--- /dev/null
+package Onis::Data::Core;
+=head1 NAME
+Onis::Data::Core - User management
+Store data to the internal structure, care about users, nicks and idents and
+dispatch to plugins. The core of the data even..
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Exporter;
+use Onis::Config qw#get_config#;
+use Onis::Users qw#host_to_username nick_to_username#;
+use Onis::Data::Persistent qw#init#;
+@Onis::Data::Core::EXPORT_OK = qw#all_nicks get_channel
+ nick_to_ident
+ ident_to_nick ident_to_name
+ get_main_nick
+ get_total_lines nick_rename print_output
+ register_plugin store get_print_name#;
+@Onis::Data::Core::ISA = ('Exporter');
+our $DATA = init ('$DATA', 'hash');
+our $REGISTER = {};
+our $OUTPUT = [];
+our @ALLNICKS = ();
+our @ALLNAMES = ();
+our %NICK_MAP = ();
+our %NICK2IDENT = ();
+our %IDENT2NICK = ();
+our $LASTRUN_DAYS = 0;
+if (get_config ('unsharp'))
+ my $tmp = get_config ('unsharp');
+ $tmp = uc ($tmp);
+ $tmp =~ s/\W//g;
+ if ($tmp eq 'NONE' or $tmp eq 'LIGHT'
+ or $tmp eq 'MEDIUM'
+ or $tmp eq 'HARD')
+ {
+ $UNSHARP = $tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": ``$tmp'' is not a valid value for config option ``unsharp''.",
+ $/, __FILE__, ": Using standard value ``MEDIUM''.";
+ }
+if (!%$DATA)
+ $DATA->{'idents_of_nick'} = {};
+ $DATA->{'channel'} = {};
+ $DATA->{'total_lines'} = 0;
+if (defined ($DATA->{'lastrun'}))
+ my $last = $DATA->{'lastrun'};
+ my $now = time;
+ my $diff = ($now - $last) % 86400;
+ if ($diff > 0)
+ {
+ $DATA->{'lastrun'} = $now;
+ $LASTRUN_DAYS = $diff;
+ }
+ $DATA->{'lastrun'} = time;
+my $VERSION = '$Id: Core.pm,v 1.14 2004/10/31 15:00:32 octo Exp $';
+print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": $VERSION" if ($::DEBUG);
+return (1);
+=over 4
+=item I<@nicks> = B<all_nicks> ()
+Returns an array of all seen nicks.
+sub all_nicks
+ return (@ALLNICKS);
+sub calculate_nicks
+ my @temp = keys (%{$DATA->{'idents_of_nick'}});
+ my $nicks_of_ident = {};
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ': Looking at ', scalar (@temp), ' nicks.' if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ for (@temp)
+ {
+ my $this_nick = $_;
+ my $this_ident = 'unidentified';
+ my $this_total = 0;
+ my $this_max = 0;
+ my $this_ident_is_user = 0;
+ my @idents = keys (%{$DATA->{'idents_of_nick'}{$this_nick}});
+ for (@idents)
+ {
+ my $ident = $_;
+ my $num = $DATA->{'idents_of_nick'}{$this_nick}{$ident};
+ my $newnum;
+ my $ident_is_user = 1;
+ if ($ident =~ m/^[^@]+@.+$/)
+ {
+ $ident_is_user = 0;
+ }
+ $this_total += $num;
+ $newnum = int ($num * (0.9**$LASTRUN_DAYS));
+ if (!$newnum)
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Deleting ident ``$ident'' because it's too old." if ($::DEBUG);
+ delete ($DATA->{'idents_of_nick'}{$this_nick}{$ident});
+ if (!keys %{$DATA->{'idents_of_nick'}{$this_nick}})
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Deleting nick ``$this_nick'' because it's too old." if ($::DEBUG);
+ delete ($DATA->{'idents_of_nick'}{$this_nick});
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ident_is_user)
+ {
+ if (($num >= $this_max) or !$this_ident_is_user)
+ {
+ $this_max = $num;
+ $this_ident = $ident;
+ $this_ident_is_user = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ident !~ m/\@unidentified$/)
+ {
+ if (($num >= $this_max) and !$this_ident_is_user)
+ {
+ $this_max = $num;
+ $this_ident = $ident;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print $/, __FILE__, ": max_ident ($this_nick) = $this_ident" if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ if ($this_ident ne 'unidentified')
+ {
+ if (!$this_ident_is_user and nick_to_username ($this_nick))
