before they're passed to your functions. These Java classes reside in the
I<org.collectd.api> namespace.
+The I<Java> plugin will create one object of each class configured with the
+B<LoadPlugin> option. The constructor of this class can then register "callback
+methods", i.E<nbsp>e. methods that will be called by the daemon when
The available classes are:
=over 4
+=item B<org.collectd.api.Collectd>
+All API functions exported to Java are implemented as static functions of this
+class. See L<"EXPORTED API FUNCTIONS"> below.
=item B<org.collectd.api.OConfigValue>
Corresponds to C<oconfig_value_t>, defined in F<src/liboconfig/oconfig.h>.
example B<ValueList>. In order to be able to use these abbreviated names, you
need to B<import> the classes.
-The API functions that are available from Java are implemented as I<static>
-functions of the B<org.collectd.api.Collectd> class.
-See L<"CALLING API FUNCTIONS"> below for details.
+All collectd API functions that are available to Java plugins are implemented
+as I<publicE<nbsp>static> functions of the B<Collectd> class. This makes
+calling these functions pretty straight forward. For example, to send an error
+message to the daemon, you'd do something like this:
+ Collectd.logError ("That wasn't chicken!");
+The following are the currently exported functions.
+=head2 registerConfig
+Signature: I<int> B<registerConfig> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdConfigInterface> object);
+Registers the B<config> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"config callback"> below.
+=head2 registerInit
+Signature: I<int> B<registerInit> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdInitInterface> object);
+Registers the B<init> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"init callback"> below.
+=head2 registerRead
+Signature: I<int> B<registerRead> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdReadInterface> object)
+Registers the B<read> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"read callback"> below.
+=head2 registerWrite
+Signature: I<int> B<registerWrite> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdWriteInterface> object)
+Registers the B<write> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"write callback"> below.
+=head2 registerFlush
+Signature: I<int> B<registerFlush> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdFlushInterface> object)
+Registers the B<flush> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"flush callback"> below.
+=head2 registerShutdown
+Signature: I<int> B<registerShutdown> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdShutdownInterface> object);
+Registers the B<shutdown> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"shutdown callback"> below.
+=head2 registerLog
+Signature: I<int> B<registerLog> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdLogInterface> object);
+Registers the B<log> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"log callback"> below.
+=head2 registerNotification
+Signature: I<int> B<registerNotification> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdNotificationInterface> object);
+Registers the B<notification> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"notification callback"> below.
+=head2 registerMatch
+Signature: I<int> B<registerMatch> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdMatchFactoryInterface> object);
+Registers the B<createMatch> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"match callback"> below.
+=head2 registerTarget
+Signature: I<int> B<registerTarget> (I<String> name,
+I<CollectdTargetFactoryInterface> object);
+Registers the B<createTarget> function of I<object> with the daemon.
+Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
+See L<"target callback"> below.
+=head2 dispatchValues
+Signature: I<int> B<dispatchValues> (I<ValueList>)
+Passes the values represented by the B<ValueList> object to the
+C<plugin_dispatch_values> function of the daemon. The "data set" (or list of
+"data sources") associated with the object are ignored, because
+C<plugin_dispatch_values> will automatically lookup the required data set. It
+is therefore absolutely okay to leave this blank.
+Returns zero upon success or non-zero upon failure.
+=head2 getDS
+Signature: I<DataSet> B<getDS> (I<String>)
+Returns the appropriate I<type> or B<null> if the type is not defined.
+=head2 logError
+Signature: I<void> B<logError> (I<String>)
+Sends a log message with severity B<ERROR> to the daemon.
+=head2 logWarning
+Signature: I<void> B<logWarning> (I<String>)
+Sends a log message with severity B<WARNING> to the daemon.
+=head2 logNotice
+Signature: I<void> B<logNotice> (I<String>)
+Sends a log message with severity B<NOTICE> to the daemon.
+=head2 logInfo
+Signature: I<void> B<logInfo> (I<String>)
+Sends a log message with severity B<INFO> to the daemon.
+=head2 logDebug
+Signature: I<void> B<logDebug> (I<String>)
+Sends a log message with severity B<DEBUG> to the daemon.
When starting up, collectd creates an object of each configured class. The
constructor of this class should then register "callbacks" with the daemon,
using the appropriate static functions in B<Collectd>,
-see L<"CALLING API FUNCTIONS"> below. To register a callback, the object being
+see L<"EXPORTED API FUNCTIONS"> above. To register a callback, the object being
passed to one of the register functions must implement an appropriate
interface, which are all in the B<org.collectd.api> namespace.
To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be
considered an error condition and the plugin will be disabled entirely.
+See L<"registerConfig"> above.
=head2 init callback
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdInitInterface>
To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be
considered an error condition and the plugin will be disabled entirely.
+See L<"registerInit"> above.
=head2 read callback
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdReadInterface>
This method is called periodically and is supposed to gather statistics in
whatever fashion. These statistics are represented as a B<ValueList> object and
-sent to the daemon using B<dispatchValues>, see L<"CALLING API FUNCTIONS">
+sent to the daemon using L<dispatchValues|"dispatchValues">.
To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be
considered an error condition and cause an appropriate message to be logged.
Java "read"-methods are not suspended for increasing intervals like C
+See L<"registerRead"> above.
=head2 write callback
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdWriteInterface>
To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be
considered an error condition and cause an appropriate message to be logged.
+See L<"registerWrite"> above.
=head2 flush callback
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdFlushInterface>
To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be
considered an error condition and cause an appropriate message to be logged.
+See L<"registerFlush"> above.
=head2 shutdown callback
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdShutdownInterface>
To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be
considered an error condition and cause an appropriate message to be logged.
+See L<"registerShutdown"> above.
=head2 log callback
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdLogInterface>
The function does not return any value.
+See L<"registerLog"> above.
=head2 notification callback
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdNotificationInterface>
To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be
considered an error condition and cause an appropriate message to be logged.
+See L<"registerNotification"> above.
=head2 match callback
The match (and target, see L<"target callback"> below) callbacks work a bit
creates an appropriate object. The object creating the "match" objects is
called "match factory".
+See L<"registerMatch"> above.
=head3 Factory object
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdMatchFactoryInterface>
creates an appropriate object. The object creating the "target" objects is
called "target factory".
+See L<"registerTarget"> above.
=head3 Factory object
Interface: B<org.collectd.api.CollectdTargetFactoryInterface>
-=head2 Example
+=head1 EXAMPLE
This short example demonstrates how to register a read callback with the
-All collectd API functions that are available to Java plugins are implemented
-as I<publicE<nbsp>static> functions of the B<org.collectd.api.Collectd> class.
-This makes calling these functions pretty straight forward.
-The following are the currently exported functions. For information on the
-interfaces used, please see L<"REGISTERING CALLBACKS"> above.
-=head2 registerConfig
-Signature: I<int> B<registerConfig> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdConfigInterface> object);
-Registers the B<config> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-=head2 registerInit
-Signature: I<int> B<registerInit> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdInitInterface> object);
-Registers the B<init> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-=head2 registerRead
-Signature: I<int> B<registerRead> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdReadInterface> object)
-Registers the B<read> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-=head2 registerWrite
-Signature: I<int> B<registerWrite> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdWriteInterface> object)
-Registers the B<write> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-=head2 registerFlush
-Signature: I<int> B<registerFlush> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdFlushInterface> object)
-Registers the B<flush> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-=head2 registerShutdown
-Signature: I<int> B<registerShutdown> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdShutdownInterface> object);
-Registers the B<shutdown> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-=head2 registerLog
-Signature: I<int> B<registerLog> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdLogInterface> object);
-Registers the B<log> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-=head2 registerNotification
-Signature: I<int> B<registerNotification> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdNotificationInterface> object);
-Registers the B<notification> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-=head2 registerMatch
-Signature: I<int> B<registerMatch> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdMatchFactoryInterface> object);
-Registers the B<createMatch> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-See L<"match callback"> above.
-=head2 registerTarget
-Signature: I<int> B<registerTarget> (I<String> name,
-I<CollectdTargetFactoryInterface> object);
-Registers the B<createTarget> function of I<object> with the daemon.
-Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.
-See L<"target callback"> above.
-=head2 dispatchValues
-Signature: I<int> B<dispatchValues> (I<ValueList>)
-Passes the values represented by the B<ValueList> object to the
-C<plugin_dispatch_values> function of the daemon. The "data set" (or list of
-"data sources") associated with the object are ignored, because
-C<plugin_dispatch_values> will automatically lookup the required data set. It
-is therefore absolutely okay to leave this blank.
-Returns zero upon success or non-zero upon failure.
-=head2 getDS
-Signature: I<DataSet> B<getDS> (I<String>)
-Returns the appropriate I<type> or B<null> if the type is not defined.
-=head2 logError
-Signature: I<void> B<logError> (I<String>)
-Sends a log message with severity B<ERROR> to the daemon.
-=head2 logWarning
-Signature: I<void> B<logWarning> (I<String>)
-Sends a log message with severity B<WARNING> to the daemon.
-=head2 logNotice
-Signature: I<void> B<logNotice> (I<String>)
-Sends a log message with severity B<NOTICE> to the daemon.
-=head2 logInfo
-Signature: I<void> B<logInfo> (I<String>)
-Sends a log message with severity B<INFO> to the daemon.
-=head2 logDebug
-Signature: I<void> B<logDebug> (I<String>)
-Sends a log message with severity B<DEBUG> to the daemon.
=head1 SEE ALSO