+++ /dev/null
-# collectd - contrib/rrd_filter.px
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Florian octo Forster
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-# Authors:
-# Florian octo Forster <octo at verplant.org>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-=head1 NAME
-rrd_filter.px - Perform same advanced non-standard operations on an RRD file.
-=head1 SYNOPSYS
- rrd_filter.px -i input.rrd -o output.rrd [options]
-extractDS.px requires the RRDTool binary, Perl and the included L<Getopt::Long>
-use Getopt::Long ('GetOptions');
-use Data::Dumper ();
-our $InFile;
-our $InDS = [];
-our $OutFile;
-our $OutDS = [];
-our $NewRRAs = [];
-our $Step = 0;
-=head1 OPTIONS
-The following options can be passed on the command line:
-=over 4
-=item B<--infile> I<file>
-=item B<-i> I<file>
-Reads from I<file>. If I<file> ends in C<.rrd>, then C<rrdtool dump> is invoked
-to create an XML dump of the RRD file. Otherwise the XML dump is expected
-directly. The special filename C<-> can be used to read from STDIN.
-=item B<--outfile> I<file>
-=item B<-o> I<file>
-Writes output to I<file>. If I<file> ends in C<.rrd>, then C<rrdtool restore>
-is invoked to create a binary RRD file. Otherwise an XML output is written. The
-special filename C<-> can be used to write to STDOUT.
-=item B<--map> I<in_ds>:I<out_ds>
-=item B<-m> I<in_ds>:I<out_ds>
-Writes the datasource I<in_ds> to the output and renames it to I<out_ds>. This
-is useful to extract one DS from an RRD file.
-=item B<--step> I<seconds>
-=item B<-s> I<seconds>
-Changes the step of the output RRD file to be I<seconds>. The new stepsize must
-be a multiple of the old stepsize of the other way around. When increasing the
-stepsize the number of PDPs in each RRA must be dividable by the factor by
-which the stepsize is increased. The length of CDPs and the absolute length of
-RRAs (and thus the data itself) is not altered.
- step = 10, rra_steps = 12 => step = 60, rra_steps = 2
- step = 300, rra_steps = 1 => step = 10, rra_steps = 30
-=item B<--rra> B<RRA>:I<CF>:I<XFF>:I<steps>:I<rows>
-=item B<-a> B<RRA>:I<CF>:I<XFF>:I<steps>:I<rows>
-Inserts a new RRA in the generated RRD file. This is done B<after> the step has
-been adjusted, take that into account when specifying I<steps> and I<rows>. For
-an explanation of the format please see L<rrdcreate(1)>.
-GetOptions ("infile|i=s" => \$InFile,
- "outfile|o=s" => \$OutFile,
- 'map|m=s' => sub
- {
- my ($in_ds, $out_ds) = split (':', $_[1]);
- if (!defined ($in_ds) || !defined ($out_ds))
- {
- print STDERR "Argument for `map' incorrect! The format is `--map in_ds:out_ds'\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- push (@$InDS, $in_ds);
- push (@$OutDS, $out_ds);
- },
- 'step|s=i' => \$Step,
- 'rra|a=s' => sub
- {
- my ($rra, $cf, $xff, $steps, $rows) = split (':', $_[1]);
- if (($rra ne 'RRA') || !defined ($rows))
- {
- print STDERR "Please use the standard RRDTool syntax when adding RRAs. I. e. RRA:<cf><xff>:<steps>:<rows>.\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- push (@$NewRRAs, {cf => $cf, xff => $xff, steps => $steps, rows => $rows});
- }
-) or exit (1);
-if (!$InFile || !$OutFile)
- print STDERR "Usage: $0 -i <infile> -m <in_ds>:<out_ds> -s <step>\n";
- exit (1);
-if ((1 + @$InDS) != (1 + @$OutDS))
- print STDERR "You need the same amount of in- and out-DSes\n";
- exit (1);
-main ($InFile, $OutFile);
-exit (0);
-my $ds_index;
-my $current_index;
-# state 0 == searching for DS index
-# state 1 == parse RRA header
-# state 2 == parse values
-my $state;
-my $out_cache;
-sub handle_line_dsmap
- my $line = shift;
- my $index = shift;
- my $ret = '';
- if ((@$InDS == 0) || (@$OutDS == 0))
- {
- post_line ($line, $index + 1);
- return;
- }
- if (!defined ($state))
- {
- $current_index = -1;
- $state = 0;
- $out_cache = [];
- # $ds_index->[new_index] = old_index
- $ds_index = [];
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @$InDS; $i++)
- {
- $ds_index->[$i] = -1;
- }
- }
- if ($state == 0)
- {
- if ($line =~ m/<ds>/)
- {
- $current_index++;
- $out_cache->[$current_index] = $line;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ m#<name>\s*([^<\s]+)\s*</name>#)
- {
- # old_index == $current_index
- # new_index == $i
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @$InDS; $i++)
- {
- next if ($ds_index->[$i] >= 0);
- if ($1 eq $InDS->[$i])
- {
- $line =~ s#<name>\s*([^<\s]+)\s*</name>#<name> $OutDS->[$i] </name>#;
- $ds_index->[$i] = $current_index;
- last;
- }
- }
- $out_cache->[$current_index] .= $line;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ m#</ds>#)
- {
- $out_cache->[$current_index] .= $line;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ m#<rra>#)
- {
- # Print out all the DS definitions we need
- for (my $new_index = 0; $new_index < @$InDS; $new_index++)
- {
- my $old_index = $ds_index->[$new_index];
- while ($out_cache->[$old_index] =~ m/^(.*)$/gm)
- {
- post_line ("$1\n", $index + 1);
- }
- }
- # Clear the cache - it's used in state1, too.