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": $this_nick!$this_ident -> " if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ $this_ident = nick_to_username ($this_nick);
+ $this_ident_is_user = 1;
+ print STDERR $this_ident if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ }
+ $nicks_of_ident->{$this_ident}{$this_nick} = $this_total;
+ }
+ elsif ($::DEBUG & 0x100)
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Ignoring unidentified nick ``$this_nick''";
+ }
+ }
+ @temp = keys (%$nicks_of_ident);
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ': Looking at ', scalar (@temp), ' idents.' if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ for (@temp)
+ {
+ my $this_ident = $_;
+ my $this_nick = '';
+ my $this_max = 0;
+ my @other_nicks = ();
+ my @nicks = keys (%{$nicks_of_ident->{$this_ident}});
+ for (@nicks)
+ {
+ my $nick = $_;
+ my $num = $nicks_of_ident->{$this_ident}{$nick};
+ if ($num > $this_max)
+ {
+ if ($this_nick) { push (@other_nicks, $this_nick); }
+ $this_nick = $nick;
+ $this_max = $num;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push (@other_nicks, $nick);
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": max_nick ($this_ident) = $this_nick" if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ for (@other_nicks, $this_nick)
+ {
+ push (@ALLNICKS, $_);
+ $NICK_MAP{$_} = $this_nick;
+ $NICK2IDENT{$_} = $this_ident;
+ }
+ $IDENT2NICK{$this_ident} = $this_nick;
+ }
+=item I<$channel> = B<get_channel> ()
+Returns the name of the channel we're generating stats for.
+sub get_channel
+ my $chan;
+ if (get_config ('channel'))
+ {
+ $chan = get_config ('channel');
+ }
+ elsif (keys (%{$DATA->{'channel'}}))
+ {
+ ($chan) = sort
+ {
+ $DATA->{'channel'}{$b} <=> $DATA->{'channel'}{$a}
+ } (keys (%{$DATA->{'channel'}}));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $chan = '#unknown';
+ }
+ # Fix network-safe channel named (RFC 2811)
+ if ($chan =~ m/^![A-Z0-9]{5}.+/)
+ {
+ $chan =~ s/[A-Z0-9]{5}//;
+ }
+ return ($chan);
+=item I<$main> = B<get_main_nick> (I<$nick>)
+Returns the main nick for I<$nick> or an empty string if the nick is unknown..
+sub get_main_nick
+ my $nick = shift;
+ if (defined ($NICK_MAP{$nick}))
+ {
+ return ($NICK_MAP{$nick});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ('');
+ }
+=item I<$ident> = B<nick_to_ident> (I<$nick>)
+Returns the ident for this nick or an empty string if unknown.
+sub nick_to_ident
+ my $nick = shift;
+ if (defined ($NICK2IDENT{$nick}))
+ {
+ return ($NICK2IDENT{$nick});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ('');
+ }
+=item I<$nick> = B<ident_to_nick> (I<$ident>)
+Returns the nick for the given ident or an empty string if unknown.
+sub ident_to_nick
+ my $ident = shift;
+ if (!defined ($ident)
+ or (lc ($ident) eq 'ignore')
+ or (lc ($ident) eq 'unidentified'))
+ {
+ return ('');
+ }
+ elsif (defined ($IDENT2NICK{$ident}))
+ {
+ return ($IDENT2NICK{$ident});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ('');
+ }
+=item I<$name> = B<ident_to_name> (I<$ident>)
+Returns the printable version of the name for the chatter identified by
+I<$ident>. Returns an empty string if the ident is not known.
+sub ident_to_name
+ my $ident = shift;
+ my $nick = ident_to_nick ($ident);
+ my $name;
+ if (!$nick)
+ {
+ return ('');
+ }
+ $name = get_print_name ($nick);
+ return ($name);
+=item I<$name> = B<get_print_name> (I<$nick>)
+Returns the printable version of the name for the nick I<$nick> or I<$nick> if
+sub get_print_name
+ my $nick = shift;
+ my $ident = '';
+ my $name = $nick;
+ if (defined ($NICK2IDENT{$nick}))
+ {
+ $ident = $NICK2IDENT{$nick};
+ }
+ if (($ident !~ m/^[^@]+@.+$/) and $ident)
+ {
+ $name = $ident;
+ }
+ return ($name);
+=item I<$lines> = B<get_total_lines> ()
+Returns the total number of lines parsed so far.
+sub get_total_lines
+ return ($DATA->{'total_lines'});
+=item B<nick_rename> (I<$old_nick>, I<$new_nick>)
+Keeps track of a nick's hostname if the nick changes.
+sub nick_rename
+ my $old_nick = shift;
+ my $new_nick = shift;
+ if (defined ($DATA->{'host_cache'}{$old_nick}))
+ {
+ my $host = $DATA->{'host_cache'}{$old_nick};
+ $DATA->{'host_cache'}{$new_nick} = $host;
+ if (!defined ($DATA->{'hosts_of_nick'}{$new_nick}{$host}))
+ {
+ $DATA->{'hosts_of_nick'}{$new_nick}{$host} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined ($DATA->{'byident'}{"$old_nick\@unidentified"}))
+ {
+ # Other data may be overwritten, but I don't care here..
+ # This should be a extremely rare case..
+ $DATA->{'byident'}{"$new_nick\@unidentified"} = $DATA->{'byident'}{"$old_nick\@unidentified"};
+ delete ($DATA->{'byident'}{"$old_nick\@unidentified"});
+ }
+=item B<print_output> ()
+Print the output. Should be called only once..
+sub print_output
+ if (!$DATA->{'total_lines'})
+ {
+ print STDERR <<'MESSAGE';
+ERROR: No data found
+The most common reasons for this are:
+- The logfile used was empty.
+- The ``logtype'' setting did not match the logfile.
+- The logfile did not include a date.
+ return;
+ }
+ calculate_nicks ();
+ merge_idents ();
+ for (@$OUTPUT)
+ {
+ &$_ ();
+ }
+ delete ($DATA->{'byname'});
+=item I<$data> = B<register_plugin> (I<$type>, I<$sub_ref>)
+Register a subroutine for the given type. Returns a reference to the internal
+data object. This will change soon, don't use it anymore if possible.
+sub register_plugin
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $sub_ref = shift;
+ $type = uc ($type);
+ if (ref ($sub_ref) ne "CODE")
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Plugin tried to register a non-code reference. Ignoring it.";
+ return (undef);
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'OUTPUT')
+ {
+ push (@$OUTPUT, $sub_ref);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!defined ($REGISTER->{$type}))
+ {
+ $REGISTER->{$type} = [];
+ }
+ }
+ push (@{$REGISTER->{$type}}, $sub_ref);
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ': ', scalar (caller ()), " registered for ``$type''." if ($::DEBUG & 0x800);
+ return ($DATA);
+=item B<store> (I<$type>, I<$data>)
+Passes I<$data> (a hashref) to all plugins which registered for I<$type>.
+sub store
+ my $data = shift;
+ my $type = $data->{'type'};
+ my $nick;
+ my $ident;
+ if (!defined ($type))
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Plugin data did not include a type. This line will be skipped." if ($::DEBUG & 0x20);
+ return (undef);
+ }
+ if (!defined ($data->{'nick'}))
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Plugin data did not include a nick. This line will be skipped." if ($::DEBUG & 0x20);
+ return (undef);
+ }
+ $nick = $data->{'nick'};
+ if (defined ($data->{'host'}))
+ {
+ my $user = host_to_username ($nick . '!' . $data->{'host'});
+ if ($user)
+ {
+ $data->{'ident'} = $user;
+ $NICK2IDENT{$nick} = $user;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $host = unsharp ($data->{'host'});
+ $data->{'host'} = $host;
+ $data->{'ident'} = $host;
+ $NICK2IDENT{$nick} = $host;
+ }
+ if (defined ($DATA->{'byident'}{"$nick\@unidentified"}))
+ {
+ my $ident = $data->{'ident'};
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Merging ``$nick\@unidentified'' to ``$ident''" if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ if (!defined ($DATA->{'byident'}{$ident}))
+ {
+ $DATA->{'byident'}{$ident} = {};
+ }
+ add_hash ($DATA->{'byident'}{$ident}, $DATA->{'byident'}{"$nick\@unidentified"});
+ delete ($DATA->{'byident'}{"$nick\@unidentified"});
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (defined ($NICK2IDENT{$nick}))
+ {
+ $data->{'ident'} = $NICK2IDENT{$nick};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $user = nick_to_username ($nick);
+ if ($user)
+ {
+ $data->{'ident'} = $user;
+ $NICK2IDENT{$nick} = $user;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $data->{'ident'} = $nick . '@unidentified';
+ }
+ }
+ $ident = $data->{'ident'};
+ if ($::DEBUG & 0x0100)
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": id ($nick) = ", $data->{'ident'};
+ }
+ if (defined ($data->{'channel'}))
+ {
+ my $chan = lc ($data->{'channel'});
+ $DATA->{'channel'}{$chan}++;
+ }
+ if ($::DEBUG & 0x400)
+ {
+ my @keys = keys (%$data);
+ for (sort (@keys))
+ {
+ my $key = $_;
+ my $val = $data->{$key};
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ': ';
+ printf STDERR ("%10s: %s", $key, $val);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc ($ident) eq "ignore")
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ': Ignoring line from ignored user.' if ($::DEBUG & 0x0100);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ $DATA->{'idents_of_nick'}{$nick}{$ident}++;
+ $DATA->{'total_lines'}++;
+ if (defined ($REGISTER->{$type}))
+ {
+ for (@{$REGISTER->{$type}})
+ {
+ my $sub_ref = $_;
+ &$sub_ref ($data);
+ }
+ }
+ return (1);
+=item B<unsharp> (I<$ident>)
+Takes an ident (i.e. a user-host-pair, e.g. I<user@host.domain.com> or
+I<login@>) and "unsharps it". The unsharp version is then
+What unsharp exactly does is described in the F<README>.
+sub unsharp
+ my $user_host = shift;
+ my $user;
+ my $host;
+ my @parts;
+ my $num_parts;
+ my $i;
+ my $retval;
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unsharp ``$user_host''" if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ ($user, $host) = split (m/@/, $user_host, 2);
+ @parts = split (m/\./, $host);
+ $num_parts = scalar (@parts);
+ if (($UNSHARP ne 'NONE')
+ and ($user =~ m/^[\~\^\-\+\=](.+)$/))
+ {
+ $user = $1;
+ }
+ if ($UNSHARP eq 'NONE')
+ {
+ return ($user . '@' . $host);
+ }
+ elsif ($host =~ m/^[\d\.]{7,15}$/)
+ {
+ if ($UNSHARP ne 'LIGHT')
+ {
+ $parts[-1] = '*';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < ($num_parts - 2); $i++)
+ {
+ if ($UNSHARP eq 'LIGHT')
+ {
+ if ($parts[$i] !~ s/\d+/*/g)
+ {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($UNSHARP eq 'MEDIUM')
+ {
+ if ($parts[$i] =~ m/\d/)
+ {
+ $parts[$i] = '*';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else # ($UNSHARP eq 'HARD')
+ {
+ $parts[$i] = '*';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $host = lc (join ('.', @parts));
+ $host =~ s/\*(\.\*)+/*/;
+ $retval = $user . '@' . $host;
+ print STDERR " -> ``$retval''" if ($::DEBUG & 0x100);
+ return ($retval);
+=item B<merge_idents> ()
+Merges idents. Does magic, don't interfere ;)
+sub merge_idents
+ my @idents = keys (%IDENT2NICK);
+ for (@idents)
+ {
+ my $ident = $_;
+ my $name = ident_to_name ($ident);
+ if (!defined ($DATA->{'byident'}{$ident}))
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!defined ($DATA->{'byname'}{$name}))
+ {
+ $DATA->{'byname'}{$name} = {};
+ }
+ add_hash ($DATA->{'byname'}{$name}, $DATA->{'byident'}{$ident});
+ }
+sub add_hash
+ my $dst = shift;
+ my $src = shift;
+ my @keys = keys (%$src);
+ for (@keys)
+ {
+ my $key = $_;
+ my $val = $src->{$key};
+ if (!defined ($dst->{$key}))
+ {
+ $dst->{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ elsif (!ref ($val))
+ {
+ if ($val =~ m/\D/)
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": ``$key'' = ``$val''" if ($::DEBUG);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dst->{$key} += $val;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (ref ($val) ne ref ($dst->{$key}))
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Destination and source type do not match!" if ($::DEBUG);
+ }
+ elsif (ref ($val) eq "HASH")
+ {
+ add_hash ($dst->{$key}, $val);
+ }
+ elsif (ref ($val) eq "ARRAY")
+ {
+ my $i = 0;
+ for (@$val)
+ {
+ my $j = $_;
+ if ($j =~ m/\D/)
+ {
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": ``", $key, '[', $i, "]'' = ``$j''" if ($::DEBUG);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dst->{$key}->[$i] += $j;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $type = ref ($val);
+ print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Reference type ``$type'' is not supported!", $/;
+ }
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ Florian octo Forster E<lt>octo at verplant.orgE<gt>