+=head2 Plugin C<write_redis>
+The I<write_redis plugin> submits values to I<Redis>, a data structure server.
+ <Plugin "write_redis">
+ <Node "example">
+ Host "localhost"
+ Port "6379"
+ Timeout 1000
+ </Node>
+ </Plugin>
+Values are submitted to I<Sorted Sets>, using the metric name as the key, and
+the timestamp as the score. Retrieving a date range can then be done using the
+C<ZRANGEBYSCORE> I<Redis> command. Additionnally, all the identifiers of these
+I<Sorted Sets> are kept in a I<Set> called C<collectd/values> and can be
+retrieved using the C<SMEMBERS> I<Redis> command. See
+L<http://redis.io/commands#sorted_set> and L<http://redis.io/commands#set> for
+The information shown in the synopsis above is the I<default configuration>
+which is used by the plugin if no configuration is present.
+The plugin can send values to multiple instances of I<Redis> by specifying
+one B<Node> block for each instance. Within the B<Node> blocks, the following
+options are available:
+=over 4
+=item B<Node> I<Nodename>
+The B<Node> block identifies a new I<Redis> node, that is a new I<Redis>
+instance running in an specified host and port. The name for node is a
+canonical identifier which is used as I<plugin instance>. It is limited to
+64E<nbsp>characters in length.
+=item B<Host> I<Hostname>
+The B<Host> option is the hostname or IP-address where the I<Redis> instance is
+running on.
+=item B<Port> I<Port>
+The B<Port> option is the TCP port on which the Redis instance accepts
+connections. Either a service name of a port number may be given. Please note
+that numerical port numbers must be given as a string, too.
+=item B<Timeout> I<Timeout in miliseconds>
+The B<Timeout> option sets the socket connection timeout, in milliseconds.
=head2 Plugin C<write_riemann>
The I<write_riemann plugin> will send values to I<Riemann>, a powerfull stream