*color = Color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
DrawingRequest request;
request.type = GETLIGHT;
request.pos = transform.apply(position);
- request.layer = LAYER_GUI; //make sure all get_light requests are handled last.
+ //There is no light offscreen.
+ if(request.pos.x >= SCREEN_WIDTH || request.pos.y >= SCREEN_HEIGHT
+ || request.pos.x < 0 || request.pos.y < 0){
+ *color = Color( 0, 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ request.layer = LAYER_GUI; //make sure all get_light requests are handled last.
GetLightRequest* getlightrequest = new GetLightRequest;
getlightrequest->color_ptr = color;
request.request_data = getlightrequest;
pixels[i] = 0.0f; //set to black
float posX = request.pos.x /LIGHTMAP_DIV;
- float posY = SCREEN_HEIGHT - request.pos.y / LIGHTMAP_DIV;
+ //TODO:this works when playing with 800x600 otherwise posY is wrong
+ float posY = screen->h - request.pos.y / LIGHTMAP_DIV;
glReadPixels((GLint) posX, (GLint) posY , 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, pixels);
*(getlightrequest->color_ptr) = Color( pixels[0], pixels[1], pixels[2]);
- //draw_filled_rect( Vector(posX, posY), Vector(1,1), Color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) ,LAYER_GUI);
- //printf("get_light %f/%f r%f g%f b%f\n", request.pos.x, request.pos.y, pixels[0], pixels[1], pixels[2]);
+ //printf("get_light %f/%f =>%f/%f r%f g%f b%f\n", request.pos.x, request.pos.y, posX, posY, pixels[0], pixels[1], pixels[2]);
delete getlightrequest;