/* This is ok because we have the GIL, so this is thread-save by default. */
if (node_prefix == NULL)
- node_prefix = cpy_string_to_unicode_or_bytes("<collectd.Config node '");
+ node_prefix = cpy_string_to_unicode_or_bytes("<collectd.Config node ");
if (root_prefix == NULL)
- root_prefix = cpy_string_to_unicode_or_bytes("<collectd.Config root node '");
+ root_prefix = cpy_string_to_unicode_or_bytes("<collectd.Config root node ");
if (ending == NULL)
- ending = cpy_string_to_unicode_or_bytes("'>");
+ ending = cpy_string_to_unicode_or_bytes(">");
if (node_prefix == NULL || root_prefix == NULL || ending == NULL)
return NULL;
ret = PyObject_Str(self->key);
+ CPY_SUBSTITUTE(PyObject_Repr, ret, ret);
if (self->parent == NULL || self->parent == Py_None)
CPY_SUBSTITUTE(CPY_STRCAT, ret, root_prefix, ret);