--- /dev/null
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "scripted_object.h"
+#include "video/drawing_context.h"
+#include "sprite/sprite_manager.h"
+#include "resources.h"
+#include "object_factory.h"
+#include "math/vector.h"
+ScriptedObject::ScriptedObject(const lisp::Lisp& lisp)
+ : solid(true), physic_enabled(true), visible(true)
+ lisp.get("name", name);
+ if(name == "")
+ throw std::runtime_error("Scripted object must have a name specified");
+ std::string spritename;
+ lisp.get("sprite", spritename);
+ if(spritename == "")
+ throw std::runtime_error("Scripted object must have a sprite name specified");
+ sprite = sprite_manager->create(spritename);
+ lisp.get("x", bbox.p1.x);
+ lisp.get("y", bbox.p1.y);
+ float width = sprite->get_width();
+ float height = sprite->get_height();
+ lisp.get("width", width);
+ lisp.get("height", height);
+ bbox.set_size(width, height);
+ lisp.get("solid", solid);
+ lisp.get("physic-enabled", physic_enabled);
+ lisp.get("visible", visible);
+ if(solid)
+ flags |= FLAG_SOLID;
+ delete sprite;
+ScriptedObject::move(float x, float y)
+ bbox.move(Vector(x, y));
+ScriptedObject::set_pos(float x, float y)
+ bbox.set_pos(Vector(x, y));
+ return get_pos().x;
+ return get_pos().y;
+ScriptedObject::set_velocity(float x, float y)
+ physic.set_velocity(x, y);
+ return physic.get_velocity_x();
+ return physic.get_velocity_y();
+ScriptedObject::set_visible(bool visible)
+ this->visible = visible;
+ return visible;
+ScriptedObject::set_animation(const std::string& animation)
+ sprite->set_action(animation);
+ return sprite->get_action_name();
+ return name;
+ScriptedObject::action(float elapsed_time)
+ if(!physic_enabled)
+ return;
+ movement = physic.get_movement(elapsed_time);
+ScriptedObject::draw(DrawingContext& context)
+ if(!visible)
+ return;
+ sprite->draw(context, get_pos(), LAYER_OBJECTS);
+ScriptedObject::collision(GameObject& other, const CollisionHit& )
+ if(!physic_enabled)
+ return FORCE_MOVE;
+ if(!(other.get_flags() & FLAG_SOLID))
+ return FORCE_MOVE;
+ physic.set_velocity(0, 0);
+ return CONTINUE;
+IMPLEMENT_FACTORY(ScriptedObject, "scriptedobject");
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __SCRIPTED_OBJECT_H__
+#define __SCRIPTED_OBJECT_H__
+#include <string>
+#include "physic.h"
+#include "sprite/sprite.h"
+#include "lisp/lisp.h"
+#include "moving_object.h"
+#include "scripting/scripted_object.h"
+class ScriptedObject : public MovingObject, public Scripting::ScriptedObject
+ ScriptedObject(const lisp::Lisp& lisp);
+ virtual ~ScriptedObject();
+ void action(float elapsed_time);
+ void draw(DrawingContext& context);
+ HitResponse collision(GameObject& other, const CollisionHit& hit);
+ // --- Scripting Interface stuff ---
+ void set_animation(const std::string& animation);
+ std::string get_animation();
+ void move(float x, float y);
+ void set_pos(float x, float y);
+ float get_pos_x();
+ float get_pos_y();
+ void set_velocity(float x, float y);
+ float get_velocity_x();
+ float get_velocity_y();
+ void set_visible(bool visible);
+ bool is_visible();
+ std::string get_name();
+ std::string name;
+ bool solid;
+ bool physic_enabled;
+ bool visible;
+ Physic physic;
+ Sprite* sprite;