- static Timer randomWaitTimer;
- static Timer jumpPushTimer;
- static float last_tux_x_pos = -1;
- static float last_tux_y_pos = -1;
+ static bool jumpWasReleased = true;
Sector* sector = titlesession->get_current_sector();
Player* tux = sector->player;
- //sector->play_music(LEVEL_MUSIC);
- // Determine how far we moved since last frame
- float dx = fabsf(last_tux_x_pos - tux->get_pos().x);
- float dy = fabsf(last_tux_y_pos - tux->get_pos().y);
- // Calculate space to check for obstacles
- Rect lookahead = tux->get_bbox();
- lookahead.move(Vector(96, 0));
// Check if we should press the jump button
- bool randomJump = !randomWaitTimer.started();
- bool notMoving = (fabsf(dx) + fabsf(dy)) < 0.1;
+ Rect lookahead = tux->get_bbox();
+ lookahead.p2.x += 96;
bool pathBlocked = !sector->is_free_of_statics(lookahead);
- if (!controller->released(Controller::JUMP)
- && (notMoving || pathBlocked || randomJump)) {
- float jumpDuration;
- if(pathBlocked)
- jumpDuration = 0.5;
- else
- jumpDuration = systemRandom.randf(0.3, 0.8);
- jumpPushTimer.start(jumpDuration);
- randomWaitTimer.start(systemRandom.randf(3.0, 6.0));
- }
- // Keep jump button pressed
- if (jumpPushTimer.started())
+ if ((pathBlocked && jumpWasReleased) || !tux->on_ground()) {
- // Remember last position, so we can determine if we moved
- last_tux_x_pos = tux->get_pos().x;
- last_tux_y_pos = tux->get_pos().y;
+ jumpWasReleased = false;
+ } else {
+ jumpWasReleased = true;
+ }
// Wrap around at the end of the level back to the beginnig
if(sector->get_width() - 320 < tux->get_pos().x) {