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $current_index; $i++)
- {
- $out_cache->[$i] = '';
- }
- $ret .= $line;
- $current_index = -1;
- $state = 1;
- }
- elsif ($current_index == -1)
- {
- # Print all the lines before the first DS definition
- $ret .= $line;
- }
- else
- {
- # Something belonging to a DS-definition
- $out_cache->[$current_index] .= $line;
- }
- }
- elsif ($state == 1)
- {
- if ($line =~ m#<ds>#)
- {
- $current_index++;
- $out_cache->[$current_index] .= $line;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ m#</cdp_prep>#)
- {
- # Print out all the DS definitions we need
- for (my $new_index = 0; $new_index < @$InDS; $new_index++)
- {
- my $old_index = $ds_index->[$new_index];
- while ($out_cache->[$old_index] =~ m/^(.*)$/gm)
- {
- post_line ("$1\n", $index + 1);
- }
- }
- # Clear the cache
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $current_index; $i++)
- {
- $out_cache->[$i] = '';
- }
- $ret .= $line;
- $current_index = -1;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ m#<database>#)
- {
- $ret .= $line;
- $state = 2;
- }
- elsif ($current_index == -1)
- {
- # Print all the lines before the first DS definition
- # and after cdp_prep
- $ret .= $line;
- }
- else
- {
- # Something belonging to a DS-definition
- $out_cache->[$current_index] .= $line;
- }
- }
- elsif ($state == 2)
- {
- if ($line =~ m#</database>#)
- {
- $ret .= $line;
- $current_index = -1;
- $state = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- my @values = ();
- my $i;
- $ret .= "\t\t";
- if ($line =~ m#(<!-- .*? -->)#)
- {
- $ret .= "$1 ";
- }
- $ret .= "<row> ";
- $i = 0;
- while ($line =~ m#<v>\s*([^<\s]+)\s*</v>#g)
- {
- $values[$i] = $1;
- $i++;
- }
- for (my $new_index = 0; $new_index < @$InDS; $new_index++)
- {
- my $old_index = $ds_index->[$new_index];
- $ret .= '<v> ' . $values[$old_index] . ' </v> ';
- }
- $ret .= "</row>\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- die;
- }
- if ($ret)
- {
- post_line ($ret, $index + 1);
- }
-}} # handle_line_dsmap
-# The _step_ handler
-my $step_factor_up;
-my $step_factor_down;
-sub handle_line_step
- my $line = shift;
- my $index = shift;
- if (!$Step)
- {
- post_line ($line, $index + 1);
- return;
- }
- $step_factor_up ||= 0;
- $step_factor_down ||= 0;
- if (($step_factor_up == 0) && ($step_factor_down == 0))
- {
- if ($line =~ m#<step>\s*(\d+)\s*</step>#i)
- {
- my $old_step = 0 + $1;
- if ($Step < $old_step)
- {
- $step_factor_down = int ($old_step / $Step);
- if (($step_factor_down * $Step) != $old_step)
- {
- print STDERR "The old step ($old_step seconds) "
- . "is not a multiple of the new step "
- . "($Step seconds).\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- $line = "<step> $Step </step>\n";
- }
- elsif ($Step > $old_step)
- {
- $step_factor_up = int ($Step / $old_step);
- if (($step_factor_up * $old_step) != $Step)
- {
- print STDERR "The new step ($Step seconds) "
- . "is not a multiple of the old step "
- . "($old_step seconds).\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- $line = "<step> $Step </step>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $Step = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ m#<pdp_per_row>\s*(\d+)\s*</pdp_per_row>#i)
- {
- my $old_val = 0 + $1;
- my $new_val;
- if ($step_factor_up)
- {
- $new_val = int ($old_val / $step_factor_up);
- if (($new_val * $step_factor_up) != $old_val)
- {
- print STDERR "Can't divide number of PDPs per row ($old_val) by step-factor ($step_factor_up).\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $new_val = $step_factor_down * $old_val;
