use Collectd::Graph::TypeLoader (qw(tl_load_type));
use Collectd::Graph::Common (qw(sanitize_type get_selected_files
- epoch_to_rfc1123));
+ epoch_to_rfc1123 flush_files));
use Collectd::Graph::Type ();
our $Debug = param ('debug');
$expires = $Begin;
+# Send FLUSH command to the daemon if necessary and possible.
+flush_files ($files,
+ begin => $Begin,
+ end => $End,
+ addr => gc_get_scalar ('UnixSockAddr', undef),
+ interval => gc_get_scalar ('Interval', 10));
print STDOUT header (-Content_type => 'image/png',
-Last_Modified => epoch_to_rfc1123 ($obj->getLastModified ()),
-Expires => epoch_to_rfc1123 ($expires));
use Data::Dumper;
-use Collectd::Graph::Config (qw(gc_read_config));
+use Collectd::Graph::Config (qw(gc_read_config gc_get_scalar));
use Collectd::Graph::TypeLoader (qw(tl_load_type));
use Collectd::Graph::Common (qw(get_files_from_directory get_all_hosts
get_timespan_selection get_selected_files get_host_selection
- get_plugin_selection));
+ get_plugin_selection flush_files));
use Collectd::Graph::Type ();
our $Debug = param ('debug') ? 1 : 0;
start_html ();
show_selector ();
- my $ident = {};
my $all_files;
+ my $timespan;
my $types = {};
my $id_counter = 0;
$all_files = get_selected_files ();
+ $timespan = get_timespan_selection ();
if ($Debug)
print "<pre>", Data::Dumper->Dump ([$all_files], ['all_files']), "</pre>\n";
+ # Send FLUSH command to the daemon if necessary and possible.
+ flush_files ($all_files,
+ begin => time () - $timespan,
+ end => time (),
+ addr => gc_get_scalar ('UnixSockAddr', undef),
+ interval => gc_get_scalar ('Interval', 10));
for (@$all_files)
my $file = $_;
my $type = $_;
my $graphs_num = $types->{$type}->getGraphsNum ();
- my $timespan = get_timespan_selection ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < $graphs_num; $i++)
my $args = $types->{$type}->getGraphArgs ($i);
GraphWidth 400
+Interval 10
+UnixSockAddr "/var/run/collectd-unixsock"
<Type apache_scoreboard>
Module GenericStacked
DataSources count
+ flush_files
our $DataDir = '/var/lib/collectd/rrd';
return ($string);
+sub flush_files
+ my $all_files = shift;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $begin;
+ my $end;
+ my $addr;
+ my $interval;
+ my $sock;
+ my $now;
+ my $files_to_flush = [];
+ my $status;
+ if (!defined $opts{'begin'})
+ {
+ cluck ("begin is not defined");
+ return;
+ }
+ $begin = $opts{'begin'};
+ if (!defined $opts{'end'})
+ {
+ cluck ("end is not defined");
+ return;
+ }
+ $end = $opts{'end'};
+ if (!$opts{'addr'})
+ {
+ return (1);
+ }
+ $interval = $opts{'interval'} || 10;
+ if (ref ($all_files) eq 'HASH')
+ {
+ my @tmp = ($all_files);
+ $all_files = \@tmp;
+ }
+ $now = time ();
+ # Don't flush anything if the timespan is in the future.
+ if (($end > $now) && ($begin > $now))
+ {
+ return (1);
+ }
+ for (@$all_files)
+ {
+ my $file_orig = $_;
+ my $file_name = ident_to_filename ($file_orig);
+ my $file_copy = {};
+ my @statbuf;
+ my $mtime;
+ @statbuf = stat ($file_name);
+ if (!@statbuf)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ $mtime = $statbuf[9];
+ # Skip if file is fresh
+ if (($now - $mtime) <= $interval)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ # or $end is before $mtime
+ elsif (($end != 0) && (($end - $mtime) <= 0))
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ $file_copy->{'host'} = $file_orig->{'hostname'};
+ $file_copy->{'plugin'} = $file_orig->{'plugin'};
+ if (exists $file_orig->{'plugin_instance'})
+ {
+ $file_copy->{'plugin_instance'} = $file_orig->{'plugin_instance'}
+ }
+ $file_copy->{'type'} = $file_orig->{'type'};
+ if (exists $file_orig->{'type_instance'})
+ {
+ $file_copy->{'type_instance'} = $file_orig->{'type_instance'}
+ }
+ push (@$files_to_flush, $file_copy);
+ } # for (@$all_files)
+ if (!@$files_to_flush)
+ {
+ return (1);
+ }
+ $sock = Collectd::Unixsock->new ($opts{'addr'});
+ if (!$sock)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $status = $sock->flush (plugins => ['rrdtool'], identifier => $files_to_flush);
+ if (!$status)
+ {
+ cluck ("FLUSH failed: " . $sock->{'error'});
+ $sock->destroy ();
+ return;
+ }
+ $sock->destroy ();
+ return (1);
+} # flush_files
# vim: set shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 tabstop=8 :