new_size.width, screen_size.width);
+ viewport.h = std::min(new_size.height, screen_size.height);
+ SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &viewport);
+ }
+ SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT);