+-- Written by Bob Cotton <bob.cotton@gmail.com>
+-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
+drop table metrics cascade;
+drop table hostname_dimension cascade;
+drop table plugin_dimension cascade;
+drop table type_dimension cascade;
+drop type datasource_type cascade;
+create type datasource_type as ENUM ('GUAGE', 'COUNTER');
+create table metrics (id serial primary key,
+ timestamp timestamp,
+ measure double precision default 0,
+ hostname_id integer not null,
+ plugin_id integer not null,
+ type_id integer not null
+ );
+create table hostname_dimension (id serial primary key,
+ hostname varchar(64) not null);
+create table plugin_dimension (id serial primary key,
+ plugin varchar(64) not null,
+ plugin_instance varchar(64));
+create table type_dimension (id serial primary key,
+ ds_type datasource_type,
+ type varchar(64) not null,
+ type_name varchar(64) not null,
+ type_instance varchar(64));
select create_partition_tables('metrics', now()::timestamp, '6 months'::interval, 'month', 'YYYY_MM');
select create_partition_trigger('metrics', now()::timestamp, '6 months'::interval, 'month', 'YYYY_MM');
CREATE TRIGGER insert_metrics_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON metrics FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE metrics_insert_trigger();
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
-drop table metrics cascade;
-drop table hostname_dimension cascade;
-drop table plugin_dimension cascade;
-drop table type_dimension cascade;
-drop type datasource_type cascade;
-create type datasource_type as ENUM ('GUAGE', 'COUNTER');
-create table metrics (id serial primary key,
- timestamp timestamp,
- measure double precision default 0,
- hostname_id integer not null,
- plugin_id integer not null,
- type_id integer not null
- );
-create table hostname_dimension (id serial primary key,
- hostname varchar(64) not null);
-create table plugin_dimension (id serial primary key,
- plugin varchar(64) not null,
- plugin_instance varchar(64));
-create table type_dimension (id serial primary key,
- ds_type datasource_type,
- type varchar(64) not null,
- type_name varchar(64) not null,
- type_instance varchar(64));
create or replace function insert_metric(in_timestamp timestamp,
in_measure double precision,
in_hostname text,