- }
- $line = "<pdp_per_row> $new_val </pdp_per_row>\n";
- }
- post_line ($line, $index + 1);
-}} # handle_line_step
-# The _add RRA_ handler
-my $add_rra_done;
-my $num_ds;
-sub handle_line_add_rra
- my $line = shift;
- my $index = shift;
- my $post = sub { for (@_) { post_line ($_, $index + 1); } };
- $num_ds ||= 0;
- if (!@$NewRRAs || $add_rra_done)
- {
- $post->($line);
- return;
- }
- if ($line =~ m#<ds>#i)
- {
- $num_ds++;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ m#<rra>#i)
- {
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @$NewRRAs; $i++)
- {
- my $rra = $NewRRAs->[$i];
- my $temp;
- $post->("\t<rra>\n",
- "\t\t<cf> $rra->{'cf'} </cf>\n",
- "\t\t<pdp_per_row> $rra->{'steps'} </pdp_per_row>\n",
- "\t\t<params>\n",
- "\t\t\t<xff> $rra->{'xff'} </xff>\n",
- "\t\t</params>\n",
- "\t\t<cdp_prep>\n");
- for (my $j = 0; $j < $num_ds; $j++)
- {
- $post->("\t\t\t<ds>\n",
- "\t\t\t\t<primary_value> NaN </primary_value>\n",
- "\t\t\t\t<secondary_value> NaN </secondary_value>\n",
- "\t\t\t\t<value> NaN </value>\n",
- "\t\t\t\t<unknown_datapoints> 0 </unknown_datapoints>\n",
- "\t\t\t</ds>\n");
- }
- $post->("\t\t</cdp_prep>\n", "\t\t<database>\n");
- $temp = "\t\t\t<row>" . join ('', map { "<v> NaN </v>" } (1 .. $num_ds)) . "</row>\n";
- for (my $j = 0; $j < $rra->{'rows'}; $j++)
- {
- $post->($temp);
- }
- $post->("\t\t</database>\n");
- }
- }
- $post->($line);
-}} # handle_line_add_rra
-# The _output_ handler
-my $fh;
-sub set_output
- $fh = shift;
-sub handle_line_output
- my $line = shift;
- my $index = shift;
- if (!defined ($fh))
- {
- post_line ($line, $index + 1);
- return;
- }
- print $fh $line;
-}} # handle_line_output
-# Dispatching logic
-my @handlers = ();
-sub add_handler
- my $handler = shift;
- die unless (ref ($handler) eq 'CODE');
- push (@handlers, $handler);
-} # add_handler
-sub post_line
- my $line = shift;
- my $index = shift;
- if (0)
- {
- my $copy = $line;
- chomp ($copy);
- print "DEBUG: post_line ($copy, $index);\n";
- }
- if ($index > $#handlers)
- {
- return;
- }
- $handlers[$index]->($line, $index);
-}} # post_line
-sub handle_fh
- my $in_fh = shift;
- my $out_fh = shift;
- set_output ($out_fh);
- if (@$InDS)
- {
- add_handler (\&handle_line_dsmap);
- }
- if ($Step)
- {
- add_handler (\&handle_line_step);
- }
- if (@$NewRRAs)
- {
- add_handler (\&handle_line_add_rra);
- }
- add_handler (\&handle_line_output);
- while (my $line = <$in_fh>)
- {
- post_line ($line, 0);
- }
-} # handle_fh
-sub main
- my $in_file = shift;
- my $out_file = shift;
- my $in_fh;
- my $out_fh;
- my $in_needs_close = 1;
- my $out_needs_close = 1;
- if ($in_file =~ m/\.rrd$/i)
- {
- open ($in_fh, '-|', 'rrdtool', 'dump', $in_file) or die ("open (rrdtool): $!");
- }
- elsif ($in_file eq '-')
- {
- $in_fh = \*STDIN;
- $in_needs_close = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- open ($in_fh, '<', $in_file) or die ("open ($in_file): $!");
- }
- if ($out_file =~ m/\.rrd$/i)
- {
- open ($out_fh, '|-', 'rrdtool', 'restore', '-', $out_file) or die ("open (rrdtool): $!");
- }
- elsif ($out_file eq '-')
- {
- $out_fh = \*STDOUT;
- $out_needs_close = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- open ($out_fh, '>', $out_file) or die ("open ($out_file): $!");
- }
- handle_fh ($in_fh, $out_fh);
- if ($in_needs_close)
- {
- close ($in_fh);
- }
- if ($out_needs_close)
- {
- close ($out_fh);
- }
-} # main
-=head1 LICENSE
-This script is licensed under the GNU general public license, versionE<nbsp>2
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Florian octo Forster E<lt>octo at verplant.orgE<gt>